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Rich Dad #1

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

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Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his "rich dad" — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.

195 pages, Paperback

First published April 8, 1997

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About the author

Robert T. Kiyosaki

285 books8,251 followers
Robert Toru Kiyosaki is an American businessman and author, known for the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of personal finance books. He is the founder of the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos, and Rich Global LLC, which filed for bankruptcy in 2012.
Since 2010, Kiyosaki was the subject of a class action suit filed by people who attended his seminars, and the subject of investigative documentaries by the CBC, WTAE-TV and CBS News. In January 2024, Kiyosaki revealed that he was more than $1 billion dollars in debt.

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Profile Image for Troy.
5 reviews154 followers
August 12, 2007
I bought this book on the recommendation of a client, and from page one I was feeling uncomfortable with it. I pushed aside the part of my mind that was shouting "This guy is trashing highly educated people and the working poor!" and I was able to actually become enthusiastic about the message of the book.

Here is the message of the book, and as far as I can tell, the only thing of value in its pages:

* When you own something, it is either putting money into your pockets, or taking money out of your pockets. Owning a business or earning royalties creates income. Owning a house and a car incurs expenses.

* Try to own things that put money in your pocket.

* If you rely on earning a wage or salary to put money in your pocket, you will be forever caught up in the vicious cycle of needing money, earning money and spending money.

There you go. That's the big message this book will impart to you, and it will do it slowly and repetitively in the first three chapters, leaving the remainder of the book for the author to drone on and on about how turned $60,000 into $80,000 without ever going into specifics.

Early in the book the author lists royalties as a form of income. Later in the book he disparages a young writer who laments that she hasn't been "discovered" yet. He tells her to take courses in marketing, which horrifies her (as it would me). He goes on to explain that his best-selling books are best sellers because he knows how to market them.

I then saw the $10+ I dropped on this book as just another dollar in his pocket. He writes about 200 pages of repetitive, non-specific advice with only one interesting message (see above), and people line up to throw money at him because of a compelling title and a tough-love story. Towards the end, I felt embarassed to be seen with this book in public, just like I'd feel for responding to a "get rich quick" spam mail.
Profile Image for Dan.
81 reviews
February 11, 2008
This book may do a good job of getting you excited about your financial future but the false information it teaches negates any benefits.

I believe this book does a disservice to the public. I suspect it was written to appeal to those who are failing in the world's conventional definition of success. Didn't go to college? Can't hold down a stable job? Good for you! You haven't fallen for that waste of time and stupid rat race like all those other suckers!

Saying that higher education isn't worthwhile is misleading. I agree it isn't essential (and possibly not even helpful in rare circumstances), but the high correlation in the general public between education and wealth cannot be ignored.

He also gives poor advice in finances and investing. For example, not adhering to diversification. Or getting out of a stable job (a.k.a. "rat race") where "even if you win you're still a rat."

The author praises learning correct accounting but then proceeds to butcher even the most fundamentals. For example, his first rule is "You must know the difference between an asset and a liability" but then he proceeds to claim that your home is a liability, not an asset. Completely backwards. Any accountant will tell you so.

The book is full of exaggerated and sometimes completely false anecdotes -- for example, it appears the entire premise of the book is false -- there never was a rich dad and Robert wasn't wealthy until he embraced MLM and started selling get-rich books.

If you just want some motivation, please try another book such as "The Millionaire Next Door." If you want sound personal financial advice, please read "The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need."

See http://www.johntreed.com/Kiyosaki.html for an in-depth critique of Kiyosaki and charts showing the correlation between education and wealth.
Profile Image for L.
11 reviews158 followers
July 18, 2007
This book is not just about money. It's about how we are taught to think; how we are programmed by schools, family, and friends to look at the rich as greedy no good bloodsuckers and opportunities as risks. It is an attempt to reprogram minds to look at why we do what we do.. why do we buy all these shoes, clothes, cars, jewelry.. have we earned it or are we just trying to maintain an image?

To me the most important thing it teaches is that being educated is the key.. educated in our motives, in money, in the world around us.. educated does not always mean a degree lessons can be learned anywhere at anytime..

The book is great for people like me who think in pictures and in theory. He explains his financial theories clearly and adds diagrams to explain how money flows into and out of our wallets. I have read other financial self-help books and they were too detailed, too "do this...do that..." For me that didn't help or motivate me because, I don't do anything unless I want to do it. Other books never really gave me the why. They told me what I needed to correct.. but if I don't see anything wrong in what I am doing.. why should I take steps to correct it? This book broke down to me the whys. And now I am ready for action.
Profile Image for Allie.
82 reviews86 followers
October 13, 2014
This book has a picture of the author on the cover. I should’ve considered myself warned. But here’s the thing - I’m 28 years old, married with no kids, spent the better part of the last 10 years at uni and I work full time. I have spent my entire life studiously avoiding economics, finance, accounting and all associated disciplines, instead always choosing the history/politics/social sciences path, and then studying law. As a result, I have a big gaping hole in my knowledge, and no idea about what to do with the money that I’m currently saving. Also, I have this thing where I through phases of obsessively reading and learning about new things. A few months ago, it was fish and aquariums (I’m not kidding). Now, it’s learning about.. finance. I actually can’t believe I’m writing this, but .. I am.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book that both taught me some things, and made my blood boil. It borders on negligent in many areas, and is downright offensive in the guise of being ‘helpful’. I absolutely agree with one of the premises, that many people are financially illiterate. I also agree that many people aren’t able to teach their kids money stuff, because they don’t know that much themselves. This book made me think about what I’m doing with my money and gave me some insight into the kind of things I am now going to look into and research. But it also scared me. This book is a libertarian’s wet dream that was written to be a bestseller. He won, I guess.

It’s terribly written – it really is abysmal. This book bats you over the head with a few ideas (one of which is that The Poor should just stop being so poor!) through numerous “conversations” with his Rich Dad (who is supposedly the father of his friend). It’s horrendous dialogue; it actually.. I just can’t. It’s horrible. It talks about his father (the Poor Dad) who is university educated and hard working, but supposedly foolishly believes that getting an education and then a secure job is a waste of time. Education – what a joke, right? What a waste of time and money, that could otherwise be spent on high risk ventures that will always make you millions. That can be further invested to make billions.
Rich Dad, however, never finished high school, and owns numerous companies that employ The Poor (read: stupid idiots) who work for him, because they’re The Poor. Rich Dad teaches us how The Rich do things, and why that’s all we need to do to join their ranks.

The thing is, not everybody is afforded the same opportunities, and the point about high risk, is that risks are high. Sometimes it all comes crashing down.
The world is not comprised of “the rich”, “the middle class” and “the poor” and even if you look at it that way, it is a dangerous (and derogatory) to consider that people are poor because they don’t make their money work for them. Because they’re “losers” (I shit you not) who are too scared to take a risk.

It is fervently anti-intellectual. It totally disregards that not everybody has the capacity or opportunity to “pay themselves first” before paying bills, or quit their job to make money work for them. Money doesn’t just come to you if you try hard enough. Sometimes you need to actually pay your bills because there are real life consequences to failing to do so. Like, your utilities being disconnected. Your credit rating being destroyed.

