Richard Derus
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Richard Derus

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The Jinn Daughter
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by Rania Hanna (Goodreads Author)
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Book cover for Remarkably Bright Creatures
Tova has always felt more than a bit of empathy for the sharks, with their never-ending laps around the tank. She understands what it means to never be able to stop moving, lest you find yourself unable to breathe.
Richard Derus
Kristy and 2 other people liked this
Arthur Schopenhauer
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

Mark Twain
“Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.”
Mark Twain

André Maurois
“In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others.”
André Maurois

Mark Twain
“Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.”
Mark Twain

Niels Bohr
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.”
Niels Bohr

1026446 Edelweiss & Netgalley Reviewers — 282 members — last activity 7 hours, 32 min ago
This group was created to cover both main Advanced Copy Reviewer sites. Both Edelweiss and NetGalley offer advanced copies of books in exchange for an ...more
93888 NetGalley Readers — 5381 members — last activity 9 minutes ago
This is a group for those who participate in to discuss the books that they have been reading from the website, share helpful hints, and ...more
174106 Edelweiss Reviewers — 403 members — last activity 12 hours, 44 min ago
A group for reviewers and book bloggers who review titles from Edelweiss. We now have 399 members! Accepting new members. Remember that you can 'FRIEN ...more
118708 Secret Santa gift exchange! — 784 members — last activity Jan 05, 2024 07:09AM
Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to have a little holiday season **EBOOK** gift exchange! In order to participate, you MUST go to the linked ...more
72899 International League of Super Reviewers — 58 members — last activity Jun 05, 2014 03:14PM
The International League of Super Reviewers is a group dedicated to defending the earth against alien menaces and super-villains by writing superior b ...more
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