Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
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it was amazing
bookshelves: eschbach-andreas

A timeless genre picture of a strong woman making the best out of terrible circumstances.

Not just the personal story of the main protagonist is very well written, it´s how Japans´culture and history are shown in a new perspective one wouldn´t have ever thought of because of the stigmas and prejudices the same men haunting the poor women are imposing on them with their conservative, misogynic policy.

The Asian way
Sexist male dominance manifested in many different forms and how the Japanese culture arranged prostitution has hardly ever been described in such memorable words, metaphors, and pictures. The strange thing is that all that glitter and glamour around it, letting it seem cultivated and less primitive, creates the disturbing impression that it´s not as bad as it is, something so cognitive biasy that it´s hard to stomach, understand, and put in context to the cultural impact, especially when comparing the very different approaches towards it around the world.

Prostituion by region
As so often, the Scandinavians set the best, new policies
, with „Neo-abolitionism - illegal to buy sex and for 3rd party involvement, legal to sell sex“ (that´s once a word with Neo that is not evil)
thereby making it illegal for the clients to buy sex and not criminalize the prostitutes. That´s an important approach away from victim blaming and slut shaming, the punishment of the female victims, and offender protection that is law in many other bigoted, conservative, sexist states, towards a more enlightened society. Critics like to claim that this would increase sexual violence and rape, but maybe just every sexual offender should be facing life imprisonment without any chance of probation, maybe including permanent chemical castration so that he can´t all the time happily masturbate to his snuff rape fantasies in his cell.

Traditions and culture of exploitation
According to the stereotypical calm, silent, mindful, and introverted Asian mentality, even the sex business is full of ceremonies, traditions, and elements that couldn´t have developed in other cultures with less focus on elegance and aesthetics. Of course, it´s still sick and disgusting, but at least it goes with the option for women to reach a certain status and adds art, culture, and class to the perverted mix.

Talent and obsession
It´s one of the greatest fiction without fantasy novels I´ve read, one of the rare cases when talent meets the lifelong interest of an author in a topic or culture and is distilled to something so amazing that it isn´t exaggerated to say that there might hardly be ever a similar novel written that has the same intensity in dealing with this theme.

Sociocultural impact of prostitution
What´s more bigoted, letting it all seem shiny, noble, and cultivated, hiding it or making it illegal or the open, direct, strangely still somewhat illegal, Western way? There is so much behind this, parts of it already mentioned in „Prostitution by region“, and it would take far too long to mention all the complexity, and especially misogyny, behind it. And who is causing and promoting it for millennia, and I don´t mean the male sex drive alone, but to what institutions, that make sex and love punished, abolished, or dominated by crazy, stupid rules full of sexism, hate, and misogyny, its degeneracy has mutated. The faithful creating hell on Earth for multi k years since the neolithic, first agricultural revolution to install bloody dictatorships, what a slogan.

I don´t know if there are hidden implications and innuendos about Western trade traditions, especially how to get bestselling products into the Chinese market,
I don´t get, but it seems quite probable that there is something deep lurking in the big history meta background. However, even without that, and me overanalyzing and seeing things that aren´t there as if high as heck, it´s always a great trope to get someone insane in the membrane to get the plot started, show ones´ brain on whatever, and how people slowly fall to pieces.

Subjective insecurity
This is absolutely not my genre, so my impression and subjective review might be more than incompetent regarding established rating standards, but I definitively like this different, character focused style of storytelling that teaches much about foreign cultures. Hopefully, the writer did his research and it´s accurate, because some reviewers seem to be critical regarding this fact. But, as said, I am an absolute amateur in reading protagonist´ focused stuff and just loved the show.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Pat (new)

Pat Interesting perspective Mario. I read this years ago and must admit I didn’t think too deeply about it but you make some interesting points!

Mario the lone bookwolf Pat wrote: "Interesting perspective Mario. I read this years ago and must admit I didn’t think too deeply about it but you make some interesting points!"

This overthinking thing is something I should have put on my new years´ resolution list, but now it´s too late.

message 3: by Linda (new)

Linda The book is still on my always-growing to read pile, but the topics you describe is in my head for a long time already. I guess firstly since my friend started to work with women who are prostituting themselves in streets of Riga. Then later when I started volunteering in local male prison in my city. I am not involved in work with sex offenders (at least not that I'm aware off), but there are volunteers who work precisely with this targed group. Too much for me at this part of my life. Anyways, with sex-offenders they are practicing a thing that is called support circles. Which means meeting at least 2 volunteers (but preferably more) and the person who has done the crime and talking about things. Any things. Hobbies, interests, politics etc. Because the research shows that one thing that is in common for all sex offenders is that they are complete outsiders which is one of (most probably many) elements why they do the crime. So by dealing this issue a risk to repeat the crime is reduced.
This made me thing a lot.

But for sure filling prisons up with life sentences is not an answer to our society.

Scarlet Very insightful review. This is one of my favorite books, yet I'm wary about recommending it because it is so very discomfiting. Prostitution as an art form - makes me squirm but still cannot deny that the book was captivating and extremely lyrical.

message 5: by HBalikov (new)

HBalikov Excellent deconstruction. There are some important insights into Japanese culture. Thanks.

Mario the lone bookwolf Linda wrote: "The book is still on my always-growing to read pile, but the topics you describe is in my head for a long time already. I guess firstly since my friend started to work with women who are prostituti..."

That´s a highly subjective thing, but because victims aren´t protected and criminals get out of prison again and again, i don´t really believe in letting them get new victims to ruin their lives. This happened so often, because the sex drive is a very strong primal instinct, that I don´t really see any other realistic option than filling up prisons.

Other criminals who committed crimes for money to survive can be rehabilitated with a job and more social justice, but one can´t take away the sexual orientation of a rapist or pedophile, that´s just not possible. Nobody ever told me that they want rehabilitated serial rapists as new neighbors.

Mario the lone bookwolf Scarlet wrote: "Very insightful review. This is one of my favorite books, yet I'm wary about recommending it because it is so very discomfiting. Prostitution as an art form - makes me squirm but still cannot deny ..."

Thank you!
"Prostitution as an art form" That´s a perfect description of both the book and the inspiration for it. Although it´s of course just the high class prostitute level, most of real life doesn´t look that sophisticated.

Mario the lone bookwolf HBalikov wrote: "Excellent deconstruction. There are some important insights into Japanese culture. Thanks."

Thank you for liking it.
Asian culture is just fascinating.

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