Kay ☘*¨'s Reviews > Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
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bookshelves: dnf, asia, fiction, historical-fiction, japan, media-tie-in, libby, library-c, owned, book-group
Read 2 times. Last read May 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022.

I didn't think that I'll re-read this book but Lisa of Troy's read-along group has this book selected for May so why not? I listened mostly and have a book for reference. It's such a slow story but I think it works for this fictionalized memoir.

Memoirs of a Geisha follows Chiyo's life which begins in a small fishing village. She and her older sister, Satsu were taken from their parents with the promise of a better life (their mother is terminally ill). They were shortly sold, Satsu into prostitution and Chiyo to a geisha house. Chiyo became Sayuri and trained in various traditional arts and became an apprentice geisha (maiko).

I'm not going to lie, this book has parts that made me very uncomfortable. The selling virginity to the highest bidder and having sugar daddy (danna). Bidding ceremonies and prostitution were outlawed in 1956. I try to remove my opinion and consider it part of history and old culture (pre and during WWII). It wasn't easy, but overall it's a good (difficult) story.

A ReadAlong group with Lisa of Troy.

2 ⭐
DNF. Bought this paperback for a long flight, but never finished it.
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Reading Progress

January 3, 2014 – Started Reading
January 3, 2014 – Shelved
January 10, 2014 – Finished Reading
May 1, 2022 – Started Reading
May 6, 2022 –
page 78
May 14, 2022 –
page 175
May 19, 2022 –
page 233
May 28, 2022 –
page 367
May 31, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Tracy (new)

Tracy  Lol. Hope you have fun! 🥳

Kay ☘*¨ It's not bad with audiobook, but names are a problem!🤣

Margaret M - (on holiday even more catching up to do) Excellent review Kay 💖 I loved this

message 4: by Nilguen (new) - added it

Nilguen Brilliant review, Kay! 🤗I love seeing the mindshift in rating from 2014 to today as well. Glad that you enjoyed it. Moved this one higher on my tbr list.

message 5: by Tina (new)

Tina Really sounds difficult yet so good. A great review Kay!

message 6: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Excellent review Kay!💞

Kay ☘*¨ Margaret M wrote: "Excellent review Kay 💖 I loved this"
Thank you, Margaret!💕

Kay ☘*¨ Nilguen wrote: "Brilliant review, Kay! 🤗I love seeing the mindshift in rating from 2014 to today as well. Glad that you enjoyed it. Moved this one higher on my tbr list."
Yes! I didn't finish it then, I'm so happy to re-read it. Thank you Nilguen and I would love to hear your thoughts on it.💓

Kay ☘*¨ Tina wrote: "Really sounds difficult yet so good. A great review Kay!"
It was, but worthwhile. Thank you Tina! 🥰

Kay ☘*¨ Kaceey wrote: "Excellent review Kay!💞"
Thank you Kaceey!💓

message 11: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Kay! Glad you were able to finish on your second try, even though it was a difficult story.

Debra Great review, Kay!

Kay ☘*¨ Yun wrote: "Great review, Kay! Glad you were able to finish on your second try, even though it was a difficult story."

I think the audiobook helps. Thank you Yun! 😊

Kay ☘*¨ Debra wrote: "Great review, Kay!"
Thank you Debra!

message 15: by Ellie (new) - added it

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) I have this one on my tbr pile, I must hurry up and read it! I do find older books often have parts that make me uncomfortable, they are a product of their time! Thoughtful review Kay 🧡

message 16: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Fun! Read a long. That's the only way I'd read that novel😂 Beautiful review Kay!

Kay ☘*¨ I agree! Thank you Barbara!💕

Kay ☘*¨ Ellie wrote: "I have this one on my tbr pile, I must hurry up and read it! I do find older books often have parts that make me uncomfortable, they are a product of their time! Thoughtful review Kay 🧡"
I hope you'll enjoy this when you get to it Ellie. I agree!!! Thank you Ellie!🥰

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