Stacia (the 2010 club)'s Reviews > The First Days

The First Days by Rhiannon Frater
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Back by request. It's time for another game of :

THIS was round 1.

Onward to round 2. *Edit* All spoiler tags are safe to click on. The tags are only here for the purpose of the game.

Although, really, this could have been "dude" round 2. More than a few instances had me thinking the word again. How could you not, when there's blood and guts flying everywhere?

And here we go...

An abused housewife is forced to leave her house in a hurry when her jackhole husband and two children (one of whom was a toddler) become zombies and are trying to chew her face off.

Should she get in the truck with an unknown woman who just pulled in up in her yard and get the heck out of dodge? (view spoiler)
Should she try to run on foot? (view spoiler)

Along the way, these newly bonded "sisters" make a few stops, getting into trouble at every turn. They learn to become killers and are forced to put a bullet (or a car bumper) into any infected humans along the way.

As a zombie horde attempts to block the women's escape to safety, they get on a CB radio and find possible shelter up ahead in a walled-off construction area.

Should they try to run over as many zombies as they can and keep going until they can stop somewhere safe and analyze their next move? (view spoiler)
Should they forge ahead and take their chances at trying to get up the walls into "safe zone?" (view spoiler)

Life behind the wall is crazy but somewhat safe for now. Two interesting men rush to Jenni and Katie's aid. Confusion sets in as to which people might be interested in each other. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Katie seems to be finding herself bonding with a man, yet she just lost her wife to the zombie virus. Nobody knows what to do.

Are you okay with seeing some potential romance come out of a post-apocalyptic and horror story? (view spoiler)
Are you somewhat opposed to romance infecting your entertaining bloodbath? (view spoiler)
Are you strongly opposed to romance infecting your entertaining bloodbath? (view spoiler)

I won't tell you how it ends but can say this : If you are a fan of the t.v. show The Walking Dead, you gotta pick up this book. As I was reading, I felt like I was immersed in an episode of the show. Huge Bonus - there's NO Lori or Carl! Yes, there's a bit of back-and-forth love drama, but come on...some of us chicks like a bit of sappiness in between scenes of death and destruction.

If you are a fan of the book Angelfall (...and if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? This book lives up to the hype.) then you'll probably like The First Days. I think Angelfall was a little bit better and not quite as gory, but the reason I'm comparing the books is because both books seem to have a little bit of everything. Whether you like action, adventure, violence, being on the run, romance, etc. you'll have fun reading either book. First Days is more adult though, so expect the violence and sex to be turned up just a notch.

Some people might have had hesitant feeling about all of the instantaneous and deep connections being formed between all of the characters in the book, but I think in a world swallowed by chaos, you're more likely to be forced into a situation where you have to rely on people quicker than usual. I liked how in this book, the survivors were willing to help each other. You often don't see that in post-apocalyptic books where people are forced to fend for themselves.

The wheels of destiny had turned, and a new reality was being spun into existence.
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Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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Regina I have this waiting for me at the library. I loved her other book -- Pretty When She Dies

Stacia (the 2010 club) Oh good, someone can tell me how it is!

Regina :) Lately I have been borrowing books and taking them back, I feel so picky/in a rut. But hopefully I will get to it!

Isamlq Stacia! What do you think? I couldn't stop myself

Stacia (the 2010 club) Agh, I just sent you a message! I promise the next time I log on tomorrow, I'll be ready to discuss.

message 6: by Searock (new)

Searock Choose your own adventure is my favorite (or in the top three anyway)!

message 8: by Carina (new)

Carina Why does this feel aimed at me??
"(...and if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? This book lives up to the hype.)"

Great review ;)

Stacia (the 2010 club) Yes, I specifically targeted you in my review, how did you know? I was sending out vibes of peer pressure. Okay, no not really. But you might be one of the last people who hasn't read the book yet of our "speshul" group. Angelfall really is epic. It's not word porn like DoSaB but still epic, nonetheless. And it's sexy. And full of action. And some horror (not much, just a little creepy scene near the end). And did I say sexy? Raffe = dayum.

message 10: by Leea (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leea Dude!! I need this book. Walking dead and Angelfall and you kept thinking the word DUDE. I'm all over it.

Great review, I love that you make me laugh while reading it :)

Stacia (the 2010 club) Thanks girl. I'm pretty sure you'll like this one, even if it's a little gory (although it's no different from WD in that aspect). But it's an easy read, which is nice. I was into it from the first page.