In my view, and in reality, not everybody can be an employer. Employers need employees.
There is actual intrinsic value to things other than being an employer, running a company, and making money. Things like, helping people, making things, research, writing, hell – even working. I find it scary, that people would pick this book up, be motivated by it (because if nothing else, it’s motivating. Because everyone can be The Rich!) and be lulled into a false sense of entitlement, purpose and safety by its messages. I imagine that in person, Kiyosaki is a cult leader type person.

As I mentioned, I’m not well versed in financial or economic things – but I can smell bullshit and see when inconvenient facts or complications are glossed over. This one is getting filed in the bin, and I’m going to continue my learning elsewhere!
Profile Image for Mohammed Alsaleh.
220 reviews489 followers
April 3, 2011
الكتاب غني وثري .. ويحكي قصة كيوساكي الأمريكي من أصل ياباني .. حين تربى على يد أبيه الفقير وكان يتلقى منه الأوامر دوماً بالتعلم والتعلم فقط حتى يحصل على وظيفة بالكاد تسد رمق مصروفاته وأساسيات حياته .. بينما أبوه الغني " وهو أب لصديقه !" كان يعلمه كيف يدير المال الذي بين يديه ويجعله يعمل لأجله ..

الكتاب .. شكل ثورة في عالم الكتب التي تحكي عن الثراء وكيفية الحصول على الاكتفاء بل ربما الغنى ..

سأقول نقطة جلية ضرورية بعيدة كل البعد عن الكتاب ..

أثناء قراءتي للكتاب والتي امتدت لأكثر من شهر .. كنتُ أتأمل وضع الفقراء والأغنياء .. وعرفتُ أن الغنى والفقر مكتوب على ابن آدم في بطن أمه .. كما أن مكتوب عليه عمله وأجله وشقي أو سعيد ..

لكن .. هل يعني أن ما كتب لك يجعلك تثبط عن العمل والتعرف على طرق الثراء ؟

لا .. وألف لا ..

كون الصحابة حينما قالوا للنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام .. أفلا نتكل ؟ قال لا .. اعملوا فكل ميسر لما خلق له ..

اعمل لتحصيل الثراء .. وإن كان ميسر لك أن تحصل عليه فسيكون ذلك .. وستجد أنك أصبحت من الأثرياء ..

لكن أن تنام في بيتك .. وتهمل طرق الحصول على المال وتحصيله .. وتظن بأن السماء ستمطر دولارات أو أنك ستستيقظ في الصباح لتجد ملعقة من ذهب قد لقمت في فيك .. فهذا محال ..

نعم ..!

العمل .. مشروع كما هو العمل لأجل الآخرة ..

في الكتاب .. يعملك نقطة جوهرية وأراها صلب الكتاب ومحوره .. أن الأصول هي التي تخدم الإنسان دائماً .. أما الخصوم فهي التي يظن الناس أنها تخدمهم وهي تضرهم ..

فكرة الأصول والخصوم والإيرادات والمصروفات .. هي الفكرة الرئيسية للكتاب .. وسأشرحها لكم باختصار .. وأجعل بقية الوقت لكم لتهرعوا إلى المكتبة فتقرؤوا الكتاب بمزيد تمعن .. وتصبحوا بعد فترة من الزمان من الأغنياء فتدعوا لصاحبكم الفقير دلكم على الخير ...!

إيرادات الإنسان .. هي ما يدخل في حساباته البنكية ..

أما مصروفاته .. فهو ما ينفقه من مصروفات اعتيادية " أكل – شرب - مسكن – سيارة ..!"

وبالنسبة للخصوم .. فهي ما يظن الإنسان أنها تفيده وتخدمه وهي بالأساس تضر به .. وهي البطاقات الائتمانية والقروض العقارية والسكنية ..

أما الأصول .. فهي التي تدر على الإنسان دخلاً يضاف إلى خانة الإيرادات .. ولا تأخذ النفقات منها شيء ... وتتمثل بالأسهم " تدر أرباحاً " والسندات المالية والإيجارات ... وغيرها ..

الفقراء .. تذهب كافة إيراداتهم إلى مصروفاتهم ونفقاتهم .. ولا يصفي لهم في النهاية شيء ..

ذوو الطبقة الوسطى .. تذهب إيراداتهم إلى خانة الخصوم ليأخذ منها ما يشاء .. قبل أن تعود مرة أخرى إلى خانة المصروفات فلا يبقى في الجيب إلا النزر القليل ..

أما الأثرياء .. فإنهم من لديهم أصول تدر عليهم لتغطي المصروفات وتزيد من الإيرادات ..!

الأثرياء .. يحركون الأموال بزيادة الأصول لديهم .. أما الطبقة الوسطى والفقيرة .. فإنهم ينفقون ما يرد عليهم من أموال في خانة النفقات دون أن يستفيدوا منها ..

أجعل لكم الفرصة لقراءة الكتاب ... وأتمنى لكم قراءة ممتعة ..
Profile Image for J.G. Keely.
546 reviews11k followers
June 14, 2007
I read this book while in an Entrepreneur phase. On one hand, it is rather inspiring, in a John Madden sort of way. You see, John Madden (American football broadcaster) always makes everything sound easy, which may be how he coached the Raiders to the superbowl. He'll say something like "now what they need to do here is score a touchdown. I think that if they can do that, they will turn this game around".

I still recall a memorable game where a quarterback's contact fell out, and while he and the refs looked for it, Madden said "now here's a guy who when he wears glasses, he can see better". When it's explained in such a simple way, it really seems like the easiest thing in the world. Unfortunately, one must remember that the 6'5 defensive line is not just going to roll over and say 'uncle'.

Real estate isn't any easier. There's always some conflict around the corner to trip you up and send you back to square one (or often, square negative one). So, while this book gives you such excellent advice as "learn from failure", "make profitable deals", and "work hard for yourself", it doesn't actually give you a system or method to make money.

This seems a strange irony to me, as this book is clearly marketed to people who are not smart enough to realize that they should 'work hard and not give up' if they want to succeed, but who are smart enough to be able to figure all the rest of the logistics out by themselves.

Now, there are supplementary books that give a lot more in-depth information, but they still tend to fall into similar traps. It seems to me that you are either the self-motivated entrepreneur-type, or you aren't, and that difference will show itself often and early in life. The self-made may use this book, but to continue projects they are already working on, not to start their 'dream business' from scratch.

There is another option for the marketability of this book, but it is not one I like to think about: depressed people who feel their lives going nowhere trying to stave off depression by clinging to untenable dreams. For these types, self-help and new age books act like a surrogate (or additional) religion: bolstering their self-esteem and making them feel as if their dreams are truly within reach.

Then, years go by and the dream draws no nearer. They get depressed. So they whip out this book (or another one like it) and suddenly feel like their millionaire retirement is only 6 months away! This makes them feel self-satisfied and complacent, so they end up doing nothing until suddenly, months later, they realize they're no closer to their goal. I'm not saying people shouldn't have dreams, and I'm definitely not saying not to follow them, and I know people get attached to their denial, but it's not going to make your life any better.

