Melissa's Reviews > The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
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bookshelves: 2018, predictable, historical-fiction

*3.5 stars*
“Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers. How delightful if that were true.”

Believe it or not—as shallow as this may sound—the stunning movie tie-in cover was the catalyst, goading me to take a hard look and commit to a book that’s done little more than float along my periphery for years.

What do you get when you combine a roast pig dinner, an unavoidable lie and the most unappetizing pie? A mouthful: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

Born from the quick thinking of a woman caught out after curfew and continued initially to thwart suspicion from the German occupation, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society took on a life of its own, becoming a salvation to the people of the small channel island during WWII. Providing hope, friendship and for some, a new-found love for books.

An epistolary novel (one told entirely through letters and telegrams), The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society picks up post-war, in 1946, relaying bits and pieces from the lives of what can only be described as a witty cast. There’s 30-something Juliet, a writer in London, fresh off a book tour and searching for that spark of an idea; something to obliterate her writer’s block. The bulk of the story is carried by Juliet, sharing her humor and reverie with childhood friends and the people she comes to care for in Guernsey.

One of Juliet’s previously owned books, marked with her address, lands a letter from Dawsey Adams in her mailbox. In a twist of fate, that very book found its way from London to Guernsey, becoming a treasured tome to the new owner. Juliet and Dawsey’s exchanged thoughts spur a letter writing campaign of sorts. With their words and stories of survival, the people of Guernsey lure Juliet to their picturesque island.

This is not what I would consider a literary tour-de-force by any means; especially where WWII fiction is concerned. It’s often predictable and even a bit silly, in some respects, but it’s a change of pace in a space that’s naturally filled with heavy reads. Like Juliet, I found myself smitten with the people of Guernsey—one of my favorite letters penned by a reluctant society attendee, turned full-fledged poetry reader, all to impress the woman who eventually becomes his wife.

The back half of the story is much less compelling than the first. With Juliet on the island, the variety of voices from Guernsey are lost, and for some reason, so is her enchanting nature. For me, the story went from colorful to drab, finishing with an untimely and honestly, unfounded question. To be fair, this is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to loves stories, so take my thoughts for what they are—the ramblings of a self-proclaimed picky reader.

With that said, there is something all too charming about a book that pays homage to the written word—highlighting the fact that even in some of the bleakest moments, books wield the power to bring people together.
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Reading Progress

July 20, 2018 – Shelved
July 20, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
August 21, 2018 – Started Reading
August 21, 2018 –
page 10
3.44% ""Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect reader. How delightful if that were true." 💜"
August 23, 2018 –
page 53
18.21% "“Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books.” 😂"
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: 2018
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: predictable
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
September 5, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by KAS (new)

KAS I really appreciate your thoughtful review, Melissa ;) I read this a number of years ago because it was recommended by a friend, but I just couldn’t get into it. My rating would have been the same as yours had I been on Goodreads back then and writing reviews! 😘❤️

message 2: by Kate (new) - added it

Kate I would love to read this!

message 3: by Miriam (new)

Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings) Excellent review Melissa 😊

message 4: by Jenny (new) - added it

Jenny Podesta Fantastic review! This is on my list for this year, and I keep putting it off. Honestly, I’ve put it off for years, but it happened to fit one of the PopSugar challenge prompts, so I’m going to need to tackle it soon.

Many of my friends have begun sending snail mail letters after reading this book, I hope it ignites that fire within me, at the very least!

Melissa Ana wrote: "My mom hates this book lol. I'd still like to give it a shot, though."
It wasn’t a favorite—despite my love for the beginning—but I think it’s still a worthy read. Especially before watching the movie. 🍿😊

Maddie wrote: "Enjoy Melissa xo"
Thanks, Maddie! Not one I can call a new favorite, but still a worthwhile read. 😉💜

April I think I enjoyed the movie better. I gave the book 3 stars.

Kathy I'm reading now and will watch movie when done. I am enjoying this even though I have an idea where it's going...

Kelli I love this one and find it completely endearing. One of my favorites.

Leona I loved that it was written entirely through letters. The movie is good, but not as good as the book. (They rarely are)

Great review!