This is one of those books that I wish my husband would read because he loves WD. Even though it has side romances going on, there's enough action that I think it could work for guys who aren't into that sort of thing.

message 12: by Tara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tara Okay, now I've gotta read Angelfall. ;-)

I'm curious...what did you think of Jenni with an I?

Stacia (the 2010 club) *gasp* another Angelfall virgin? I thought we were running out of those. It really is a good book, nothing like some of the half-rate mass-market angel books that are everywhere. It has something for fans of just about any genre because I think there was a bit of everything crammed into one book : action, adventure, survival, paranormal, mystery, horror, romance, etc.

Jenni with an i...I had a love/hate with her. I understood why she was needy but she was also very flighty and went off on everything half-cocked. One minute she was clinging to Katie, the next she was running around shooting things. It was hard to connect to her, even if I understood why she was so wrecked. The tiny fingers part of the book right at the start would have wrecked my head too. But I will say that (view spoiler)

message 14: by Carina (new)

Carina Aha! I'm not the last one!
I do have to get to it. I keep planning to but one thing or another gets in the way. =/

Stacia (the 2010 club) And UH... How to Kill a Rock Star by Tiffanie DeBartolo

I will even re-read the book with you. Not this month, so you're off the hook. But maybe sometime this year...

Angelfall book 2 comes out this year though, and I think a lot of us will be reading it when it comes out so if you get caught up we can all discuss it.

message 16: by Carina (new)

Carina I will aim to TRY and read Angelfall next month or early Aug, so I can be in on the discussion. kill me with this one. It would have to be late this year, after I try and get caught up(which I never will). But yes, I will commit to reading it too. If you're willing to re-read, it must be better than I though.

Stacia (the 2010 club) Excellent! On both counts.

Regina Stacia, Rhiannon has an excellent blog post about Jenni. Readers react strongly to her - I loved her and wanted to take care of her, but many people hate her -- anyway, you might enjoy it:

message 19: by Leea (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leea *Cough, The Bronze Horseman... Cough*

message 20: by Tara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tara I also had a love/hate relationship with Jenni...she was part badass, part clingy wilting flower. I think what bothered me most was (view spoiler).

message 21: by Baba (new)

Baba  Fun review, Stacia!

message 22: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Jun 08, 2012 03:09PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) Regina, I just read the blog post you wrote. Thanks for that. :)

Tara, I had some of the same feelings as well. The post that Regina linked did explain why Jenni acts the way that she does.

Leea, it's up next on my list after I finish the buddy read with Crystal. I don't like to work on two long books at the same time and Crystal and I are both slowly working our way through the Locke Lamora buddy read. As soon as it's done, I'll be starting BH. It was either that or Sweet Dreams and I think I've killed myself by over-scheduling so many contemps, so a historical is probably a better fit.

Baba, thanks. :) These reviews take forever to write but they're fun to do every once in a while. Maybe in a couple of months I'll do a phase 3 adventure for another book.

message 23: by Leea (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leea I was completely joking... a little :) Carina and I are going to read the second book, Tatiana and Alexander next week.

Stacia (the 2010 club) I wish I could be done faster so I could join you but it's not going to happen. Ah well, can't get to em all. At least we'll have the Turner book.

message 25: by Leea (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leea Yeah, when are we reading the Turner book? ha! I'm the forgetful buddy partner, sorry!

Stacia (the 2010 club) It's okay. If you're reading the second Tatiana and Alexander book and I'm about to read the first, we can put it off to another week. I'm in no hurry.

message 27: by Leea (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leea Were we going to read the Turner book next wed? I really need to read a HR and i've wanted to read that author for a long time.

No i'll read Tatiana and Alexander after.

Stacia (the 2010 club) Depends. If you want to do Turner this week, I'll choose Sweet Dreams for my long book and push BH to after that. If not, I'll do BH first.

It's your call whether we do it this week or next. I'd just rather not do 2 historicals in a row.

message 29: by Leea (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leea I can't read Turner this week. I still have a 1/4 left in Storyteller. I'm so sorry, I feel like I let you down. I still want to read it with you.

Stacia (the 2010 club) You didn't. I have a ton of stuff that I can get to and a few scheduled reads. Nothing wrong with waiting.

Meggie Blakeley Well I'm now going to chapters for this book... :)

Stacia (the 2010 club) Hope you like it!

Karla Now that's a review that does this book justice. Fantastic Stacia!!

Stacia (the 2010 club) Aww, thanks. :)

message 35: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Another resounding success! (er...the review, not the book, since I bombed early in the game)

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