Tucker (TuckerTheReader)'s Reviews > Feed

Feed by Mira Grant
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bookshelves: to-read, dystopian, science-fiction, adult

I find it so weird that this dystopian book took place over four years ago

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Reading Progress

January 30, 2019 – Shelved
January 30, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
May 24, 2020 – Shelved as: dystopian
May 24, 2020 – Shelved as: science-fiction
May 24, 2020 – Shelved as: adult

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Aqsa (new) - added it

Aqsa Ago?

message 2: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Aqsa wrote: "Ago?"

Yup! According to the synopsis, 2014.

message 3: by Rukky (new)

Rukky LOL, I'm laughing way too hard 😂😂

message 4: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) J R wrote: "LOL, I'm laughing way too hard 😂😂"

Thanks 😂

message 5: by Aqsa (new) - added it

Aqsa Tucker wrote: "Aqsa wrote: "Ago?"

Yup! According to the synopsis, 2014."

So... when was it published???

message 6: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Aqsa wrote: "Tucker wrote: "Aqsa wrote: "Ago?"

Yup! According to the synopsis, 2014."

So... when was it published???"

Even earlier... 2010. Almsot a decade ago 😂😂

message 7: by Aqsa (new) - added it

Aqsa Tucker wrote: "Aqsa wrote: "Tucker wrote: "Aqsa wrote: "Ago?"

Yup! According to the synopsis, 2014."

So... when was it published???"

Even earlier... 2010. Almsot a decade ago 😂😂"

Lol weird. I wondet why the author decided to have the story in so near a future. It reminds me of 2012 lol.

message 8: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Aqsa wrote: "Tucker wrote: "Aqsa wrote: "Tucker wrote: "Aqsa wrote: "Ago?"

Yup! According to the synopsis, 2014."

So... when was it published???"

Even earlier... 2010. Almsot a decade ago 😂😂"

Lol weird. I w..."

I know. Imo, she should have done 2030 or later 😂

message 9: by Peggy (new)

Peggy Confusion???? But Dread Nation I think is kinda a dystopian set in 1800s....

message 10: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Peggy wrote: "Confusion???? But Dread Nation I think is kinda a dystopian set in 1800s...."

Yeah but that was a long time ago. 2010 and 2014 are reallt close

message 11: by Aqsa (new) - added it

Aqsa Well, let's see how this book goes for you overall...

message 12: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Aqsa wrote: "Well, let's see how this book goes for you overall..."

Hopefully well!

message 13: by Aqsa (new) - added it

Aqsa Happy Reading :)

Amanda Machonis The original outbreak was in 2014, but this book is set in 2039 and 2040.

message 15: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Amanda wrote: "The original outbreak was in 2014, but this book is set in 2039 and 2040."

Oh, that makes more sense but still only twenty more years until doom 😂

message 16: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Greg wrote: "By the calculations of some, we have until 2031. :)


message 17: by Shivantika (new) - added it

Shivantika Uh weird.

message 18: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Shivantika wrote: "Uh weird."

Yeah 😂😂

Truebluedah ♪ Actually it takes place in 2034

message 20: by Tucker (new) - added it

Tucker  (TuckerTheReader) Truebluedah ♪ wrote: "Actually it takes place in 2034"

Yeah, i know 😊

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