Ian's Reviews > Married with Zombies

Married with Zombies by Jesse Petersen
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After 5 years of marriage a young couple find that they are having marital problems so decide to go see a local marriage counsellor. And then the Zombie outbreak arrives!! Just how would this apocalyptic world changing event affect their own personal relationship as well as the fate of the whole world? - well America's West coast first, I suppose.
This is a fun-filled, modern day, good old-fashioned Zombie romp containing an abundance of all the usual trimmings that the reader would come to expect - lots of blood, lots of gore, lots of killings, lots of thrills, lots of spills and finally, but definitely not least,...lots and lots of fun! Written in a humorous fashion with lots of great characters, sparkling wit and great dialogue, this is one stereotypical Zombie adventure/journey surely not to be missed. So why not escape the harsh world of reality for a while and go enjoy this piece of pure undead rattling good fun - you won't be disappointed. Top Tip - 'Toilets seats go down!!" Rating: 4.5 stars.
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Reading Progress

December 16, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
December 16, 2019 – Shelved
April 1, 2020 – Started Reading
April 2, 2020 –
April 3, 2020 –
50.0% "Switch off from real-life and escape into this fun-filled world of zombified madness. Great snuff...oops, I meant ‘stuff’!"
April 4, 2020 –
April 4, 2020 –
April 5, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Cheryl (new) - added it

Cheryl I hope you like this as it's on my TBR list.

message 2: by Ian (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ian Great start - lots of blood and gore, but in a comical and easy to read way. Nothing deep or profound, just a great big, highly enjoyable, ‘Zombie Fest’. Think it will appeal.

message 3: by Cheryl (new) - added it

Cheryl Perfect

message 4: by Ian (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ian Lol- the lady narrating the story actually managed to kill one of the zombies by repeatedly hammering its head with a toilet seat whilst it was leaning over the loo. Only managed to do this because her husband had left the toilet seat up, yet again, after going for a ‘Jimmy Riddle’. Great imagination - can’t you just ‘feel’ her annoyance with hubby? I totally get it. Lol

message 5: by Cheryl (new) - added it

Cheryl I'm surprised she didn't bash the husband who left the toilet seat up with it!

Cathy Glad you liked it! Will you continue with the sequel?

message 7: by Ian (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ian Not sure, Cathy...have you read it?

Cathy The seconds one was a typical „middle“ book, the third one was fun, the fourth one ok... then I read a short story collection set in this world, with other characters—that one was very good.

message 9: by Ian (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ian Yeah, I don't normally bother reading subsequent books in any particular series as I try and avoid running the risk of expecting " too much of a good thing" and ultimately getting left disappointed and deflated. Usually I find that the first is the best and so I just move on to something new. However, the short story collection above sounds interesting - can you remember its title?

Cathy In the Dead Volume 1 by Jesse Petersen

I hope you like it!

message 11: by Ian (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ian Thanks, Cathy - appreciated.

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