Rot & Ruin Quotes

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Rot & Ruin (Rot & Ruin, #1) Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
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Rot & Ruin Quotes Showing 1-30 of 39
“There are moments that define a person's whole life. Moments in which everything they are and everything they may possibly become balance on a single decision. Life and death, hope and despair, victory and failure teeter precariously on the decision made at that moment. These are moments ungoverned by happenstance, untroubled by luck. These are the moments in which a person earns the right to live, or not.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Often it was the most unlikely people who found within themselves a spark of something greater. It was probably always there, but most people are never tested, and they go through their whole lives without ever knowing that when things are at their worst, they are at their best.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Closure isn't closure until someone's ready to close the door.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“There are moments that define a person's whole life. MOMENTS in which everything they are and everything they may possibly become hinge on a single decision.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Revenge is an infection of the spirit.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“They won the war but lost the peace,”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Everyone carries around his own monsters.---Richard Pryor”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“The truth is the truth. What changes is what we know about it and what we're willing to believe.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“That's stupid."
"That's people.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“I don't ever want to live in a world where something like mercy...or maybe it's the wrong choice.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Chong said, 'Do yourself a favor, Morg. Next time you're staring at a girl's boobs, look up. You'll be shocked to learn it, but there's going to be a face up there. Nose, mouth, eyes. And behind the eyes is an actual person.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
tags: humor
“Suffering is easier to endure when shared.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
tags: humor
“You have to keep your mind as wide-open as your eyes, because almost nothing is what it seems.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“There was a sliver of moon and a splash of stars, and the light outlined her face and glistened on the tears that ran like mercury down her cheeks.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Is he nuts?"
"I think the expression used to be 'touched by God'."
"So that would be a yes.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Point is, people lie a lot. Sometimes out of habit. Not many people are good at telling the truth.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“This one looks good,” said Chong over breakfast the next morning.
Benny read out loud from the paper. “‘Pit Thrower.’ What’s that?”
“I don’t know,” Chong said with a mouth full of toast. “I think it has something to do with barbecuing.”
It didn’t.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Things said and done innocently should never be used as weapons.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“It's just that I'm fifteen, and I have this crazy idea I might actually have a life in front of me. I don't see how it's going to do me much good to believe that the world is over and this is just an epilogue.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
tags: life
“She wept for the hurt that he owned, a hurt she could never hope to remove.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“They held each other and wept as the night closed its fist around their tiny shelter, and the world below them seethed with killers both living and dead.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“The world is bigger and harder to understand than you think... You have to keep your mind as wide-open as your eyes, because almost nothing is what it seems.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Boy, there are people who conquered half the world, slaughtered whole populations, wiped cultures off the face of the planet, and you know what history calls them? Heroes! Kings, presidents, champions, explorers. You think America was settled by white men because the Indians invited us her? No, we took this land because we were stronger, and that's how every page of human history is written. It's just our nature. We're a predator species, top of the food chain. Survival of the fittest is written in our blood, it's stenciled on every gene of our DNA. The strong take and the strong make, and the weak are there only to help them do it. End of story.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“You see the fence as something keeping the zoms out. I don't. I see it as the thing that pens us in. We're trapped here. Trapped isn't "alive." Trapped isn't "safe." And it isn't "free.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“We had the whole 'when you assume you make an ass out of you and me' speech in school.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“We let fear rule us and guide us, and that's never the way to win. Never. A long time ago a great man once said that "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." That was never truer than during First Night. It was fear that caused people to panic and abandon defenses. It was fear that made them squabble instead of working together. It was fear that inspired them to take actions they would never have taken if they'd given it a minute's more cool thought.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“Even though a lot of people died, a lot of heroes were born. Often it was the most unlikely of people who found within themselves a spark of something greater. It was probably always there, but most people are never tested, and they go through their whole lives without ever knowing that when things are at their worst, they are at their best.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“He knew that these creatures were dead, that they were reanimated echoes who wore the disguise of the people they had once been, but Tom's words rang in his mind. They used to be people. How could he strike them? How could he hurt them? Children, women, old people. Lost souls.”
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin
“What could I do? I was afraid he'd point at me and say 'Him!,' and then lightning bolts would hit me or something"
Jonathan Maberry, Rot & Ruin

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