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Here After

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Here After is an intimate story of deep love followed by dizzying loss; a stunning, taut memoir from debut author Amy Lin so finely etched and powerful that it will alter readers' hearts. “When he dies, I fall out of time.” Amy Lin never expected to find a love like the one she shares with her husband, Kurtis, a gifted young architect who pulls her toward joy, adventure, and greater self-acceptance. But on a sweltering August morning, only a few months shy of the newlyweds’ move to Vancouver, thirty-two-year-old Kurtis heads out to run a half-marathon with Amy’s family. It is the last time she sees her husband alive. Ten days after this seismic loss, Amy is in the hospital, navigating her own shocking medical crisis and making life-or-death decisions about her treatment. What follows is a rich and unflinchingly honest accounting of her life with Kurtis, the vortex created by his death, and the ongoing struggle Amy faces as she attempts to understand her own experience in the context of commonly held “truths” about what the grieving process looks like. Here After is a love story and a meditation on the ways in which Kurtis’ death shatters any set ideas Amy ever held about grief, strength, and memory. Its power will last with you long after the final page.

272 pages, Hardcover

First published March 5, 2024

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About the author

Amy Lin

1 book100 followers
Amy Lin is a writer and teacher. She takes everything seriously including not taking everything seriously. Her short fiction can be found in Ploughshares and she has been awarded residencies at Casa Comala and Yaddo. Here After is her first book.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 635 reviews
Profile Image for Darryl Suite.
560 reviews526 followers
March 1, 2024
I feel raw. This was absolutely breathtaking. Grief, mourning, pain, and heartache written in such a brutally forward manner. Devastatingly potent and emotionally honest. I cried multiple times.

There are so many people I’ve lost to death recently, but this memoir made me think most about a friend, who I’ve had the deepest connection with (more than my parents or any significant others). And it made me long for him to come back to me. I miss him every day. I recognized so much in this book yet it is not my story. It’s Amy’s story through and through.

This is a firecracker of a book and deserves all the praise it’s been getting. Stunning piece of writing with an psychologically naked approach. I took photos of multiple pages/passages. I’ve never read grief like this before. A new fave.

—Full review coming
December 5, 2023
Two words: heartbreakingly beautiful. Those were the ones that I whispered to myself after finishing this memoir, while holding my kindle to my chest, and releasing a huge sigh. Here After by Amy Lin is a memoir about a young woman’s grief after her husband dies, and it’s also an epic love story. Lin flawlessly weaves snippets her loss, grief, and people’s reactions to it with memories of her relationship with her late husband. It also acts as an important reminder that grief has no timeline. It’s not cut and dry, black or white, or ever truly goes away. Grief has many shapes and forms, and can rear its ugly head at the most unexpected times. Lin’s writing is absolutely stunning. It’s lyrical, raw, honest, and extremely intimate. At times, it felt like I was reading her personal journal. I was captivated by her words, journey, and strength to share her experience with us all. I have a feeling that this memoir will take the book world by storm in the new year. Here After releases on March 5th, 2024, and it gets 5/5 stars from me.
Profile Image for Traci Thomas.
667 reviews11.7k followers
March 17, 2024
I really liked this grief memoir. It is told in a choppy vignette style the way grief feels and the way grief books are often written. While the story is sad and the author obviously destroyed over the sudden loss of her husband the book doesn't feel too/overly devastating. I think it is lovely tribute to her husband and her relationship and to her own ability to keep on.
Profile Image for Sherri Puzey.
604 reviews35 followers
December 13, 2023
“How can grief be so universal and yet still so widely misunderstood?”