More than anything, this book is a symptom of the cult of the real estate bubble, for whom property was never a bad investment: it would never go down and rates would always get more and more favorable. To say that their view was naively rosy would be kind.

One day, so the story goes, Joseph P. Kennedy was getting a shoe shine when the shine boy started talking about what stocks were good to invest in. This is what we call 'market saturation'--when one area of business becomes popular, and suddenly, it seems like everyone is joining in. Kennedy got out before the crash of '29, and an intelligent investor, seeing how many books and reality shows there were about flipping houses, should have seen the real estate crash coming.

Unfortunately, the fiscal prophets of the self-help section were unable to predict the coming apocalypse--so it's lucky for them that their money was tied up in book sales and speaking engagements rather than in the real estate deals they were pushing on others. I'd like to think that these sales would drop off after the 'miracle of real estate' turned out to be another hollow investment bubble, but in these dire times, people are even more desperate to find the path to economic stability.

Now, I know that most people who (don't say 'peddle', don't say 'peddle') market these self-help (or new age) products are not usually scam artists. Most of them believe in what they do; they believe that they are helping people; and I hope sometimes they do.

However, there is a difference between being a doctor and telling someone they have cancer to help them move on, and lying that there is no cancer because it seems more 'kind' or 'uplifting'. The latter, is, of course, morally reprehensible (said the atheist).

Kiyosaki has built an empire off of this book, and made himself a pretty penny. He has also been investigated by some critics who have challenged his assertions about his wealth, real estate successes, and the very premise of the book. There is no evidence that his 'rich dad' ever actually existed, and Kiyosaki has said in interviews that the character is, at best, a combination of people. However, at other times he has stated that he definitely does exist. And that doesn't even go into his support of con artist Casey Serin.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you will buy this book and it will turn your life around, maybe Kiyosaki is relating a true story of struggle and inspiration--but maybe not, maybe it will just be another $5 in his pocket and less room on your bookshelf for real economic and legal texts.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews101 followers
November 1, 2021
Rich Dad , Poor Dad (Rich Dad #1), Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.

It advocates the importance of financial literacy (financial education), financial independence and building wealth through investing in assets, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one's financial intelligence (financial IQ) to improve one's business and financial aptitude.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is written in the style of a set of parables, ostensibly based on Kiyosaki's life.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز شانزدهم سپتامبر سال2011میلادی

عنوان: بابای پولدار بابای بی پول؛ نویسنده: رابرت تی کیوساکی؛ شارون ال لچر؛ مترجم: پروین قائمی؛ تهران، معیار اندیشه، سال1385؛ در270ص؛ شابک9646617751؛ چاپ دوم و سوم سال1386؛ چاپ چهارم سال1387؛ چاپهای پنجم و ششم سال1388؛ شابک9789646617759؛ چاپ هفتم سال1389؛ چاپ دوازدهم سال1392؛ چاپ سیزدهم سال1393؛ موضوع سرمایه گذاری امور مالی از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

افراد، با آگاهی از گردش مالی، قادرند، خوشبخت و مرفه باشند؛ شم مالی، نوعی جریان فکری است، که از راه آن می­توان مشکلات مالی خود را حل کرد؛ جهان امروز، جهان پیچیده، متغیر، و بسیار بزرگتر از دنیای بگذشته است، در این دنیا، کسی جام جهان­نما ندارد؛ ولی در این نکته نیزکوچکترین تردیدی وجود ندارد، و آنهم اینکه، تغییرات آینده است، که در چهارچوب ذهن ما، نمی­گنجد، و هیچکدام از افراد پایین جامعه، از آن خبر ندارند؛ یکی از دلایل پولدار شدن پولدارها، و بی­ پول شدن بی ­پولها، و دست و پا زدن طبقه ی متوسط، در قرض و بدهی، این است که موضوع پول، صرفا در خانه مطرح می­شود، و در نظام آموزشی هیچ جایگاهی ندارد؛ برای پولدار شدن، لازم است، نخست یاد بگیریم؛ که با مغز خود پول دربیاوریم؛ آدم­ها آنگاه واقعا فقیر می­شوند، که از تلاش کردن، ناامید شوند، مهم­ترین مسئاله وارد شدن در میدان، شروع کردن به کار است؛ بیشتر آدمها یک عمر، درباره ی پولدار شدن، حرف می­زنند و گاه تنها خواب آن را می­بینند، ولی هیچکاری نمی­کنند؛ داشتن ماشین و خانه­ ی حسابی، لزوما به معنای پولدار شدن نیست؛ آدم­های پولدار، پیش از پولدار شدن، نخست پایه ­های یک «امپراتوری مالی» را پی می­ریزند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 19/09/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 09/08/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Garrett Peters.
36 reviews10 followers
February 11, 2015
Wow, what ideologically driven, poorly written, paternalistic rubbish! Reading this book reminds me of every conversation I’ve ever had with a middle-aged, white guy, whose sense of entitlement and self-importance has reached such a critical level that as they lecture you on the reality of life, as they see it, while doing so by telling ridiculous, unrealistic parables that border on the nonsensical

In Kiyosaki’s mind, the poor are that way because they are lazy, and spend money in the wrong way. The poor should take their paychecks, and buy some property(!) just like Kiyosaki did (although, he admits, what made him wealthy may not work for most). He also admits that McDonalds is the most popular fast food joint not because they sell a superior product, but because they have a superior business model. The lesson to be taken from this, I guess, is that business is not there to provide a better product than their competitor (seemingly against his libertarian-best widget mythology), but rather, to simply run a business. This is the most refreshing and realistic part of the book; capitalism doesn’t care about the product it produces, it’s a business for the sake of being a business. Finally, some realism is injected into the fantasy. But it doesn’t really bode that well for the idea that competition in a capitalistic economy is based on businesses attempts to produce a better product than other businesses. In fact, it doesn’t seem to be about the product at all!

Kiyosaki fails to acknowledge of the role privilege plays in this libertarian game. Although, he does admit that the wealthy “groom” their children for a wealthy lifestyle, anyone with even a small sense of honesty would realize that wealth is easy to create when it is handed to you by mommy and daddy. Kiyosaki’s “rich dad” is the one that taught him all these lessons. Kiyosaki’s “poor dad” is a highly educated PhD. I’m willing to bet Kiyosaki has no idea what it is like to be poor. Kiyosaki lucked into wealth (in large part due to authoring a very badly written a book with a coauthor that sued him) and then going around the world and lecturing people about how if you’re not wealthy, its your fault, and if you are, don’t worry about the poor, it’s their fault.

The ‘history” (of taxes, socialism, capitalism, et. al.) section of the book is laughable in its ideological assumptions and inaccuracy. But I will spare you. The main point of Kiyosaki’s viewpoint, that everyone can be wealthy, is logically inconsistent. Not everyone can be wealthy, because, who would make the wealth? There would be no workers for the wealthy to exploit to increase their own wealth, while patting themselves on the back for what a good rich person they are. This type of faulty logic and inability to accurately comprehend reality should give anyone pause. Especially if this is the type of person you are taking financial advice from.

It is no surprise this clown’s hero is Donald Trump. How many bankruptcies has that guy had? It is also no surprise that a regrettably significant number of Goodreads reviews (no fear, they wouldn’t have read this far into my review) claim this is the first book they could ever read all the way through. Seriously?