Melissa KAS wrote: "I really appreciate your thoughtful review, Melissa ;) I read this a number of years ago because it was recommended by a friend, but I just couldn’t get into it. My rating would have been the same ..."
I think I actually loved the idea of the story more than the execution. 😂 The beginning was the great, but the author lost me towards the end. It was just too predictable and (view spoiler) I’m still gonna give the movie a chance to wow me though. 💜

message 11: by Libby (new)

Libby Wonderful review Melissa. I appreciate all your thoughts. This one has hit the back burner for me as so many other books have jumped in front of it.

message 12: by JanB (new) - rated it 5 stars

JanB I read this when it was first released and see I gave it 5 stars, but sadly this was before I wrote reviews for my books. I need to re-read it!Sorry it wasn’t a better one for you!

message 13: by Susanne (new)

Susanne So sorry this didn't quite work for you Melissa! I saw this and have never been wowed enough by the reviews to want to read it. You solidified it for me! Thank you! Fab review!

message 14: by Paula (new)

Paula K I started this book, but never finished back when. Excellent review, Melissa!

Cheri Has this ever been referred to as a literary tour-de-force? I avoided reading this for years, thinking it would be more women's lit / chick-lit than it is, so my expectations were pretty low going into this. Sorry this wasn't better for you, Melissa, but this is an excellent review!

message 16: by Felicia (new)

Felicia Nice review, Melissa 💖 idk what to think of that title though 😂

message 17: by Ron (new)

Ron I tried the movie (although I can't say I gave it my best shot), but quit on it. Not every story is for me, I guess. Your synopsis does sound more interesting than what I saw. PS. Rambling, picky readers make for good reviews. ;)

message 18: by Norma (new) - added it

Norma Fabulous review, Melissa!

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Lovely and honest review, Melissa <3 I think I'm going to stick with the movie for this one x

message 20: by Kristin (KC) (last edited Sep 07, 2018 07:36PM) (new)

Kristin (KC) Fantastic review, Chickadee! I would say I hope you enjoy your next read more, but I see you’re reading “Sadie”, so I’m thinking good things 🤞🏻

Melissa Kristin (KC) - Traveling Sister wrote: "Fantastic review, Chickadee! I would say I hope you enjoy your next read more, but I see you’re reading “Sadie”, so I’m thinking good things 🤞🏻"
Thanks, Kris! 😘 Yes, good things for sure!! 😉

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Lovely and honest review, Melissa <3 I think I'm going to stick with the movie for this one x"
Yeah, maybe that's best! 😉 Although, there are quite a few readers that loved this book.

Norma * Traveling Sister wrote: "Fabulous review, Melissa!"
Thank you, Norma!! 💜

Ron wrote: "I tried the movie (although I can't say I gave it my best shot), but quit on it. Not every story is for me, I guess. Your synopsis does sound more interesting than what I saw. PS. Rambling, picky r..."
Ooooh . . . really? I guess I better lower my expectations a bit. 🤣🙈 I was hoping maybe this would be one of those rare times when the movie was better than the book.

Felicia wrote: "Nice review, Melissa 💖 idk what to think of that title though 😂"
Right?! It's a mouthful! 🤣

Cheri wrote: "Has this ever been referred to as a literary tour-de-force? I avoided reading this for years, thinking it would be more women's lit / chick-lit than it is, so my expectations were pretty low going ..."
Hahahaha . . . no! Those are my words. 🤣🙈 I guess I just wanted to put it out there that this wasn't comparable to other books that take place during this time period?? In my opinion, of course. 😉 I'm glad to see you really enjoyed this one. 💜

Paula wrote: "I started this book, but never finished back when. Excellent review, Melissa!"
Thanks, Paula! I really thought this was going to be a new favorite, so I'm kinda bummed about that. But, I guess we can't love them all.

Susanne wrote: "So sorry this didn't quite work for you Melissa! I saw this and have never been wowed enough by the reviews to want to read it. You solidified it for me! Thank you! Fab review!"
Thanks, Susanne! Like I said, it was the pretty cover on my stroll through Target that grabbed me. Honestly, I might not have picked it up otherwise. 🤣🙈

JanB wrote: "I read this when it was first released and see I gave it 5 stars, but sadly this was before I wrote reviews for my books. I need to re-read it!Sorry it wasn’t a better one for you!"
Thanks, Jan! There were things I really enjoyed about it and others, not so much. I'm still looking forward to watching the movie though. 💜

Libby wrote: "Wonderful review Melissa. I appreciate all your thoughts. This one has hit the back burner for me as so many other books have jumped in front of it."
That seems to happen quite a bit, doesn't it?! 🤣 Too many books and not enough time.

message 22: by Nazanin (new)

Nazanin Terrific review, Melissa! xoxo

Rebekah this was one of my favorite books of the year. but your review was fair and well-written. what did you mean by " finishing with an untimely and honestly, unfounded question." ?

