karen's Reviews > Feed

Feed by Mira Grant
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bookshelves: october-is-spooky, zombies-r-bitey

three stars - look at me!! i am right in the middle of the road with this one!! watch out for traffic, karen!!!

i wanted to read this as soon as it came out. i think i bought it the week we got it into the store. but, you know how i roll, this was just sitting around for ages and ages in a stack by the door. and then i heard that it was amaaaazing. and then i heard that it was terrrrrible. and etc etc.

and it wasn't until zombie month 2011 that i managed to see for my damn self.

and for me, it was good but i have no choice but to rate it in terms of the other zombie books i have read thus far. it was way better than dust and frail, but not as good as the reapers are the angels or raising stony mayhall. so we gotta go with a solid and respectable three. fair is fair, after all.

i loved the characters in this book, i gotta say. george and shaun are both such damaged and driven people. and i was so relieved that grant didn't go where it looked like she wanted to go with their characters. she was toeing the line there for a while, and i was rolling my eyes and giving her warnings, but she never toppled over into 'ick' territory, and that made ME feel like the creep for seeing things that weren't there. i shake my fist at you, ms. grant, but appreciate that you made their relationship so exceptional without making it exceptionally gross.

also great is the world building. it is dense with details and mostly reasonable; on the one hand the virus' transmission or "activation" is really cool. and not something i have seen before. so - nicely done there. on the other hand - does anyone remember the dandy warhols today, in 2011?? i don't think anyone in 2040 will be remembering them. there is nostalgia, and then there is just foolishness. but other than that, i enjoyed the details that were original and specific to this particular zombie world. that is always my favorite part of these kinds of books: what the author is contributing to the mythology that is unique to their story.

the only reason i didn't like this as much as the two books that i really loved is because it is more of a traditional zombie story - an action story with political cover-ups and a central mystery and numerous action sequences. the books i found particularly great were more tricksy in the way they used the zombies. but that doesn't mean i am not going to read the second one. or the e-book short stories.

i am curious to see where she takes the story, now that THE THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN THIS BOOK HAVE HAPPENED. is my version of dancing around spoilers. all i know is that i liked this book, and even though i had to write some damn paper in the middle of it, which made my house look like this for a week or so:

 photo DSC03929_zps80dc5ed9.jpg

(which looks totally cluttered, but is actually very carefully arranged.), i still was very interested in getting back to this book, and it was easy to fall back into its world when i needed a break from academia. i am going to read the second part later in the week, and then i guess wait patiently for the third part.

as a bonus, here is a picture of my cat in a drawer.

 photo DSC03931_zps6a8d94a2.jpg

man, i have lost the knack for writing book reports. i all dizzy from learning. who wants to read a paper about readers' advisory?

come to my blog!
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Reading Progress

October 19, 2011 – Started Reading
October 19, 2011 – Shelved
October 24, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 64 (64 new)

Wendy Darling Be sure you have Deadline ready, too. But be careful about spoilers for both books, they're everywhere!

karen it is next on the stack. and then youuu peeeople can tell me how to access that e-book one? the short story?

Wendy Darling There are two short stories, but I'm afraid you'd have to order them as ebooks and read them on a computer since you don't do the ereader thing!

karen yeah. but i can borrow a nook from work! i will do it after zombie month. i am writing the review for this book as we speak!

Wendy Darling Awesome! I am waiting with bated breath.

karen ok, then i will focus - i keep getting distracted by other things...


Crowinator I love you for quoting The Legend of Billie Jean.

karen oh, most definitely. my formative years, man - billie jean - i still choke up a little...

message 9: by ivana18 (new)

ivana18 Nice review Karen. LOL, I wasn't aware that this was the zombie month 2011.

Is that actually your desk and your computer?
Any why is your cat in a drawer? Does she or he sleep there, or did the poor thing just find the first available clutter free surface and made camp?

And no, you didn't lose the knack for writing book reports, you just became even more creative.

karen yeah - that's my mess. i have post-its everywhere reminding me to put certain things in certain parts of the paper etc. it is usually much nicer and tidier, but i have let things slip in paper fever.

as far as maggie - she will just sleep wherever she is most in the way. i was going in the drawer to take out a shirt, turned my back, and then she was just there, immovable.

never did get that shirt...

message 11: by ivana18 (last edited Oct 24, 2011 02:57PM) (new)

ivana18 It's actually a nice mess, looks creative. I don't understand people who live 100% clutter free. It takes creativity to create a nicely functional messy desk.

message 12: by ivana18 (new)

ivana18 Ooooh.....I remember The Dandy Warhols :)

Wendy Darling Hah, I'm glad you enjoyed it, Karen. Will be on the lookout for your Book Two review...

message 14: by Jasmine (new) - added it

Jasmine MAGGIE!

karen elizabeth! when the whole thing is finished, you welcome to it - it will fascinate you!

book two will be read after i read the new colson whitehead. even though i guess from the sound of it, it is not as good? ah, well, zombies are calling, and i missed the first week of the month, so i gotta read as many as i can...

and, yes - she is a beautiful cat. and she knows it. dammit.