Here is a good review about this fraud himself... http://www.thesimpledollar.com/decons...
Profile Image for Danine.
268 reviews33 followers
January 21, 2009
I've been wanting to read this for a couple of years. After some recent events in my life I wanted to understand the financial thinking of people who were raised wealthy and those who were not. The first chapter was great. The storytelling was simple and informative. It made so much sense to me and I related to it. Then I started Lesson Two: Why Teach Financial Literacy. It was this chapter that I realized that homeboy Kiyosaki is quite pompous. I understand that he was using specific examples in his financial success which is essential for writing a book in this genre but he was just being pretentious and inflated.

It was a line in chapter six that made me halt and decide to put down the book for good. It was an example of how his friend bought a rundown house. Kiyosaki writes "It was spooky to look at." What? did this supposedly financially intelligent man just say, "It was spooky to look at"? He did. He's not worth my time.

I checked out this book at the library. If I would have bought this book I would have made him $16.95 richer and me $16.95 poorer. He does know how to invent money by creating a need. The need is for people to buy his books and products.

Kiyosaki's lectures and advice may appeal to some but I felt like I was being swindled. I won't finish this book and will read financial advice from people who are intelligently wealthy, more humbled and less pompous.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
298 reviews716 followers
February 11, 2023
"Rule One. You must know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy assets. It is Rule No. 1. It is the only rule."

Simple, blunt, and sprinkled with a bit of controversy (according to some), Rich Dad Poor Dad is an important wake up call for all of us...

Review to come.

"Most people, given more money, only get into more debt."
Profile Image for Samantha Cira.
14 reviews6 followers
September 14, 2007
Sorry, but this book is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo BS.

The concepts in this book, to me, are common sense and there are no concrete applications to his ideas. Yes, the poor get poorer while the rich get richer, there's a ground-breaking idea! Yes, most people don't know how to manage their money, we know, so how about telling us how?

The majority of the book is Kiyosaki wanking it, telling us stories about his life (which I don't even think are true).

If you want to learn about personal finance and investment strategies, this is not the book for you.
Profile Image for Fatima.
185 reviews370 followers
October 5, 2016
رابرت کیوساکی یک نویسنده ی موفق نیست فقط یک فروشنده ی موفق هست که توانسته کتابش را هم خوب بفروشد و خودش هم این را میگوید , در کنار این هنر خوب فروختن کتابش هم مفاهیم اولیه ای از تفکر یک فرد ثروتمند برای ما به نمایش میگذارد , کل حرف هایش که در این همه صفحات نوشته شده برای من خلاصه میشود در ای�� حرف که مغزت را به کار بینداز و مثل بقیه آدم های اطرافت زندگی را پیش نگیر که سرنوشتی جز آنها در این صورت نخواهی داشت , خود رابرت در انتهای کتاب میگوید که از کودکی تا بزرگسالی در حال آموزش در رابطه با سرمایه گذاری و تفکرش در مورد پول و راه اندازی یک کار و بار بوده و بعد در طول شش سال تمام این اموخته ها را در راه اندازی کار و ثروتمند شدنش به کار گرفته , جالب هست , این نشان میدهد یک شبه پولدار شدن اینگونه رویایی ای در کار نیست و خب همین باعث میشد که من کتاب را با دقت بخوانم چون همیشه عقیده ام این بوده که باد آورده را خود باد هم میبرد اما عقاید رابرت و اعمالش در مورد پول ریشه های محکمش را از کودکی در ذهن او دوانده بوده و بالاخره یک روزی هم به بار نشسته , حال این مسئله هست که امثال ما آدم های عادی چقدر باید روی ذهن و تفکرات دِگَم به قول رابرت کار کنیم تا به جایی برسیم که اقتصادی فکر کنیم و از پول کار بکشیم نه اینکه برای پول کار کنیم , این حرف ها فقط با عمل به جایی میرسند نه با شعار و خواندن کتاب و ریویو نوشتن در موردش , فقط تفکر و عمل و عمل و عمل و ... این را هم بگویم من از این کتاب چیزهای خوبی یاد گرفتم و این را فهمیدم که باید علمم در رابطه با پول و سرمایه گذاری و امثالش را بیشتر کنم و از مسیر تکراری زندگی همگان بیرون بیایم و مسیر جدیدم را بسازم ...
56 reviews52 followers
July 19, 2018
The signal to noise ratio is not very good in this book. But there are already many useful critical reviews on GR, so, I'll just talk about the important takeaways.

It's a generic self-help book which talks of "what" one should do (/not do) and not "how". If one is looking for practical advices related to investing, this is not an apt book to pick up.

Important takeaways :
1) Be financially literate. This makes the majority of the content of the book. Have at least minimal knowledge of
a) Accounting
b) Investing
c) Understanding markets
d) Laws - tax advantages and protection from lawsuits

2) Have total financial self-reliance vs reliance on managers for investment advices.
3) Buy income generating assets (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate). Keep liabilities and expenses down. After asset base is good, make speculative investments (big and risky). Investment is not risky, the lack of financial intelligence is. Buy luxuries last. Always ask do I really need to buy this.
4) Learn business systems, sales and marketing skills, become better at communicating, negotiating, handling fear of rejection, fear of losing money and overcoming cynicism.
5) Read Peter Lynch to learn how to choose stocks.

There is also a short biography of Robert Kiyosaki who definitely had an adventurous childhood. He became part of some small businesses at an early age of 9 and was quite imaginative in identifying opportunities to make money.

Do I recommend it?
I do think that for a generation which grew up with internet and browsing Quora or Medium, most of the content in the book is common knowledge. Also it's a self-help and not an actual investing book. But it's a short and simple read and okay to read for a beginner.

Also note that almost all the time when the author uses "poor", he is referring to the middle class and not actual poor who don't have access to basic opportunities.

Recommended only for beginners.
Profile Image for Jerecho.
391 reviews49 followers
May 13, 2019
Read this one in 2004, but maybe I read an earlier edition...

I think I rated this one 5stars. I have to review my journals, it's been too long, I can't remember what I've written.

I'll be back with this one... ���😅😅
Profile Image for Abby.
387 reviews65 followers
April 10, 2008
This is a GREAT book! I can definitely say it changed my life and they way I look at money and finances. For example, my husband and I bought investment properties after I had him read it as well. It is very easy and interesting to read. READ IT! READ IT! READ IT!

Here is one of my favorite lines from it, approximately quoted: "I have never met a rich man who hasn't lost a lot of money, but I have met a lot of poor men who have never lost a dime." True! SO TRUE. Everytime I lose money in an investment, I remember how much better I am for investing and making my money work for me than just hiding it and hoping nothing bad happens to it.

Also, I loved the story of the young talented writer who came to Robert Kiyosaki and lamented not being able to get published. He told her she was very talented, and that she should take a sales class. She was mortified. SALES? She was a gifted writer, not a lowly salesperson. (I excelled at sales, so I personally already was thinking she was kind of dumb.) Robert Kiyosaki pointed out that the cover if his book said "Best SELLING author", not "Best WRITING author". She was miffed. He was right.

