emma's Reviews > The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: historical, non-ya, 2-stars, unpopular-opinion, eh, reviewed

I don't know why I started reading this, and I don't know why I continued reading this, and I don't know why I finished reading this.

For starters, I don't know why I picked it up, because although I have heard of it approximately 47382947 times, it has never once sounded interesting to me. Not even the movie version with Lily James. (And I mean, have you seen Lily James? If she can't lock my interest down, nothing can.)

Secondly, when I inexplicably picked it up, reading it did not make it any more interesting. In fact, it was somehow even less so. I should have DNFed at 2% and dedicated the rest of my life to forgetting.

And finally, there is truly no earthly reason that I finished this. It never got more interesting. In fact, it got less so. As is proven by the fact that no passage of writing has ever included the word "interesting" in the context of "not being that" than this review.

As I said upon finishing:
I'm not going to make many friends by saying this, but I was so bored by my entire experience reading this that I considered throwing it at a wall.

(Metaphorically, of course. Even the most boring books don't deserve physical harm.)
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Reading Progress

November 25, 2020 – Started Reading
November 25, 2020 – Shelved
November 27, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

message 1: by Jenna (new)

Jenna I loved the movie, interested for your thoughts on the book

Erin I loved this book (and Dawsey!) so much that I had a bit of a hard time with some of the changes they made when they adapted it for the movie.

Tinique Kluyts I loved this! I much preferred the book over the movie.

message 4: by Nora-Kate (new)

Nora-Kate Lol! Nothing about this book’s description or the trailer for the show or anything anyone has ever said about it has inspired anything other than a yawn in me.

message 5: by abi ୨୧ (new)

abi ୨୧ The movie was really good if you’re ever interested! Haven’t read the book, but watched the movie recently and was really entertained

Hazel Bright SAME. I hated this book. It seemed to think itself pretty cute, though. Definitely wall-throwing worthy.

Georgia Oman I had to DNF this, really wanted to like it but just couldn’t suffer it. Liked the film though

Nicole This was extremely boring, I have no idea what people liked about it.

message 9: by lucy Ü (new) - added it

lucy  Ü i felt the SAME way. i’m so glad i wasn’t alone because in this feeling because every time i would tell someone that I didn’t exactly enjoy the book i would get the stink eye ://

sirius proserpine i’ve never even heard of this before but that title is....... something, that’s for sure

Magical_Bookworm I didn't like the book at all. The movie was slightly better but I was still bored.

message 12: by Nick (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nick Shankle i liked the movie significantly better than the book. i was bored most of the time, due to, probably, the formatting. had it been written in a novel form it’d probably have been better than letters

message 13: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Jenna wrote: "I loved the movie, interested for your thoughts on the book"

thoughts: meh!

message 14: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Erin wrote: "I loved this book (and Dawsey!) so much that I had a bit of a hard time with some of the changes they made when they adapted it for the movie."

i wish i liked it more!!

message 15: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Tinique wrote: "I loved this! I much preferred the book over the movie."

i haven't seen the movie but i wish i loved the book!!

message 16: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Nora-Kate wrote: "Lol! Nothing about this book’s description or the trailer for the show or anything anyone has ever said about it has inspired anything other than a yawn in me."

this is so real

message 17: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Abi wrote: "The movie was really good if you’re ever interested! Haven’t read the book, but watched the movie recently and was really entertained"

good to know!!

message 18: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Hazel wrote: "SAME. I hated this book. It seemed to think itself pretty cute, though. Definitely wall-throwing worthy."

my thoughts exactly...except metaphorical wall-throwing

message 19: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Georgia’s Bookshelf wrote: "I had to DNF this, really wanted to like it but just couldn’t suffer it. Liked the film though"

i should've dnfed

message 20: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Nicole wrote: "This was extremely boring, I have no idea what people liked about it."

couldn't tell ya :/

message 21: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma lucy Ü wrote: "i felt the SAME way. i’m so glad i wasn’t alone because in this feeling because every time i would tell someone that I didn’t exactly enjoy the book i would get the stink eye ://"

i fear the stink eye is coming

message 22: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma ari wrote: "i’ve never even heard of this before but that title is....... something, that’s for sure"

it truly is

message 23: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Magical_Bookworm wrote: "I didn't like the book at all. The movie was slightly better but I was still bored."

