For some reason, I thought I'd love this book but there wasn't enough of anything to love except the characters. Baba Dunja's personality and stubbornFor some reason, I thought I'd love this book but there wasn't enough of anything to love except the characters. Baba Dunja's personality and stubbornness, diverse residents of her village, but nothing more than that, there was no plot, nothing made sense and many questions were left unanswered....more
Another case of a white writer desperately trying to convince their readers they're familiar with the culture they're writing about.Another case of a white writer desperately trying to convince their readers they're familiar with the culture they're writing about....more
Instead of bashing this book, I'm simply going to quote a post I saw because it put my thoughts into words:
"Japanese woman tells white American man aInstead of bashing this book, I'm simply going to quote a post I saw because it put my thoughts into words:
"Japanese woman tells white American man about her past life as a geisha. White man then writes a novel that sells itself as an accurate memoir of Japanese woman's life, but instead falsifies a number of her life events, misrepresents her trade, and exoticises her culture. He also names her as a source even though she specifically asked him to keep her anonymous. Japanese woman gets death threats. White American man becomes bestselling author.
Then Japanese woman gets fed up and writes her own memoir to set the record straight. Meanwhile, white American man's book gets adapted into a film that grosses $162 million and wins three Oscars." ...more
Was this supposed to be interesting? Funny? Relatable? 'Cause if I had to use only one word to describe it, I'd say stupid.Was this supposed to be interesting? Funny? Relatable? 'Cause if I had to use only one word to describe it, I'd say stupid....more
Knjiga je realna, samim tim i traumaticna. Nije mi bilo jasno kako likovi mogu toliko glupi da budu dok nisam shvatila da iste takve ljude poznajem. IKnjiga je realna, samim tim i traumaticna. Nije mi bilo jasno kako likovi mogu toliko glupi da budu dok nisam shvatila da iste takve ljude poznajem. I ne, knjiga mozda nema neku veliku knjizevnu vrednost ali ko zaboga cita ovakve knjige radi proze i lepote jezika?...more
Knjiga po kojoj je snimljen film "Vrati se Zone". Iskreno, nisam uzivala u knjizi. Dodatno su nagrdili likove koji su mi bili dragi iz originalne knjiKnjiga po kojoj je snimljen film "Vrati se Zone". Iskreno, nisam uzivala u knjizi. Dodatno su nagrdili likove koji su mi bili dragi iz originalne knjige. Po meni, Zoninoj i Mancinoj prici nije trebao nastavak. 2 zvezdice cisto za mastu pisca....more
DNF-ing it at 100sth pages. The plot isn't interesting enough nor is it written well enough for me to want to ignore the cringy scenes. After 100 pagesDNF-ing it at 100sth pages. The plot isn't interesting enough nor is it written well enough for me to want to ignore the cringy scenes. After 100 pages the story isn't even beginning to develop but the author thought it would be interesting to describe a few awkward sexual scenes. I really don't have to know that the male protagonist is having difficulties masturbating because his mind is wandering to his (girl)friend's pale corpse. Plus, it's kind of sexist and I don't do well with those. No thanks....more
Solidna knjiga puna humora, par puta sam se i dobro nasmejala. Ali covece, ocoraveh dok sam shvatila sta je pisac hteo reci. Stil pisanja mi je bio saSolidna knjiga puna humora, par puta sam se i dobro nasmejala. Ali covece, ocoraveh dok sam shvatila sta je pisac hteo reci. Stil pisanja mi je bio sasvim cudan, morala sam po tri puta da prelazim po pasusima da bih shvatila sta sam upravo procitala. Takodje, od dvadesete stranice sam se pomirila sa cinjenicom da nikada necu pohvatati svih tridesetak ljudi u knjizi cija se imena non stop preplicu. Na kraju nisam imala pojma ko je ko. Da nema gore pomenutih falinki, ocena bi bila 4....more
1.5, ne zelim da zaokruzim na 2 jer knjiga ne zasluzuje visu ocenu. Jedina prica koja je na mene iole ostavila utisak bila je "Mrtve stvari". Citati vre1.5, ne zelim da zaokruzim na 2 jer knjiga ne zasluzuje visu ocenu. Jedina prica koja je na mene iole ostavila utisak bila je "Mrtve stvari". Citati vredni spominjanja: "Bratatatatat" "Tras" "Bum" "Sljap" "Ka-booom" Toliko od mene....more
2.5? UT iliti glavni lik je opsednut telesnim snosajem. Knjiga je prilicno zbunjujuca, premalo informacija ima o desavanjima, svetu, zapravo o bilo cemu2.5? UT iliti glavni lik je opsednut telesnim snosajem. Knjiga je prilicno zbunjujuca, premalo informacija ima o desavanjima, svetu, zapravo o bilo cemu a s obzirom da svuda pise da je zasebna knjiga a ne deo serijala, to je meni veliki minus. U knjizi takodje ima "pritajenog" seksizma (sto je izgleda slucaj sa svim knjigama naucne fantastike iz 20. veka) sto mu dodje jos jedan minus....more
Nisam ljubitelj teorija zavere, samim tim mi veci deo ove knjige nije bio zanimljiv. Pogotovo mi je smetalo sto izjave i teorije gospodina MilinkovicaNisam ljubitelj teorija zavere, samim tim mi veci deo ove knjige nije bio zanimljiv. Pogotovo mi je smetalo sto izjave i teorije gospodina Milinkovica nisu nista vise no rekla-kazala, nepotkrepljene price....more
This book contains all the things I dislike: -flat and uninteresting female protagonist -possessive and manipulative love interest -love triangle -plot whThis book contains all the things I dislike: -flat and uninteresting female protagonist -possessive and manipulative love interest -love triangle -plot which lacks pretty much everything -story that drags throughout 300+ pages because we need to describe every single flower on the field, right??? -rather crappy retelling -using mental illness as a prop; poorly researched -slut shaming so when the pure virgin gets the boy, we don't feel bad for his ex girlfriend; she's a sLuT why should anyone care?
All the reasons above were enough for me to give this book 1 star rating but there's this one scene that will have me cringing for the rest of my life: Alyssa (aka our slightly stupid female protagonist) notices a weird creature in the mirror and instead of feeling scared as heck, she's pretty much horny.
DNF-ed it. Read 100 and something pages and I don't want to go through another 200 because this is a bunch of crap. I'm an open minded person and I donDNF-ed it. Read 100 and something pages and I don't want to go through another 200 because this is a bunch of crap. I'm an open minded person and I don't mind talking or reading about any subject but this book made me feel uncomfortable and I had such a severe second-hand embarrassment I could barely stand it....more
I have this book on my kindle for God knows what reason so I was like let's read it, what could go wrong? That's the first mistake I made. The second mI have this book on my kindle for God knows what reason so I was like let's read it, what could go wrong? That's the first mistake I made. The second mistake I made is that I actually finished it. Did I like the characters? Nope. Did I like the plot? Dear God, no. Did I enjoy any part of it? Absolutely not. Why did I finish it, you may ask? Because I'm a f-ing moron, that's why....more