I saw some other reviews saying they disliked the way he talks about people with tons of education always being poor, as if he is above them and so much smarter. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with having lots of education and still being poor, if that's all you want. This book is about how to be smart financially, though. Feel free to be poor. I want to be a millionaire soon. So I learn about money. And I love and learn from Robert Kiyosaki, who is great at that.

Lots of people look at him and get annoyed that he is so rich and successful, and don't like him. I instead look at how he is rich and successful, and try to figure out how he did it. Amen.
Profile Image for Peiman E iran.
1,438 reviews790 followers
July 4, 2016
دوستانِ گرانقدر، نکتۀ خاصی جهت نوشتن ریویو در این کتاب به چشمم نخورد... به نظرم کتاب دوم «کیوساکی» حداقل بهتر از این کتاب بود... اینگونه بنظر میرسید که در خیلی از قسمت هایِ این کتاب، نویسنده فقط خواسته بود بنویسد تا تعداد صفحاتِ کتاب زیاد شود
دو قسمت از نوشته هایِ این کتاب را که فکر میکنم بهتر از بخش های دیگر بود را به انتخاب در زیر برایتان مینویسم
:قسمت اول
بابای دارا میگفت : بسياری از مردم را ميتوان با يك بها خريد. هر كدام از آنان بهايی دارند كه برخاسته از ميزان ترس و آزشان است. نخست، ترس از بی ‌پول‌ شدن، آنان را به سختكوشی برمي‌انگيزد، و هنگامی كه چک دستمزد خود را گرفتند، آزمندی يا آرزوها سر بر می دارد و به فكر چيزهای دلپذيری می افتند كه با پول ميتوانند بخرند... بدينگونه است كه الگوی زندگی شكل ميگيرد
:قسمت دوم
انسان‌ها ممكن است كه به رغم درس خواندن و آگاه شدن در زمينۀ امور مالی، همچنان بر سر راه رسيدن به استقلالِ مالی با مانع‌هايی روبه‌رو باشند. به پنج دليل عمده، ستونِ دارايی ‌های برخی از آنان كه اطلاعاتِ مالی نیز دارند، اغلب خالی ميماند
دليل‌هایِ پنجگانه چنينند: 1 - ترس 2- بدبينی 3- تنبلی 4- عادت‌های نادرست 5- تكبر
دوستانِ ایرانی و عزیزم، این را بدانید که: شخصِ احمق و بیخرد را میشود پولدار نمود، اما کمتر پیش می آید که شخصِ پولداری را بتوان احمق کرد... فقر، ریشۀ مصیبت است و مصیبت، شروعِ نادانی و دروازۀ جهلِ انسانهاست
پیش از این نیز گفته بودم که، در سرزمینِ ما، میخواهند خانۀ ثروتمندان را بر سرشان آوار کنند، امّا هیچکس نمی خواهد پولدار شود تا خانۀ خوبی داشته باشد... شما ببینید جهل با اینها چه کرده است... و نکتۀ مهّم این است که کسی که هم پول دارد و هم نادان و بیخرد است، خطرناکترین عضو جامعه میباشد و میتواند خیلی ها را به تباهی بکشد
عزیزانم، پولدارها همواره حاضرند که احمق به نظر بیایند، تا مگر، به میزان دارائیشان افزود شود... اما قشرِ فقیر جامعه، با دروغ می خواهند برایِ خودشان هویّتِ عاقلانه کسب کنند... و همین مسائل است که اجازۀ رشد به این سرزمین را نمیدهد
امیدوارم نکاتِ نوشته شده در این ریویو برای شما بزرگواران مفید بوده باشه
«پیروز باشید و ایرانی»
Profile Image for Anurag Vaishnav.
57 reviews50 followers
November 10, 2020
Probably the stupidest and most over-hyped book I've ever touched. Rhetorical and Biased. Opinions without any facts.

Kiyosaki tries to convince you that poor are poor because they make bad decisions, or because they just want to remain poor; totally oblivious to the fact that it's a result of oppression and domination in most places. You can't just separate economics from politics and then draw conclusions. See Rutger Bregman's TED Talk to understand the actual psychology of poverty.
Profile Image for Will Thomas.
38 reviews13 followers
January 21, 2021
This book goes on my shelf of four books I read over and over, books I read devotionally. It totally revolutionized my outlook not only on making money, but also on education. I wish everyone would read this. I wish the close-minded, those who graduated from whatever school they attended and haven't allowed themselves a new thought since, could break through the stone walls they have erected around their souls and let this in. This message can save our world! I am not exaggerating.

(May 24, 2016) I just finished re-re-re-reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. From the first chapter it was like watching a fireworks show. The insights! Admittedly, I love seeing things in a new way, and I love having a different take on things. What Kiyosaki has to say on education should be broadcast, read, and studied, and all education systems in the world should take him into account. If a lot more people would read and take to heart his financial advice, I think the world's economy would be much better. Now I have to go out and live this. And I'm starting the book over tomorrow.
Profile Image for peachygirl.
284 reviews814 followers
July 21, 2021
Mr.Kiyosaki could use a little humility. The pompousness in his tone is a bit off-putting. Also, the repeated emphasis on some of his financial "gems" gets tiring. Other than that, this was a decent read.
Profile Image for Nola Tillman.
641 reviews47 followers
December 25, 2008
While driving for the Thanksgiving vacation, my husband and I listened to Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, on CD. This book helped us to expand and to think outside the box when it came to money. It gave us many things to think about and other ways to view our finances. I enjoyed it so much that I not only listened to it twice on CD, but also read the book itself.

In his book, Kiyosaki reveals that he had two fatherly perspectives while growing up. His biological father maintained an attitude towards money that kept him struggling financially throughout his life. His friend’s father, who he spent a lot of time with, held a different perspective, and ultimately prospered. The two men regarded money differently, which caused young Robert to compare and ponder the different things each dad taught. In doing so, he had to choose which path to follow, rather than just blindly accept what he learned. He applied these principles in his life, and, like his rich dad, prospered financially.

I enjoyed the way Kiyosaki introduced us to both fathers. He puts us in the scene of action, rather than lecturing us, and like he did as a boy, we learn from actions rather than words. This is more successful, I think, than most financial books, which while helpful can be a little boring.

Kiyosaki presents the six lessons that his rich dad taught him, and then expands on them. He provides examples and applications. Much of what he says caused me to change my normal perspective as I considered a different way of thinking. Similarly, as I read, I could see phrases that I and others have used that mark us as “poor.” In fact, over the Thanksgiving holiday, my dad unknowingly repeated about six or seven things that Kiyosaki’s “poor dad” had said! These statements have caused me to realign many of my thoughts on money.

As we drove, my husband and I frequently stopped the CD to discuss not only the changes in our thinking but also the inspiration that occurred to us. We began seeking opportunities, rather than just blindly accepting the fact that we were broke. We discussed business opportunities, and chances we could “work to earn” rather than “work for money.”

If this book has a failing, it is that it is more of an overview than a how-to. It left me wanting to learn more. However, I understand that Kiyosaki has several other books written that appear to dive into the subject more thoroughly, and I look forward to reading those. Still, this works as a great stepping-off point to make us reconsider our view of financial issues.

