1,279 books
597 voters
Books that are set in Japan.
Romance in East/Southeast Asia (and/or) East/Southeast Asian Heroes and Heroines
378 books
203 voters
TF-16 returned to Pearl Harbor on May 26 in good order, with one huge exception: Admiral Halsey, the sixty-year-old commander, arrived back completely exhausted and ill. After six months of intense underway operations, culminating in the fruitless 7000-mile mission across the Pacific to the Coral Sea and back, Halsey had lost twenty pounds and had contracted a serious case of dermatitis. Nimitz took one look at him and sent him straight to the Pearl Harbor hospital. The Navy’s most experienced a
― Diplomats & Admirals: From Failed Negotiations and Tragic Misjudgments to Powerful Leaders and Heroic Deeds, the Untold Story of the Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway
― Diplomats & Admirals: From Failed Negotiations and Tragic Misjudgments to Powerful Leaders and Heroic Deeds, the Untold Story of the Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway
The Goodreads group for the Tokyo Feminist Book Club at Meetup.com.
20 members,
last active 4 years ago
Camphor Press is a British-Taiwanese independent publisher, focused on books about East Asia.
2 members,
last active 3 years ago
This is our Jamaican community where we read, share and discuss the writings and eve…more
1 member,
last active 4 years ago