Book Giveaway For The Forbidden Daughter: The True Story of a Holocaust Survivor

  • The Forbidden Daughter by Zipora Klein Jakob
    The Forbidden Daughter: The True Story of a Holocaust Survivor

    Release date: Apr 23, 2024
    Enter for a chance to win an advanced reader copy of THE FORBIDDEN DAUGHTER by Zipora Klein Jakob.
    The unforgettable true story of a girl born in the Kovno Ghetto, and the dangerous risk her parents faced in defying the barbarous Nazi law prohibitin ...more

    Format: Print book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 25 copies available, 6060 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Mar 23 - Apr 22, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 6,060 people entered this giveaway

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    Harper 164 books
    132 friends