This was clear, well-written, and thought-provoking, and left me wanting to learn more. It made for great discussion with my husband, and I felt like we both grew closer as we considered the opportunities around us. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to increase their financial knowledge.
Profile Image for Reem Alkhalaf.
257 reviews207 followers
February 6, 2018
كموظفة جديدة، وفتاة ذات سمعة سيئة بالتوفير والمحافظة على النقود، ولرغبتي في تغيير الأمور ولأن أصبح سيدة أعمال قررت شراء الكتاب وقراءته عَل وعسى أن يكون للكتاب مفعول سحري يغير من عاداتي السيئة ويساعدني في ما أريد الوصول له ولكن قبل عرض النتيجة لنتطرق بمحتوى الكتاب أولاً:

اصدر هذا الكتاب لمن يريد أن يكون مختلفاً ويفكر بطريقة مختلفة، أن تكون ثرياً يعني أن تجعل المال يعمل من أجلك لا أن تعمل من أجله وتحصر نفسك في وظيفة وتشقى في التعلم لتكون نهايتك كالأغلبية، مسن يعتمد على راتب تقاعده إن انقطع انقطعت معه آماله وأحلامه في حياة كريمة.

من عيوب مدارسنا أنه لا يمكن الإعتماد عليها في تعليم أبنائنا حقائق عن المال، لذلك لا تعتبر المدرسة مصدر أو طريقة لتحقيق الثراء كما يلقنوننا دائماً، بل بالتعلم وتطوير الذات يتسلق الإنسان سلم الثراء ويصل له.

يحتوي الكتاب على الطرق التي استخدمها الكاتب والنصائح والتوجيهات التي ساعدته لتحقيق الثراء، أسلوب الكتاب بسيط ومفهوم، مناسب لكل شخص يرغب بالتغيير والإستقلال المادي، أو حتى يحتاج دافعاً ليخطي خطوة التغيير.

انتهيت من الكتاب بعد نزول أول راتب لي وليس قبله لذلك خمنوا ماذا حدث يا أصدقاء... حسناً تم صرف ٩٠٪‏ من الراتب في أول أسبوع فقط 😭😭💔، ولكن وللأمانة ما يزال أثر الكتاب والرغبة في التغيير موجودتان والمهم هو النية مهما فشلت في المحاولة، لذلك أنا متفائلة وأشعر بأن تصرفي بالراتب القادم سيكون مختلف وعقلاني أكثر، كما شعرت حين انتهائي من الكتاب بدافع وطاقة إيجابية وصوت يقول لي ستتمكنين من تحقيق ما تطمحين له.
Profile Image for Sleepless Dreamer.
877 reviews298 followers
April 27, 2021
Fun fact, this book caught my attention because the title looked gay.

I kept reading despite this because I've officially started MBA courses and I recognize that if I won't find something to love in Business, I will not be able to complete this degree, let alone succeed. That is a shame because people's amazed faces when I share my degrees is such an ego boost (which I desperately need cause cheers for crippling imposter syndrome).

In short chapters, Kiyosaki shares the financial education he received from "rich dad", the father of one of his friends. He compares it to the financial advice his own father gave him. The argument is that most people stay unhappy with their financial situation because they don't own any assets and they end up working for others, rather than for themselves. While his own father encourages him to seek an education and a stable job, his rich father helps him become financially educated.

The book is written in a very accessible way. It's clear that his target audience is frustrated people who lack knowledge and he definitely manages to make his messages come across. However repetitive, this book is short and easy.

I fear this is the end of positive things I can say on this book. As others have pointed out, Kiyosaki recognizes the importance of professionals and educated people and yet, consistently bashes them. Much of this book is filled with condescending and rude rhetoric towards intellectuals and the working class.

Here's the thing. Labor is necessary. With this in mind, not everyone will be able to apply these lessons because ultimately, in our current age, you're still going to need someone down the line doing the actual labor. Jeff Bezos can get richer with his assets but his entire company rests on the people working in delivery and packaging. So really, Kiyosaki's condescension makes little sense. His own company requires lawyers, accountants, etc, who are all educated people. Without workers, both educated and not, Kiyosaki's "financial education" means nothing. He can say these people are in the "rat race", that they're forever working for someone else but what he proposes seems to be "let's gain wealth on the backs of others!".

Really, I hesitate to stand behind the "eat the rich" crowd but damn, studying business is making me an actual communist.

In fact, I found myself grateful that I'm studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics before approaching Business. At least Economics has the dignity to pretend that it's for the benefit of others, that the market benefits from greed. Business seems to be a field for people who simply want to be rich and powerful without caring about the societal impact of their behavior (whoops, is this the right attitude to succeed in my MBA?).

Now, up until the fifth chapter, I was able to excuse this book as greed inducing and that's it. However, in the fifth chapter, Kiyosaki gets into taxes. He rightfully points out that rich people don't pay taxes so that the weight of taxes fall on the shoulders of the middle class. At this point, I had hoped Kiyosaki was ready to look at the social impact of his ideas.

Obviously not. Instead, Kiyosaki claims that this will always be the case because the rich are able to evade taxes. This is a confusion of normative and descriptive. It is true that the rich do not pay taxes however, is this what we ideally want? Somehow, Kiyosaki seems to feel that since the rich do tax evasion, we should all strive to be like the rich and evade tax. Doesn't it make more sense for the government to force the rich to pay the taxes?

Kiyosaki seems to suggest that it's inevitable that the rich will find loopholes. However, when corporations have such an impact on politics in the US (for example, if you still have some faith in the American democracy,read this paper!), it should come as surprise to no one that they evade tax. This means that the group who is screwing people over is the rich (*coughs* rich dad is a thief), and not the government, unlike how Kiyosaki wishes to present it.

Then, he talks about healthcare and old age care. Again, he portrays some of the challenges the middle class faces yet he pretty much lost the last bits of my respect when he referred to American healthcare as "socialized". My dude, have you looked at other developed democracies?

Really, the American centric nature of this book was too much for me. Like, come on, your defunct welfare state is not something to be proud of. There are other forms of capitalism which are not socialism and do include social benefits. There are other ways to build an economy.

Things don't improve from here. The book ends with more ego-stroking. To conclude, yes, financial education matters but part of financial education should be some form of social thinking. Basically, Economics and Business can't be studied alone, this is a recipe to creating selfish villains, poor dad was right all along.

What I'm Taking With Me
- Don't even get me started on his comments on unions.
- I just have so much disdain for business. For example, in my reading today, the textbook cheerfully pointed out that some airlines have "informal job descriptions" where workers "pitch in!". The flight attendants also help clean the plane and the pilots also load luggage so the company is very cost efficient. Or in other words, the airline essentially robs workers fair payment from the labor they do. This shouldn't be applauded. Frankly, this should be illegal, what the heck does an informal job description mean? #Elizabeth_Anderson_is_right
- Well, time to continue my finance homework. Can you guys believe I've started to keep track of the stock market? What's happening to me??

