Nancy's Reviews > The Reapers are the Angels

The Reapers are the Angels by Alden Bell
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really liked it
bookshelves: zombies, sf-fantasy, post-apocalyptic-dystopia, library-books, award-winners, horror, shelf-inflicted

I’m glad I read Megan's review, or I might have overlooked this slim but very satisfying post-apocalyptic story.

If you are looking for thrills, mad and ravenous zombies, and intense gore, look elsewhere. You won’t find it here. Not that there isn’t violence or zombies, it’s just that they don’t overpower the story.

Without family or a place to live, 15-year-old Temple wanders around a bleak and barren landscape ravaged by zombies. Many of the human survivors live in groups, sheltering themselves from the outside world.

Nothing is mentioned about how the zombies came to be, but that’s OK. This is not their story, after all. This is a story about Temple, her grief, the things she must do to survive, her thoughts and reflections, her loneliness, her self-loathing, the people she meets, and the beauty that can be found in such grim circumstances.

It’s not a book you’ll easily forget.

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Reading Progress

August 1, 2011 – Shelved
August 18, 2011 – Started Reading
August 22, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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Megan I hope you like it! :)

Nancy It looks like something I'd really enjoy. I love when you enjoy a book so much that you're unable to come up with any coherent thoughts about it. :)

Megan Those are the best books & worst reviews, lol! Regarding this one, the audio book was fantastic. Normally I don't reccomend one version over another, but the reader did some amazing creepy redneck voices.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* I enjoyed it as well.....couldn't muster a review....yet.

Nancy It was actually easier for me to get the paperback copy. I've been waiting forever for the audio version.

Megan Glad you liked it :)

Anna (Bananas) I love this book to bits. Temple is such a beautiful character.

Cedric Nye I loved this book. It moved me.

Cedric Nye Excellent review, by the way!

Nancy Thanks for the likes and comments! I'm not sure why I rated this book 4 stars. It stands out above others I've since read and forgotten.

Anna (Bananas) Are you guys interested in the sequel? I bought it but haven't been able to get into it yet.
Exit Kingdom (Reapers, #2) by Alden Bell
Exit Kingdom

Cedric Nye Anna (Bananas!) wrote: "Are you guys interested in the sequel? I bought it but haven't been able to get into it yet.
Exit Kingdom (Reapers, #2) by Alden Bell
Exit Kingdom"

Say what!? I am reading Ian McClellan's book right now, but I would love to dig into that book at a later date. Well, if you haven't killed me before then, of course.

Nancy I am interested, but don't have a copy just yet.

Nancy Mr. Shivers has some mixed reviews, but I'm intrigued by its premise. And I love the title.

Anna (Bananas) Cedric wrote: "Anna (Bananas!) wrote: "Are you guys interested in the sequel? I bought it but haven't been able to get into it yet.
Exit Kingdom (Reapers, #2) by Alden Bell
Exit Kingdom"
Say what!? I am reading Ian Mc..."

Lol, you are safe... for now.

message 16: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Matthews Loved this book.

Nancy Me too! I'm thinking I should change my rating because it stands out over other books I've given 5 stars too.

message 18: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Matthews Nancy wrote: "Me too! I'm thinking I should change my rating because it stands out over other books I've given 5 stars too."

Apparently there's a sequel, or really, a prequel.

Nancy I'll have to read it soon!

message 20: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Matthews Nancy wrote: "I'll have to read it soon!"

It's only available in a remote island, far, far away from here. Really, it's not in the U.S.

Anna (Bananas) I got it on Amazon. It was hard to find in the US.

Nancy It'll get here soon enough. I take it you both enjoyed it?

Anna (Bananas) I haven't read the sequel yet. I had a hard time getting into it but I'll try again.

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