Melissa Rebekah wrote: "this was one of my favorite books of the year. but your review was fair and well-written. what did you mean by " finishing with an untimely and honestly, unfounded question." ?"
I'm so glad you had better luck with this one, Rebekah! (view spoiler) Have you had a chance to watch the movie?

Nazanin wrote: "Terrific review, Melissa! xoxo"
Thank you, Nazanin! 💜

Rebekah Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I thought they did a good job of making the decisions that cut it down to 2 hours. And the casting was excellent. Of course, I wish it had been a mini-series.

BeccaJBooks Great review, even if I disagree with some points! :) (I gave it 5*).

This is one of my favourite books, and as a die hard crime/thriller fan that is saying something.

I loved how they all shared the same passion for reading and books. I have seen the film and I DID NOT like it! It was nothing like the book, in my opinion. But hey, books are always better than the film version to me.

Melissa Becca wrote: "Great review, even if I disagree with some points! :) (I gave it 5*).

This is one of my favourite books, and as a die hard crime/thriller fan that is saying something.

I loved how they all shared..."

Hey, that’s what keeps life interesting, right? Life would be boring if we all liked the same things. 😂 I also enjoyed how the characters all shared a love for books—especially those that started to read because of the society. The author lost me near the end. I didn’t care for how things played out between Juliet and Dawsey. Not what happened, but how. It felt wayyyyyy too rushed . . . to me. I’m still looking forward to the movie; although, you’re right, the movie is rarely, if ever, better than the book. 😊

Rebekah wrote: "Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I thought they did a good job of making the decisions that cut it down to 2 hours. And the casting was excellent. Of course, I wish it had been a mini-series."
I’m looking forward to watching it! Hopefully this weekend. 🤞😊

Maddie wrote: "Terrific review Melissa
Happy reading 💕💋"

Thanks, Maddie! 💜

Angela M Melissa, I think I liked it more than you, but enjoyed your review. Loved your last sentence!

message 29: by Chan (new)

Chan Beautiful review.

message 30: by Debby *BabyDee* (new)

Debby *BabyDee* Very nice review

Melissa Angela M wrote: "Melissa, I think I liked it more than you, but enjoyed your review. Loved your last sentence!"

Thanks, Angela! I really enjoyed the first half, the second, not so much. I do love that the society brought so many people together and turned them in to readers. ☺️

Chan wrote: "Beautiful review."
Thank you, Chan! 💜

Debby "Piene Raven" wrote: "Very nice review"
Thank you! 😊

message 32: by Crumb (new) - added it

Crumb This was an absolutely wonderful review... Thanks Melissa!

message 33: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie Great review, Melissa!!

Melissa Crumb wrote: "This was an absolutely wonderful review... Thanks Melissa!"
Thank you, Crumb! 😬💜

Julie wrote: "Great review, Melissa!!"
Thanks, Julie! 💜

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Melissa!

Melissa Meredith wrote: "Fabulous review, Melissa!"

Thank you, Meredith! 😬

message 37: by Sumit (new)

Sumit RK Awesome Review, Melissa!

message 38: by Mike (new)

Mike Wonderful review, Melissa. Loved your concluding paragraph.

Canadian Jen Nice review, Melissa. I’m
Looking forward to seeing the movie too

Melissa Jen wrote: "Nice review, Melissa. I’m
Looking forward to seeing the movie too"

I’m hoping to squeeze it in this weekend! 🤞😊

Mike wrote: "Wonderful review, Melissa. Loved your concluding paragraph."
Thank you, Mike! 😬

Sumit wrote: "Awesome Review, Melissa!"
Thank you, Sumit! 😊

She Isabel I just finished this book. I was so excited about getting to the end and I felt kinda blah at the end. No courtship between the main characters Dawsey and Juliet, or romance development. Very anticlimactic when it came to the characters romance interaction. I did enjoy reading about the people in the island and how resourceful they were.

Alfreda Samana Loved the review.I read the book and saw the movie-yesterday😊What I liked was a lesson in history but otherwise it was so predictable and, sorry, simple.

Rumpa Thats a fabulous review :)

message 44: by Lita (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lita How very sad that someone would feel the need to attack a person who died before her first work was ever published!

message 45: by Mai (new)

Mai Black Love this: 'With that said, there is something all too charming about a book that pays homage to the written word—highlighting the fact that even in some of the bleakest moments, books wield the power to bring people together.'

Hi Melissa, the last paragraph of your review describes almost exactly the book I've written and am trying to get published. I'm looking for similar novels to refer to when approaching agents. Can you think of any other books like that. Mine is set in 1730s London so it would be great if there is one set around that time.

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