Life in a post (???) Covid country can be summed up as constantly going "when is it okay to be without a mask, is it still socially acceptable to avoid strangers, ahhhhh, everything feels wrong and I am stressed"

Review to come, once I figure out how this period of time is meant to work
Profile Image for Egybookmaster Kottp.
30 reviews547 followers
July 8, 2011
قرأت الكتاب بالعربية منذ حوالي عامين باسم الاب الغني و الاب الفقير
يحكي مؤلف الكتاب ان من قام بتربيتة إضافة إلي والده هو والد أحد أصدقائة و الذي يتمتع بفكر مختلف تماما عن الفكر المحافظ لوالده
الكتاب هو توضيح لانك إذا اردت ان تصبح غنيا فعليك ان تفكر مثل الاغنياء تعيد تحديد اولوياتك و ساعات عملك و طريقة تصرفك في ما تحت لديك من اموال و غيرها
الكتاب عملي جدا و بسيط جدا ��ا يحتاج ان تكون دارس للاقتصاد مثلا او غيره
تشبة فكره الكتاب ( و لكن إلي حد بعيد ) كتاب ل يوسف إدريس اسمة فقر الفكر و فكر الفقر لكن كتاب يوسف ادريس يركز علي تغيير فكر المجتمع بينما الاب الغني يركز علي تغيير فكر الفرد
Profile Image for Apoorva.
164 reviews796 followers
January 29, 2020
If you search for the best non-fiction (business) books list, the one that is popular even today is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and after reading it, I understand why. It’s one of the best books on finance and it changed my perspective of looking at money.

Told in an interesting and engaging manner, Robert Kiyosaki advocates the importance of financial literacy. By using anecdotes from his life and the lessons he learned from his two father figures, the author explains the difference between the mindset of rich and poor regarding money.

In this book, the author points out the traditional mistakes people make while handling their finances and how the educational system does not focus on financial literacy. Therefore, he encourages people to learn about accounting, financial market, taxes and investing.

One of the fascinating things that stands out in this book is the stark difference between the point of view of the rich and poor person of looking at money. The rich dad sees money in a positive light which is at odds with the popular opinion about money.

Overall, this is an informative book. It made me interested in learning about finance and managing money in a better way. If you want to learn about finance, I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Hamad.
1,118 reviews1,499 followers
December 11, 2021
This Review ✍️ Blog 📖 Twitter 🐦 Instagram 📷 Support me

“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”

I am reading non-fiction books each month and I decided to read more books relating to business because I am genuinely interested in the subject and because I want to take more steps in this field. There are a few huge books when it comes to this field and this book is one of them. There are a lot of mixed reviews about it and I can see why. Simply put, Kiyosaki is an excellent business man but he is a mediocre author.

I can not say that the author who is a multi-millionaire is not an expert when it comes to money because he apparently is. The problem is that what is provided in the book is very basic and if it provided me with anything, it would be motivation rather than concrete knowledge. The author have a few things to say but he stretched them out over more than 200 pages of how people suck when it comes to managing money. How his rich dad “”Groomed” him to become successful and then there is the chicken little example the author was very proud of.

The thing is that some of the advice written in the book can only work when there are classes of people, the rich and the poor. If everyone decided to live by the rules in this book then it won’t work because it depends on people working with low salaries and shitty circumstances just because they won’t fight against it.

Another thing that made me stop and think was the praise that Kiyosaki pours toward Donald Trump and though this was written decades ago and the author is obviously impressed by Trumps financial success, it made me think if money is the sole measurement the author uses in his life. Jump to the last couple of years showed another image of Trump which made the example leave a bitter taste in my mouth!

Summary: Long story short is that this is not a life-changing book. It has a few basic concepts that it repeats again and again while crapping on educated people and assuming a very westernized measures about money and success. The reason that made me give this an additional start (two stars instead of one) is that it kind of made me motivated to read and do more!
Profile Image for Efka.
484 reviews275 followers
December 17, 2021
2021-ųjų update'as, skirtas šiam šedevrui:
Mr. Kiyosaki-san, sir, would you be so kind to fuck off?

O dar paskaitę šitą knygą sužinosit, kad jei jūsų tėtis nesimaudo piniguose, tai jis lochas ir šiaip iš esmės niekam tikęs žmogus. Ties šia vieta skaitymas ir baigėsi. Šūdas, ne knyga. Jei labai neturit ką veikt, geriau jau tada paskaitykit Coelho. Arba pažiūrėkit, kaip auga žolė. Arba kaip džiūna dažai - vis naudingiau bus.
Profile Image for Nataliya Yaneva.
165 reviews378 followers
November 13, 2018
Когато ми препоръчаха книгата, в първия момент си помислих, че става въпрос за „Богат, беден“ на Ъруин Шоу, което до голяма степен показва колко съм заблудена в света на self-help-а. Все пак разбрах за кой богат и за кой беден става дума, та дори останах приятно изненадана.

Книгата на Робърт Кийосаки всъщност не е от типа „Как да забогатеете бързо за 5 дни, ако не ви се чака – може и за 3“. Няма да се лъжем, стилът не е на никакво ниво, тук-там се ръсят афоризми от времето на пра-прабаба ми, за броя на повторенията на едни и същи идеи пък изобщо няма да се залавям. На този вид четива са им простени, мисля, подобни прегрешения, защото, да си го кажем направо, за да вникнем в някоя мисъл понякога ни трябват 3-4-5 облъчвания с нея. Ясно ми е, че повторенията в тази, а и други подобни книги са далеч от тая алтруистична мисъл и са просто пълнеж, но смятам, че добре изпълняват и соц максимата „повторението е майка на знанието“ („и баща на затъпяването“, допълва тате).

„Богат татко, беден татко“ няма да ви научи как да станете по-състоятелни. Няма дори да ви научи как да мислите като такъв човек. Ненапразно книгите за само помощ се казват именно така, а не книги за помощ. Със собствените ми мисли обаче резонира цялостната теза на Кийосаки, че хората безспирно бачкат за едни мизерни пари (да, дори тези, които не печелят никак малко), колкото да си покрият основните разходи и да си купят някоя джиджавка, та да се почувстват хора. И колкото повече бачкаш, толкова повече ти става ясно как няма особен смисъл и трябва дори да бачкаш още. Да, зная, че има хора, които обожават работата си и са щастливи дори на малко пари, за да правят това, което обичат, но повечето не са така. А и да правиш това, което искаш, пак не кипиш от гордост, ако едвам свързваш двата края.

Още верни идеи, които ще срещнете, са тези, че хората харчат отвъд възможностите си, че се страхуват и обичат да играят на сигурно (и че така никой никога нищо не е постигнал), че нашето образование ни подготвя за свят, който вече не съществува. Децата и в училище, и в университета учат същите неща, които са се преподавали и преди 20-30 години. Да, има нови специалности, отразяващи действителността, но не се изгражда обща култура, адекватна на съвремието ни. От нас се очаква на 17-18 години да направим един от най-важните избори в живота си – да се спрем на кариера, без никой да ни спомене как точно работи светът. Моите баба и дядо (че и майка ми и баща ми) са на мнение, че трябва да се работи. Какво, как, защо – важното е работа да има. А когато училището и най-близките ти промиват мозъка само с това, трудно си намираш място в свят, който се е изстрелял светлинни години напред спрямо предходните 20 години.