HERE AFTER is a stunning memoir of love and loss. I’m very drawn to books about grief so I’ve read a lot of them, and this is one of the very best I’ve ever read. @literaryamy’s writing is breathtaking, and this book is truly a work of art in every way: the structure of the book, the layout of the words on each page, the language used to describe the searing pain of the sudden death of Amy’s husband less than two years into their marriage. It’s raw and honest and doesn’t shy away from the realities of grief, the inadequacies of others’ responses to grief, and the inescapable quality of grief. On each page Amy has stripped down her words to hue as closely as possible to the pain of her loss, and despite how much I cried reading this book I couldn’t put it down. A remarkable love story and an outstanding literary memoir—I can’t recommend it enough. Out March 5.

#GriefIsEverywhere #AmyLin #HereAfter #zibbybooks #memoir #debut #bookreview #grief #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #amreading #booklover #mustread
Profile Image for Book of the Month.
269 reviews14.3k followers
February 29, 2024
Why I love it
By Fiora Elbers-Tibbitts

I’m the kind of reader who treats “I cried” as a firm endorsement of a book. Based on Here After’s premise, it was perhaps foreseeable that I found myself unmoored and wet-faced upon finishing it. However, I could never have predicted how severely this book would gut me.

Amy Lin’s husband was just 32 when he died. They were happy, healthy, newly married, and deeply in love. Here After is Lin’s exploration of the aftermath of his death as much as it is a celebration of their courtship. We see Kurtis through Lin’s eyes—his contagious enthusiasm and zest for life—and feel her emptiness without him by her side.

Here After is gorgeously written in poetic vignettes. It is so emotionally raw you will be tempted to look away, but Lin’s utter lack of self-pity will keep you grounded, on the page, in the moment. This is one of the most affecting books I have ever read. It voices the deepest fears we all keep in the back of our minds: the knowledge that we cannot protect the ones we love, and that, someday, we will have to go on without them. So yes, I cried. But I also came away from this book grateful to be alive and grateful to be loved, and so will you.
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,318 reviews31.5k followers
April 17, 2024
About the book: “Here After is an intimate story of deep love followed by dizzying loss; a stunning, taut memoir from debut author Amy Lin so finely etched and powerful that it will alter readers' hearts. ‘When he dies, I fall out of time.’”

I choose to read about grief often because I have difficulty finding the right words to express the emotions. Reading how others share puts me more in touch with processing where I am myself. It also allows me to feel seen and accepted, and on top of that, I think it makes me more empathetic and open to others who are grieving.

I regularly recommend Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Notes on Grief, and Here After will be added to that very short list. I will be gifting it to friends and family and sharing it as often as I can because it’s just that special. I also have to mention its appearance. It’s smaller in size, which I love, and the cover is buttery soft, like you just want to hold and hug it. While Here After is a story of devastating loss, it’s also one of epic love. Here After is deep and raw; stealing your breath. That’s how grief is, right?

