Baba's Reviews > The Help
The Help
An amazing book that looks at the relationships between African American housemaids and their White female employers in the early 1960s in the town, Jackson, in Mississippi. The book is written by a White woman from Mississippi. A book that made me cry with anger, with sorrow, but aslo with wonder and laughter. A fantastic work from first time published author, Kathryn Stockett! A book that is not as full of anger and pain as it could have been; and in my opinion, it is exactly that, that makes it such an original and enjoyable read? 11 out of 12 = Five Star Read
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message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Jul 17, 2020 05:02AM
Thanks Grace. I hate that people are now moaning about the film being from a White woman's lens... erm, that's the whole point of the book! :
Grace wrote: "Agreed!"
Grace wrote: "Agreed!"
Thank you, for making the time to comment. :)
Greta wrote: "What an intriguing topic, thank you Baba :)"
Greta wrote: "What an intriguing topic, thank you Baba :)"
So kind of you to say, thanks Bobby :)
Bobby (da chocolate brownie) wrote: "good review. you gave me some facts about that book"
Bobby (da chocolate brownie) wrote: "good review. you gave me some facts about that book"
Nicole wrote: "I loved this book! I understand why it is criticized but it was just beautiful. Great review, Baba!"
Thanks Nicole :). I don't actually care about why it is criticised, as a super book nerd, I am happy to hear anyone's story :). This is a great book that has opened this era up to a much wider present-day audience than any other literary voices have managed, in my opinion.
Thanks Nicole :). I don't actually care about why it is criticised, as a super book nerd, I am happy to hear anyone's story :). This is a great book that has opened this era up to a much wider present-day audience than any other literary voices have managed, in my opinion.
This is a momentous occasion. Five stars! Well said, Baba. Glad this was such an enjoyable experience for you.