Limonessa Mh. I am not quite sure you should read the next book karen.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Most people think Deadline is even better, Karen. Great review.
Although I get what Catie and Lisa are saying. We'll see. :)

message 18: by Jen (last edited Oct 25, 2011 06:12AM) (new)

Jen ivana18 wrote: " I don't understand people who live 100% clutter free. "

There is nothing to understand. We're pretty boring. To see us look alive you have to turn a can wrong way round in the pantry.

message 19: by ivana18 (new)

ivana18 Jen wrote: "To see us look alive you have to turn a can wrong way round in the pantry."

LOL :)

Jen I'm sure that's not true....I wouldn't call a 100% clutter free person boring because of that, as a matter of fact you seem to be rather funny and interesting. I hope I didn't offend you with my comment.

message 20: by Jen (new)

Jen Not at all. To be honest, I'm a tidy person, not really a clean one. (This is a distinction among clutter free peoples-I'm on the impolite side of the white glove...you can take a picture, but don't run a finger over a bookshelf or picture frame without expecting something in return)

message 21: by ivana18 (new)

ivana18 Hahaha....OK I get it.

karen i don't feel comfortable without clutter. i have toys - i have to be able to see them!

message 23: by Heidi (new)

Heidi karen wrote: "i don't feel comfortable without clutter. i have toys - i have to be able to see them!"

Thanks for the morning laugh. The best part of the review your pics. Love your desk and your cute cat. I have this book in my stack, Will probably dig it out and read when bk three is published that way I avoid the nasty cliffhangers!

karen this one ends fine - no cliffhangers as such.

message 25: by Heidi (new)

Heidi karen wrote: "this one ends fine - no cliffhangers as such."

great to know I detest cliffhangers!

Bonnie Deadline leaves you with a major cliffhanger... If you can, I would recommend waiting for Blackout to be released. :D

message 27: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Bonnie wrote: "Deadline leaves you with a major cliffhanger... If you can, I would recommend waiting for Blackout to be released. :D"

Ha I knew there would be a catch..moving down in pile until April!

karen grrrrrrr

Bonnie It's SO good, but I'd do bad things to get my hands on the next one. lol

message 30: by Penny (last edited Oct 25, 2011 10:50AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Penny Catie wrote: "Great review as always...

but it sort of makes me want to tell you not to read book two. "

I agree with Catie, you probably shouldn't read the next book. Unless you like nonsense. Don't get me wrong, it starts out okay, but (view spoiler)

Penny Catie the (view spoiler)

karen you people are killing me! i wanna see the spoilers.... but i am resisting....

Wendy Darling Seriously, do not click the spoilers, Karen. It drives me crazy to have spoilers I can't click on my own reviews--the temptation is maddening!

I'd say just go into it with an open mind and try to ignore other reactions if you can. Plenty of time to discuss once you've formed your own opinion...

karen okay. i will read it this week

karen hahahh it's okay!

message 36: by Jasmine (new) - added it

Jasmine I clicked karen they are serious spoilers do not click it's a spoiler debate.

message 37: by Jen (new)

Jen Click this one instead.

(view spoiler)

karen haahahah ahhh!! i read that one!! i have only finished the first three parts.

message 39: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Will Zombie month come back next month?

karen hahahah no! it will remain dead until next halloween and then rise again. long dormant period...

karen HA! i read allll those spoilers now.

message 42: by Felix (new)

Felix I remember The Dandy Warhols! I still listen to them once in a blue moon too.

Michelle I read this last summer and really enjoyed it, even though George is quite the prickly one. I'm not an aficionado of zombie-fiction, but I liked that the humans were actually the ones causing more chaos than the zombies. By which I mean a bunch of the humans were d-bags and stirring shit up and the zombies were kinda just being zombies and never felt like a REAL threat, even when they were around.

Shaun and George's relationship totally icked me out too, but then I was like 'naahhh!! I'm just looking into it too much' but then book 2 happened.

And I'm loving the kitty pic btw. So cute!!

message 44: by George (new) - added it

George Haha - you're too funny. I actually own this book, but I have yet to read it. Maybe I'll start it in Zombie Month 2012...which everyone knows is July.

karen yeah i had to fix the pictures in this one because of the whole goodreads failing at sizing pictures thing, and i forgot to keep it from the feed (heh heh - feed) but i am glad i floated it because i am sooo excited about the third one.

it is so soon.

karen Michelle wrote: "I read this last summer and really enjoyed it, even though George is quite the prickly one. I'm not an aficionado of zombie-fiction, but I liked that the humans were actually the ones causing more ..."

ditto on the ick, but after a while i was cool with it.

Keith Chawgo The third one is out soon. It is being advertised at our local bookstore but with no release date but the cover is everywhere now. Can't wait.

Interesting pic of Billie Jean in your review. Haven't seen that image since the 80's. Lol.

message 48: by CRO (new)

CRO liked the review - but I can I ask what the significance of Billie Jean/ Helen Slater is?:)

karen haaha oh, just "fair is fair."

i was kind of obsessed with that movie when i was young.....

karen Keith wrote: "The third one is out soon. It is being advertised at our local bookstore but with no release date but the cover is everywhere now. Can't wait.

Interesting pic of Billie Jean in your review. H..."

it says it is out on the 26th, but we already have it on order, which means it will probably arrive before that. eep!

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