I received a free copy of the book and an advance listening copy of the audio from librofm. I highly recommend the audio read by the author.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com and instagram: www.instagram.com/tarheelreader
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,430 reviews303 followers
March 7, 2024
An incredibly moving, lyrical and raw memoir about grief and loss and learning to move on after the sudden death of a partner. This was amazing on audio read by the author, new Canadian writer, Amy Lin. Highly recommended for anyone experiencing loss and grief.
Profile Image for Sarah Swans.
18 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2024
If you are grieving, please read this book. If you have grieved, please read this book. If you know someone who is grieving or has grieved, PLEASE read this book. Lin is so beautifully raw and exposed in her writing of her journey with grief. So much of what I thought was weird or abnormal with my own grieving process felt validated with the writing of her experience. This memoir is so tragically beautiful and brings to the light the real emotional, physical, and mental process of grieving. Loved the writing style, almost like poetry. I am closing this book feeling sad, happy, relieved, like I can breathe again. The comfort and “tell it like it is” manner I didn’t know I needed in my journey.
Profile Image for Mizuki Giffin.
86 reviews72 followers
March 18, 2024
Absolutely so beautiful. I read this in one sitting and was crying by page 34.
Profile Image for Emily.
143 reviews
March 6, 2024
2.75. Not sure how to review a book like this. It’s someone’s real experience with horrible tragedy and grief and there are some beautiful passages and I am grateful she shared. I didn’t love the format.
Profile Image for Dee P.
95 reviews35 followers
January 11, 2024
It intertwines a captivating love story with the poignant narrative of grief and loss, offering a beautiful portrayal of true love, commitment, and marriage. I've always been impressed by her skill in seamlessly intertwining past and present storylines, effortlessly transitioning from one idea to the next. Her storytelling is a true gift. I experienced tears, laughter, frustration, fully immersed in her narrative of grief.
Profile Image for Bethany Neumeyer.
36 reviews5 followers
March 11, 2024
Reading this book is like being entrusted with something precious and sacred. It is beautiful and heartbreaking. I want to read it again more slowly and hold the author’s grief with her.
March 16, 2024
This memoir was truly breathtaking. The juxtaposition of Amy’s grief combined with her and Kurtis’ love story is heart-wrenching and evocative. Her writing style is unlike anything I have read before—poetic and lyrical, but also, at times, blunt and fluorescent. I feel that through its brevity and prose, Lin builds a powerful, raw, and painful portrayal of love and loss. She paints a picture of how it feels to love deeply and mourn with the same intensity. You can tell that this work is truly a piece of her soul—and what a gift that is to read. I mean it when I say it was unputdownable.
Profile Image for Angela Easton.
43 reviews
March 8, 2024
This book called to me since my husband of 13 years died unexpectedly, instantly four years ago. I'm a fellow young widow and it's extremely isolating, which leads me to read every sad book in the world, obviously. It's hard to rate a memoir...you kind of feel like a jerk for downgrading someone's experience so I focus on the writing itself, which didn't do it for me. There wasn't a lot of depth or anything to really hold onto emotionally. I love short chapters but this felt....lazy? I connected with a lot from this book because of the shared trauma but I'd probably not read anything else by this author, personally.
Profile Image for Parker.
230 reviews14 followers
March 27, 2024
"Grief is chronic pain. When will others allow the mourning to live without expecting them to be 'cured'?"

It's been a while since I've sat down and read a book from start to finish, never letting my eyes off the pages. Here After absolutely captivated me with its complex exploration of grief. After I finished, I could do nothing more than sit and reflect on the concluding words of Lin's acknowledgments. Her story is profoundly moving, and I am utterly unable to do it justice in a review. Please, read it for yourself.
Profile Image for tia ❀.
155 reviews486 followers
March 11, 2024
How stellar and how absolutely, absolutely sad. Thank you Amy Lin for writing this and for the beautiful narration of your own memoir.

(Track 95)
Let time be tender toward us
Let love be at the end, wherever that may be
I worry we will divorce, not that he will die

(Track 185)
I cannot believe how much pain we are asked to bear when we are alive
How, even if there is a way, no one can show us how to live with it

Thank you so much to LibroFM and to Zibby Books for this advanced audibook copy, what a special book to exist
Profile Image for Karina (shedreamsinwords).
606 reviews29 followers
March 26, 2024
“How can grief be so universal, yet so widely misunderstood?”

Amy Lin’s memoir perfectly captures the essence and the many facets of grief. The writing is beautiful and I appreciate the raw honesty of this book.

After the sudden passing of her partner, Amy shares how her life was thrown off kilter, their further plans not coming to fruition, and overall learning to adapt to a new lifestyle.

~ A few of my favorite quotes woven within—

“Grief finds its way into everything. Makes everything a part of itself.”

“Grief is chronic pain.”

“When he dies, I fall out of time.”

**this one especially hit me hard because it evokes the heartbreak and aftermath of a loved one’s death. Time is meaningless because grief is always there in the shadows.

I listened to the audiobook read by the author herself in one sitting! It was a great/heartbreaking experience to go through alongside Amy Lin while she tells her story as if speaking to a dear friend.

