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Seitdem Portale die reale Welt mit Dungeons voller Monster verbinden, sind Menschen mit speziellen Fähigkeiten erwacht. Sie sorgen für die öffentliche Sicherheit, indem sie die Dungeons bewältigen. Jin-Woo ist einer von ihnen und besitzt die Fähigkeit zu leveln. Nachdem er aber von Menschen verraten wurde, erkennt er, dass Monster nicht sein einziges Problem sind.

310 pages, Paperback

First published August 27, 2020

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 335 reviews
Profile Image for Tawfek Unassumingly Awesome.
2,859 reviews2,204 followers
January 4, 2024
21 to 34
Stupid flashbacks, pictures not clear, text is missing parts and not clear, i really wish manga makers would just say we are human we are taking a break, but instead we get chapters filled with useless unreadable flash back fillers.
The story is still good, the hero is still getting stronger.
The lizards were no challenge to him.
And the rich spoiled brat made him an offer he can't refuse.
Story is as predictable as ever.
I don't think anyone didn't realize that the other two survivors were going to get killed once we saw the prisoners.
At first i thought that they were all the targets, and the prisoners their executioners.
But turned out to be he took the 3 billion to kill the prisoners, the other players are just surplus.
I like the special skills that sung keeps learning, also the trick with not using his daily reward of status recovery, really does come in handy in these fights.
Profile Image for Dream.M.
645 reviews90 followers
February 8, 2024
حس میکنم بچه شدم با خوندن این مجموعه
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,045 reviews229 followers
January 9, 2022
The action is so nonstop that one fight scene is interrupted so the hero can take some time to recover in another fight scene of lesser intensity before returning to the first. The hero is so overpowered at this point that there isn't much suspense in how the fights will turn out, and the art for the fights consists of little more than speed lines and swooshes. And there are all these video-game pop-up windows with extremely tiny print scattered everywhere.

I'm having a lot less fun now than I did with the first volume, but the next volume should have the end of the first story arc, so I'll probably pick it up and hope it stops the downward trend I'm seeing in this series right now.
Profile Image for Kathy.
431 reviews6 followers
April 5, 2022
Cada vez se pone mejor!

A pesar que por un momento pensé: ¿y ahora que seguirá? Creyendo que ya habían llegado al máximo, sigue sorprendiendo y desarrollando una historia atractiva con demasiada acción y brutalidad.
Profile Image for Lia Carstairs.
447 reviews2,680 followers
January 21, 2024
i havent experienced such an exhilarating feeling reading a manhwa/manga in SO LONG (last time was with tower of god in 2020???). the way my heart was racing reading this volume and the fear and excitement that struck through me??? i forgot how fun it is binge reading an shounen and solo leveling is looking to become a new all time favourite of mine up there with tower of god

(also there are similarities between this and omniscient reader which i got busy and forgot about so this is a sign to go back to that once i finish this)

also i genuinely need to stop reading because at this rate im going to finish this whole series within 24 hours and then proceed to suffer the worst slump possible to humanity SO🤚 forcing myself to slow down a little let's see how long this lasts
Profile Image for Emetis.
105 reviews37 followers
May 5, 2021
I’m going to review this series as a whole, instead of reviewing each volume.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into the review!

This is the best thing I’ve read this whole year!
The plot, the characters, they were all so brilliantly written and I loved reading every second of it. I read the whole thing in three days. And each volume has like above 200 pages! I was so invested in the series that I stayed up late to read it. I went to sleep at 5am each day!
Because I couldn’t get enough of this series.
I’ve heard that it’s based on its light novels, so I think I’m going to read those as well. But we’ll see how that goes.

The story follows our main character Sung Jin-Woo who is the lowest ranked of the hunters. Hunters are people who hunt monsters. One day after going on a hunt he gets into a double layered dungeon, and there he dies, only to reawaken at the hospital as a player. That’s basically where the story starts.

The effort that is put into this Manhwa is phenomenal. I personally want to thank the author for giving us this amazing story and the illustrator for putting in all this effort to bring this story to life.

My life is forever changed after reading this Manhwa. It’s not something that you stumble upon every day and it’s truly something unique. Words cannot describe just how amazing this series truly is.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
663 reviews33 followers
January 20, 2024
Not as good as the last volume, but still good. For me it's missing...personality? I know it's called "Solo" for a reason, but I'm craving camaraderie. My favorites parts were when Jinwoo was interacting with other people. But it's only volume 3, so onward I will go!
Profile Image for Muffinsandbooks.
1,289 reviews958 followers
September 6, 2021
J’ai beaucoup aimé ce tome, bourré d’action et j’ai l’impression qu’on avance vraiment dans l’intrigue générale, c’est top !
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,164 followers
February 26, 2022
Solo Leveling begins to heat up as our warrior gets meaner.

