55 books
52 voters
Books that are frequently read to young children, for example by teachers at school or by parents at bedtime.
That was Sunday, June 5th, 2016—two years, ten months, and seventeen days ago. The next morning, Monday, June 6th, 2016, she began telling me the second story, the one that you have in front of you now. The story that changed my life and, if I were to wager a gentleman’s bet, maybe change yours too.
― The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen
― The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen
You guys can play the role of being arrested by me, I’ll waltz into the castle with you two in tow, and, then, we’ll burn it down.
― Storytime
― Storytime
We are a fun-loving, small size library in southeastern Minnesota. We love to talk all things bo…more
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If you have a good book to recommend you can post it here on the page! The more vivid the descri…more
2 members,
last active 5 years ago
Leemos libros con el bibliotecario en el Museo Holocausto de Houston.
3 PM hasta las 4 PM
el j…more
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