Eva-Marie's Reviews > The First Days

The First Days by Rhiannon Frater
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it was amazing
bookshelves: a-fiction

I'm almost at a loss as to what to say here because I know next to nothing about zombies or this type of book. I picked this up for two reasons and two reasons only. One was because the reading challenge I'm doing this spring has a task where I needed to read a sci-fi book. I asked my friend Felicia what she would recommend and she sent me this book. I figured that at worst I would be able to plow through it and at best it would be milding entertaining. I've always been way more of a non-fiction person because it seemed to be more worthwhile in a way, like I was always learning something, that the reading wasn't just frivolous fun.
Well, this was an immense amount of fun although I wouldn't call it frivolous at all! I loved it! I can't wait to read the sequel and then the third installment!
I was and still am amazed at how Frater was able to make everything, not just some parts, everything, realistic as hell. It scared me. And I mean, it scared me bad. I'm not by nature a jumpy person but this book really got me thinking the whole 'what-if' scenario all throughout.
I'm thrilled that I found a new genre to read and I will always remember this book as being the first great zombie book I read!
The characters were out of this world (literally), if I had to pick a favorite I don't know where I would start. I like Juan a lot....and Nerit- she's awesome as hell. Katie and Jennie, the two main characters in the first one make the best team and Frater has their personalites matching perfectly without making them the 'same'.
The plot line and situations they had to go through were absolutely riveting. I found myself wanting to page through a little bit to "just see what happened" numerous times although I made myself wait and the end result was even more delicious.
I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a new genre to get into, anyone who enjoys different types of fiction, anyone who likes horror stories and/or liked being scared, damn near anyone in general really. To not read this would be missing out...seriously. At least give it a shot. Like I told Felicia- I would have laughed in the face of anyone if someone would have told me I'd like this kind of story. Even up until a week ago I'd have laughed my ass off.
Hopefully the second is just as good as this one because I can't wait to find out what happens next. The ending of this was just right- she left it so the reader is wanting more but also so you're surprisingly "full" too.

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Reading Progress

March 24, 2009 – Shelved
March 24, 2009 – Shelved as: a-fiction
March 27, 2009 –
page 1
0.35% "going to get into once I establish myself with The Bell Jar..."
March 27, 2009 –
page 24
March 27, 2009 –
page 56
19.44% "I keep having to remind myself that this isn't real and can't happen..very realistic and frightening."
March 28, 2009 –
page 113
39.24% "I was too scared to get my trash cans by myself in the night last night...lol"
March 28, 2009 –
page 147
March 29, 2009 –
page 195
March 29, 2009 –
page 224
March 29, 2009 –
page 262
Started Reading
March 30, 2009 –
page 288
March 30, 2009 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Jeannie hmmm..looks interesting

Eva-Marie I know! I got this, am borrowing it I should say, from my friend Felicia who knows a lot about these books. You know I don't know anything and I needed a sci-fi book for a challenge task.
She actually let me borrow another one for the same task that I ended up using for something else, Z for Zachariah and I liked it- A LOT.
She says this is a favorite- I die if I don't return it! LOL
I can't wait to start it!

Eva-Marie Have you read anything like this before?

Jeannie I just went and checked out Z for Zachariah and it looks so good! I LOVE apocolyptic books, they are one of my favorites. I read vampire novels...does that count? ha

Jeannie I found Z for Zachariah on PBS and just ordered it. I had never heard of it and I'm so glad you mentioned it to me. so do you like end of world books too? if so I have a few I could recommend. did you get my message about the book I got for Julia?

Eva-Marie I didn't get any message about a book for Julia? I know I have a few new ones on here though that I need to check. I bet that's one of them. I'll go read it right after I send this.
I've never read any books like this or Zachariah at all before- I'd have laughed if anyone told me I'd be reading them eventually! LOL It just seemed to fantasy like for me. But I really, really liked Zachariah and I can't wait to hear what you think to.
I'm definitely open to any suggestions- you know that! My friend Felicia is a really good person to talk to about these books if you want any recommendations. Actually, you and her have some similiar reading taste in general now that I think about it.
I think I'm going to start this next so I'll let you know what I think!

Eva-Marie Oh- I can't find the comment you left when you asked me about Bunny Tales. I'm a little more than half way through and I'm liking her so far. The thanks part I read at the beginning threw me off but I like the book and it seems to be pretty damn honest.
Of course, she's putting things in her perspective but she's giving what seems to be the bad with the good and doesn't seem to be attacking anyone. I want to try to finish it today but it may be tomorrow.
My mom said Lobotomy is still going pretty good. She's absolutely amazed that something like that could even happen. She doesn't real too much non-fiction at all so it's something really new for her. LOL

Jeannie I'll have to check Felicia out and see what we have in common...well for one..we are both friends with you! LoL!
You know reading that non-fiction book might convert your mom, that's what happened to me, I used to be a huge fiction reader (since a child with my fairytale books and then on to Stephen King) but after reading my first true crime I was converted to the "Truth is often stranger than Fiction" mindset and if that isn't true I don't know what is! LoL!

Eva-Marie That is EXACTLY what happened to me. I went from the kid books to King and Koontz and the like. Then I happened to somewhere get a true crime book.
Did you read this one, speaking of t.c.?
Cradle of Death- it's about the Noe family from Philly? The woman killed a bunch of her babies and they kept saying it was SIDS? I guess I could have looked to see if you have it listed huh? LOL

Jeannie well it wouldn't of helped you much to have checked since this was one more that I read and forgot to list. I didn't keep it so had forgotten ( I have read hundreds and hundreds of thesse books). I just posted my review based on what I recalled of it.

Eva-Marie Jeannie wrote: "well it wouldn't of helped you much to have checked since this was one more that I read and forgot to list. I didn't keep it so had forgotten ( I have read hundreds and hundreds of thesse books). I..."

I knew it. I already knew you'd read it and that you'd remember it. I'll always remember her last name. I saw the review and you're right- what an absolute piece of shit.

Jeannie LMAO!!! is that what I wrote? wild. I was typing pretty fast but yep that's what she is!

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