Ian's Reviews > The First Days
The First Days (As the World Dies, #1)
This book reminds me of so many movies. It’s Thelma & Louise meets Mr & Mrs Smith meets Pulp Fiction meets The Killer meets The Day of the Triffids.
It’s something of a Bullet Ballet with two very cool heroines killing zombies in just about every way imaginable. Everything from bull bars to shovels and of course bullets. There is so much carnage in this book that it becomes cartoonish which is pretty much par for the course with zombies.
It’s over the top, up in your face, and pretty damned funny.
Ian's review
bookshelves: t-zombies, g-urban-fantasy
May 15, 2013
bookshelves: t-zombies, g-urban-fantasy
Read 3 times. Last read June 11, 2019.
This book reminds me of so many movies. It’s Thelma & Louise meets Mr & Mrs Smith meets Pulp Fiction meets The Killer meets The Day of the Triffids.
It’s something of a Bullet Ballet with two very cool heroines killing zombies in just about every way imaginable. Everything from bull bars to shovels and of course bullets. There is so much carnage in this book that it becomes cartoonish which is pretty much par for the course with zombies.
It’s over the top, up in your face, and pretty damned funny.
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Reading Progress
May 15, 2013
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May 15, 2013
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May 18, 2013
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May 21, 2013
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May 21, 2013
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May 28, 2013
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June 14, 2017
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June 11, 2019
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June 11, 2019
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message 1:
Stacia (the 2010 club)
rated it 4 stars
May 15, 2013 02:01PM
Awesome trilogy. It's dark and gory but there are still elements of hope and romance, which makes for a good read.
I'm curious about Dead of Eve...something in the synopsis bothers me...I'm reasonably sure you could guess what, it would probably bother the other ISFJ you know as well. I'll do a ninja comment on your review so I get the updates.
I've been really lazy with doing status updates lately. Usually, I just wait and review unless something's really pissing me off and I need to vent.
Oh? What is it that bothers you?
Oh? What is it that bothers you?
Ahhh yes. I haven't gotten to that part yet but I'm a little worried that it's going to go the route of (view spoiler)
You don't have access to the show The Walking Dead where you're at, do you? Other than having to pay to watch? Because this book reads just like an episode of that show.
Stacia ~ Mistress of Mediocrity wrote: "You don't have access to the show The Walking Dead where you're at, do you?"
I think one of my nieces may have showed me an episode on DVD....I don't really watch all that much TV...come to think of it the last TV show I watched was Bunheads episode 5.
I think one of my nieces may have showed me an episode on DVD....I don't really watch all that much TV...come to think of it the last TV show I watched was Bunheads episode 5.
About 2 years ago I hardly watched any t.v. I blame Goodreads friends for introducing me to a lot of new stuff, although we are lucky having Netflix and Amazon Prime because we were able to start for free (from the beginning) a lot of shows that were already in progress. I'm sure if we had to pay for anything, it would severely limit what we would watch.
Jill wrote: "Does it have any romance? Ah, two heroines aren't really my thing....you know?"
Hmm....I don't think this matters. One of the women is bisexual. She was in a same sex marriage but that doesn't really come into this series.
There is a bit of romance but not for a while....maybe not till the second book, but it's awesome!
Hmm....I don't think this matters. One of the women is bisexual. She was in a same sex marriage but that doesn't really come into this series.
There is a bit of romance but not for a while....maybe not till the second book, but it's awesome!