This is a heartbreaking read to say the least. Please be kind to yourself and gentle with your heart before picking this one up.
Profile Image for Christine (Queen of Books).
1,132 reviews149 followers
March 11, 2024
I thought Here After was a good memoir, but I'd caution anyone picking it up that it's a memoir of grief and sucididal ideation. (I've not seen the latter mentioned but it's very much a part of this story.)

The content is searing.

It's written in short chapters ("condensed, interwoven vignettes"). I listened to the author narrate the audiobook and think it may have been better had she skipped the chapter numbers (maybe the editor could have left a long enough pause between chapters to signify the breaks instead). But, I'm always happy to hear a memoir in the writer's own voice.

Thank you to Zibby Books and libro.fm for a free ALC of this title for review.
Profile Image for Sarah.
8 reviews
March 29, 2024
4.5 probably - beautiful and sad. This reads as if I was going through the grief and reliving the memories with the author. I almost didn’t cry until the acknowledgements and then I shed a tear.
Profile Image for Jenny Tien.
21 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2024
Heartbreakingly beautiful. Amy’s writing is so beautiful and lyrical. And the pain of her grief was palpable. Her recounting her love story with Kurtis made me feel how in love they were with one another. To say I loved this book is an understatement. Highly, highly recommend! 🥹
Profile Image for Mei.
87 reviews4 followers
March 30, 2024
“We shared a language that was all our own. I am now the last speaker of it.”

Beautiful and devastatingly heartbreaking, Amy Lin masterfully takes us through her ongoing journey with grief after the sudden loss of her husband. This book is raw and intimate and told in a series of vignettes that take us back and forth in time. By doing so, Lin weaves a tribute to her husband Kurtis in this stunning grief memoir that I will think about for a long time.
Profile Image for Callie Mish.
179 reviews
March 16, 2024
The story itself is heartbreaking. A memoir of a woman who unexpectedly lost her husband- giving it 3 stars seems cruel. However, I hated the format of the book.
Profile Image for Natalie Park.
859 reviews
March 9, 2024
I could not put down this beautifully written book about the love story and immense grieving the author experienced when her husband suddenly and unexpectedly died. They were so young, 32 and 31, and her loss was somewhat unique to be a widow at such a young age. This book is arranged in short chapters jumping back and forth in time which gives the reader a view into the past that informs the “present”. Heartbreaking.
Profile Image for Bailey.
978 reviews68 followers
April 7, 2024
This book was so sad but so worth the read. It made me want to hold my partner, and everyone I love, a little closer and never let them go. The prose were sparse and beautiful and captured the nature of a grief that rips you open completely. Thank you, Amy, for writing this book and sharing Kurtis with all of us.
Profile Image for Morgan Young.
23 reviews
April 21, 2024
“When he dies, I fall out of time”

This book was tragically beautiful. An incredibly descriptive depiction of grief - and not the “five stages” grief, real grief.

“I cannot believe how much pain we are asked to bear when we are alive. How, even if there is a way, no one can show us how to live with it”
Profile Image for Riley (runtobooks).
Author 1 book44 followers
February 12, 2024
there are no words.

amy lin’s memoir was nothing short of heartbreaking & magical. detailing her relationship with her husband & her experiences in grieving after being widowed in her early-30s, lin’s voice shines thru her vignette chapters & fluid movement thru time & space. she masterfully paints an image that is complicated & messy & riddled with emotional depth. i’ve followed amy’s journey for a long time, & am grateful to her for sharing her story.
Profile Image for Auderoy.
517 reviews56 followers
April 6, 2024

Understand: I have never known how to love something in moderation.

I have become someone I do not understand, that others do not understand. I do not know the right way to be anymore.

If I have completely changed, I say. Does that really mean I have survived?

Grief is chronic pain. When will others allow the mourning to live without expecting them to be “cured”?
Profile Image for Nina.
19 reviews
April 15, 2024
How beautiful to remember your lover the way Amy does her husband. Absolutely gut wrenching book. Cried the entire way through.

Wouldn’t recommend the book until you’re in the right headspace.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 635 reviews

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