i'm likely not going to seek out the movie

message 24: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Nick wrote: "i liked the movie significantly better than the book. i was bored most of the time, due to, probably, the formatting. had it been written in a novel form it’d probably have been better than letters"

i'm not an epistolary person myself!!

message 25: by Audrey (new)

Audrey Crow Wow never read it, now never will

message 26: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Audrey wrote: "Wow never read it, now never will"

jealous of you

Shell Hunt Same! I heard the audio book was better, but I would rather gouge my eyes and ears out than go through it again

message 28: by James (new) - added it

James Joyce I like the title.

message 29: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Shell wrote: "Same! I heard the audio book was better, but I would rather gouge my eyes and ears out than go through it again"

you're right and you should say it!!

message 30: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma James wrote: "I like the title."

no complaints re: the title

Pooja Peravali Yeah, I definitely felt underwhelmed too. The characters all felt so bland.

message 32: by Victoria (new)

Victoria K This has been sat on my mother’s bookshelf for years and years...and I have not once felt compelled to pick it up. Not regretting those feelings now.

Warren McGoldrick Read 21% of the book on the beach today. Didn’t think I could continue. Your review has helped me to decide to pass it up. See, 11 years later you’re having an impact.

Hannah It's crazy how people can have such insanely different experiences reading the same book! This is definitely a slower book, and while I enjoyed every page, I'm so sorry you didn't!

Susan One of the members of a Book Club that I used to belong to chose this as our next read, so I had to read it. (Key word being "HAD".) It was refreshing to read your review as you felt the same way that I did about this book.

Jenna ✨DNF Queen Oh boy. I've thought about this one, but never added it to my TBR. I guess I should follow that instinct lol. Sorry it was such a miss!!

Ulrika Everyone raves about this one, but I couldn't stand it. Can't remember if I dnf'd it, or skimmed through to the end, but I have no memory of it except how much I hated it. 😅

message 38: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin My local library has like 5 copies of this and I thought about reading it just to try and find out why but now i will not be doing that

message 39: by Mia (new)

Mia The movie was boring too. I can’t even remember a single detail.

message 40: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Pooja wrote: "Yeah, I definitely felt underwhelmed too. The characters all felt so bland."


message 41: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Victoria wrote: "This has been sat on my mother’s bookshelf for years and years...and I have not once felt compelled to pick it up. Not regretting those feelings now."

your gut feeling: correct

message 42: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Warren wrote: "Read 21% of the book on the beach today. Didn’t think I could continue. Your review has helped me to decide to pass it up. See, 11 years later you’re having an impact."

wait 11 years?? what

message 43: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Hannah wrote: "It's crazy how people can have such insanely different experiences reading the same book! This is definitely a slower book, and while I enjoyed every page, I'm so sorry you didn't!"

it happens!! i'm so glad it worked for you!!!

message 44: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Susan wrote: "One of the members of a Book Club that I used to belong to chose this as our next read, so I had to read it. (Key word being "HAD".) It was refreshing to read your review as you felt the same way t..."

this is why i will never be able to join a book club

message 45: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Jenna wrote: "Oh boy. I've thought about this one, but never added it to my TBR. I guess I should follow that instinct lol. Sorry it was such a miss!!"

your instincts are perfect

message 46: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Ulrika wrote: "Everyone raves about this one, but I couldn't stand it. Can't remember if I dnf'd it, or skimmed through to the end, but I have no memory of it except how much I hated it. 😅"

personally i wish i dnfed!

message 47: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Caitlin wrote: "My local library has like 5 copies of this and I thought about reading it just to try and find out why but now i will not be doing that"

good plan

message 48: by emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

emma Mia wrote: "The movie was boring too. I can’t even remember a single detail."


Katherine Librarian I read it 8 years ago and I still wonder why people like this book so much! Wasn't for me.

message 50: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah I only read this because a friend basically begged me to and I did not enjoy it at all. I’m not a fan of epistolary novels in general but this was extra bad in my opinion

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