Разбира се, никак не приемам всичко написано от Кийосаки за чиста монета. Противоречива информация има за него, включително, че някои от методите, които преподава на семинарите си, не са изцяло законни. Оказва се, че дори съавторката на „Богат татко, беден татко“ е съдила Кийосаки за неспазване на клаузи от договора за съвместния им труд. Чисто практически някои от съветите не са особено приложими, защото книгата е писана в края на 90-те, а и защото не смятам, че много българи биха могли да инвестират в недвижими имоти в САЩ, което се споменава като печеливша стратегия. Все пак, ако и вие като мен от известно време преразглеждате едва ли не недосегаемата поговорка „Залудо работи, залудо не стой“ и това, че е достатъчно да се изучите в университет, за да преуспеете невероятно в живота – пробвайте, може да намерите още една гледна точка за себе си.
Profile Image for Masoud Irannejad.
182 reviews121 followers
July 20, 2019
میشه گفت رابرت کیوکاسی تمام سعی خودش رو کرده تا مفاهیم اقتصادی/مدیریتی رو در قالب داستان به مردم عادی آموزش بده به همین دلیل کتاب نسبت به حجمش مطالب خیلی کمی رو ارائه داده به طوری که 100صفحه اول کتاب رو میشه تو نیم صفحه خلاصه کرد،ولی با جلو رفتن کتاب اطلاعات بیشتری در اختیار خواننده قرار میگیره ،البته نه اونقدر زیاد ،به راحتی میشه کل مطالب کتاب رو تو 30 صفحه خلاصه کرد
اصلا منظورم این نیست که کتاب خوبی نیست،حتی پیشنهاد می کنم این کتاب رو مطالعه کنید، فقط میگم می تونست خلاصه تر نوشته بشه

قسمت هایی از کتاب:

وقتی بچه بودم پدرم همیشه به ما میگفت:ژاپنی ها به قدرت سه عامل معتقد هستند:قدرت شمشیر،جواهر و آیینه
شمشیر،نشانه قدرت اسلحه است.(آمریکا تریلیون ها دلار برای اسلحه خرج کرده و به همین خاطر حضور کلی در سراسر جهان دارد)
جواهر، نشانه قدرت پول است و ضرب المثلی هست که میگوید:این قانون طلایی را به خاطر بسپار،کسی که صاحب طلاست قانون ها را وضع می کند
آیینه،نشانه ی قدرت خودشناسی می باشد.این خودشناسی بر طبق افسانه ی ژاپنی،با ارزش ترین این سه قدرت است

در سال 1974 از ری کرک ،موسس مک دونالد،درخواست شد تا در دانشگاه تگزاس در آستین ،در کلاس دانشجویان دوره فوق لیسانس بازرگانی صحبت کند. بعد از پایان صحبت های تحریک کننده و تاثیرگذار،کلاس خاتمه پیدا کرد و دانشجویان از ری درخواست کردند که اگر می خواهد به آن ها برای صرف نوشیدنی ملحق شود ری بزگوارانه دعوت آن ها را پذیرفت
زمانی که گروه دانشجویان داشتند نوشیدنی خودشان را می نوشیدند ری پرسید : فکر می کنید من تو چه کاری هستم ؟ همه خندیدند و بیشتر دانشجویان فکر کردند ری می خواهد سر به سر آنها بگذارد کسی جواب نداد و او دوبار پرسید: فکر می کنید من تو چه کاری هستم؟
دانشجویان دوباره خندیدند و یکی از آن ها با صدای بلند گفت: ری همه در دنیا می دانند که شما توی کار همبرگر هستید
ری پیش خود خنده ای کرد و گفت : فکر می کردم همین را بگویید و پس از لحظه ای مکث ادامه داد خانم ها و آقایان من توی کار همرگر نیستم کار من املاک و مستغلات است
ری شروع کرد در مورد این موضوع توضیح دادن.او می دانست که کار اولیه آن ها متمرکز بر روی فروختن همبرگر به شعبه های مک دونالد است ولی هیچ وقت اهمیت موقعیت مکانی هر شعبه را نادیده نمی گرفت.او می دانست ملک و موقعیت آن،مهمترین عامل در موفقیت هر شعبه می باشد.در حقیقت کسی که حق نمایندگی و شعبه مک دونالد را می گیرد ،مکان شعبه را نیز می خرد.ملکی که تحت نمایندگی سازمان ری کرک میرود
امروزه مک دونالد بزرگترین صاحب املاک در جهان با یک نفر مالک می باشد ،با تعدد شعباتی حتی بیشتر از کلیسای کاتولیک.درضمن مک دونالد صاحب پر ارزش ترین تقاطع ها و گوشه های خیابان های آمریکا و تمام جهان می باشد
Profile Image for Jocylynn.
19 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2008
My father handed me this book two nights ago, and said something to the effect of "interesting read--not very informative, but not bad".

After reading 36 out of 195 pages, I've already gotten a grasp of the overall message (make your money work for you). I've also become bored with it. As a future purveyor of doctorate-level counseling/psychological services (fingers crossed, here), reading the dribble that pop-psychologists, self-made millionaires, and the like are allowed to put into print nauseates me. I will admit freely that self-help books can be and are a legitimate help to many people. But the fact that Kiyosaki continues to make so much money off of a book full of relatively obvious "revelations" is off-putting to say the least.

This book will sit on my bedside table a few more days for the sake of my father's dignity. But I'll be damned if I spend another spare moment reading it.
Profile Image for Audrey.
87 reviews33 followers
June 14, 2010
The life changing book that has been a personal finance best seller for over a decade written by author Robert T. Kiyosaki. This little book has changed the lives of many people and their perspective on money, who are in misery, not knowing how to make ends meet due to lack of financial education. The contents of this book, tells the story of a young man, who is the author himself, being brought up by his natural father the conventional way of getting a job, saving every penny, working hard and climbing the corporate ladder. At the same time, he also had a "second father" who taught him a different way to view things and how to start from scratch and build his business into an empire.

I am sure many of us can relate to the story on the part where we were being brought up the conventional way to become workers. As much as we don't wish it to be that way, ironically, the education system plays a very big part in educating our fathers and their fathers to be trained into workers instead of educating them and inspire them to become business owners. Ignorance of other available choices, we are trapped in a eternal cycle of working for money, saving up and spending on wasting assets that constantly drains our finances and loses value over time. Welcome to the rat race! Unless we learn and educate ourselves on personal finance, we will be unknowingly stuck with only one way of thinking, and passing that knowledge on to the next generation. Talk about vicious cycle!

The main point of this book is to educate yourself on personal finance, which is to learn how to become financially independent by making money work hard for you and not you working hard to earn every single penny. It teaches you that you do not have to be a slave to money and to turn the situation to your advantage. There is no need for you to work for another person if you do not want to, in order to fulfill what you want in life. You are in control of your situation and you no longer need to take orders from anyone. You decide how much work you need. You are your own boss!

This book has certainly made a huge impact on my life, why not read it and see if it will change yours as well? Make that difference now.

Review by Ben Ang

Article Source: Ben Ang
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