That's the route it seems to be taken. Our main Jinwoo keeps growing in strength but a bit of his humanity slips away. Especially when he kills people. I do like that he isn't just evil or mean for the sake of it, just more serious, and gets shit done when shit needs to be handled. It's a dark approach that actually works. The action also stays highly entertaining, with how fast and brutal it can be.

I'd say the only thing I didn't love about this chapter was the whole "luck" survive moment. It felt out of place. Everything else, from coning a con man, to fighting an assassin, really worked for me. Excited to see where we go in volume 4.
Profile Image for TrippyBooks.
843 reviews339 followers
May 14, 2023
Only like 30 chapters in and the mc is already overpowered hmmmm
Profile Image for DeannaReadsandSleeps.
440 reviews289 followers
April 10, 2024
reread: he’s so hot when his eyes glo. also when he put his weapons down and igris was like, oh word? me too. we can both get scrappy. put em up! 🤭
Profile Image for Laur.
74 reviews9 followers
December 2, 2021
the quality in this is just too perfect 🤌🏻💋😩
Profile Image for Huda Al-Mossalli.
269 reviews18 followers
May 28, 2023
Edit: I got confused by which chapters were in each vol so this one is wrong, my review is from chapters "46-64"

A lot of funny moments in this vol

My favorite part was in the snow dungeon

I was a bit bored at the demon hunting dungeon

There were ALOT more panels that made me pause and just stare at their beauty … especially the ones with the shadow monsters , they were drawn so nicely, the contrast of the black and the light and shadows smoke against all the backgrounds… *chef’s kiss*

Was excited when Jung Jin Woo’s dad showed up, excited for their meet up.

I kinda don’t care much about the new weapons he gets so I just skim reading them or skip in general, these parts are what made me bored the most.

I’m excited too see what happens with Jeju island.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
August 19, 2023
вау, вау і ще раз ВАУ 🤩
цей том був просто надзвичайним

кричу від захвату і йду читати наступні томи
Profile Image for Mohammad.
65 reviews24 followers
January 17, 2022
خب راستش پایانش خیلی بد نبود به عنوان یک مانهوا شونن خوب تموم شد البته این نظر منه. پایانش میتونست خیلی ساده تر باشه ولی خب تلاش کردن یکم خلاقانه تر باشه و بهتر و احساسی تر تموم بشه که من راضی بودم و واقعاااا با این مانهوا تایم خوبی رو گذروندم ممنو��م از کسایی که درستش کردن :)
Profile Image for Natalie S.
775 reviews4 followers
June 20, 2023
This one was a good one. I really go sucked in. I'm curious to see how it goes from here with his "job".
Profile Image for Mykhailo Gasyuk.
699 reviews10 followers
June 5, 2022
Вертають старих персонажів, і якщо ви за них переймалися, то вам буде приємно. Додали нових персонажів, і я особисто їх навіть не намагався запам'ятати. Ключові битви тепер розтягуються на величезну кількість сторінок. З монтажем - себто, розбивкою на кадри - сталася якась фігня, купи стрибків між локаціями, діалоги, що ведуть в нікуди, якісь довгі драматичні флешбеки для персонажів, які взагалі ніякої ролі не відіграють. Сюжет втрачає динаміку, а потім і зовсім використовує щось типу "Чеховської гвинтівки" (sic!), аби пошвидше прокачати головного героя. Герой стає занадто хитрим, занадто непереможним, занадто меріс'юшним.
Profile Image for Jessica.
944 reviews23 followers
February 17, 2024
Jinwoo Sung has developed a great deal since entering "the game". So far he's managed to hide his rapid evolution amongst the other hunters, but when an assignment brings familiar faces it gets harder. Jinwoo plans on acting like the weak E-hunter he's ranked as, but unforeseen events makes him have to use his newly earned skills in order to save both his and his friends lifes.

I loved the first two volumes and I also like this one, just not as much. I think mostly because Jinwoo seems to have become a bit too arrogant and self-assured. I actually like that he’s gained some self-confidence, but here he's almost cocky and that doesn't feel like the "real" Jinwoo. I look forward to see where this series will go from here!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Zara.
42 reviews
March 1, 2024
"you'll be as powerful... as the darkness is deep."
"I'm stronger than I was before. But somehow... the stronger I get, the more I feel something is broken inside me."
"You actually look strong. But all that's changed is physical. You're still weak."
"You have a long way to go. From here on you'll kill a lot of people… and give up on many others… including friends and family. YOU’LL BE THE ONE KILLING YOURSELF AS WELL.”
Como????? Estoy loca y sin idea como me dicen eso ahora tengo mucha más curiosidad en lo que pasará.
Siguen sin darme información, detalles los personajes que deberían saber no tienen ni puta idea de nada y siguen agregando problemas secundarios, entonces lo que deberían de priorizar no le prestan la suficiente atención aun así me encantó el libro porque es entretenido.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 335 reviews

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