Revered writer Jonathan Hickman brings forth the creation of an all-new Marvel Universe!
The Illuminati, a secret group of the smartest heroes in Marvel, must form once again to stop the Maker from his plans to destroy — or perhaps rebuild — the universe, with Miles Morales at the center of it all! The Maker plans to make sure Earth’s Mightiest Heroes never become heroes at all. And then he can reshape the universe into exactly what he wants it to be…
Jonathan Hickman is an American comic book writer and artist. He is known for creating the Image Comics series The Nightly News, The Manhattan Projects and East of West, as well as working on Marvel Comics' Fantastic Four, FF, and S.H.I.E.L.D. titles. In 2012, Hickman ended his run on the Fantastic Four titles to write The Avengers and The New Avengers, as part the "Marvel NOW!" relaunch. In 2013, Hickman wrote a six-part miniseries, Infinity, plus Avengers tie-ins for Marvel Comics. In 2015, he wrote the crossover event Secret Wars. - Wikipedia
Jonathan Hickman’s “Ultimate Invasion” serves as a series-length “set-up” for Marvel’s upcoming Ultimate Universe 2.0 (essentially an-all new Marvel comics universe, designed as an easy jumping-on point for fans who might be interested in getting into Marvel at the ground-level). As a singular story, “Ultimate Invasion” works pretty darn well – Hickman has always been a great writer, and – as is typical of his work - there’s a lot here to appreciate in terms of character, depth of theme, and compelling narrative.
The fact that “Ultimate Invasion” ALSO does a great job at setting up the coming new universe – which debuts in early 2024 with series such as “Ultimate Spider-Man,” “Ultimate X-Men,” and “Ultimate Black Panther” – is a testament to Hickman’s storytelling prowess, as well as artist Bryan Hitch’s exceptional pencilling, which draws the reader in visually, nicely accentuating the emotions and suspense of Hickman’s story to just the right degree. For myself, someone who is interested in this upcoming new “Ultimate Universe” and curious to see how it differentiates itself from other Marvel comics/series (including, of course, the original Ultimate Universe, which kicked off over 23 years), “Ultimate Invasion” is pretty much as strong a kick-off as I could hope for, and I’m legit invested to see where this universe goes in the coming months and years.
this would easily have been a five star but i feel like this was a little short and fast paced for all the concepts and world building being introduced to us but what we got was fantastic marvel letting hickman have a sandbox universe to just do whatever he wants in is genius
I found this to be a decent enough read with some nice artwork, and it serves as a nice jumping off point for Marvel's new Ultimate universe. I've always enjoyed Marvel's (and DC's as well) alternate takes on their characters and short-term runs of interesting ideas; these playgrounds for different takes on characters and stories are always fun to me when executed well. Characters, such as the Maker and Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman have always fascinated me, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this new Ultimate universe goes.
Probably my favorite thing about this limited run was the Maker himself. He was such an interesting character in the original Ultimate FF run, and it was a joy to see more of him and his machinations here. It'll be interesting to see what else he'll be up to going forward after the climactic scenes in Issue #4 of this run. I also found the concept of a world divided by the powers at be into a constant state of organized supremacy and conflict to be fascinating, and something I'll be interested in seeing played with in the Ultimate universe. The way the world is set up into kingdoms/fiefdoms leaves open plenty of interesting narrative paths. Along with these narrative ideas, I quite enjoyed Hitch's artwork throughout. Plenty of the action scenes were great, and I found the facial/character work to be done well for the more emotional scenes.
Really the one thing that knocks this miniseries down to three stars for me is the pacing/fleshing out of the story. I know that it's an introduction to a new universe where they'll have plenty of stories to tell, but I found this story to move too quickly and to build too shallow of a foundation for this new Ultimate universe. Ultimate Invasion lays out plenty of interesting ideas, but never really has the time to explore them or use them to build as solid of a foundation as it could. I feel like fewer, more explored ideas, or a longer run would've helped to set things up better. Something more along the lines of House of X/Powers of X would've been more beneficial for setting up what is to come in the future.
But nonetheless, I found this to be a decent enough experience that has me looking forward to digging into more of this new Ultimate Universe in the future!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I didn’t know much about the Ultimate Universe when it was around other than how dark and twisted it was. I guess it’s coming back though. Now I have to decide if I want to read a whole other universe of stories. Not a bad read, but kind of boring
Marvel are relaunching the Ultimate Universe with a bunch of new titles and new number 1’s, but you gotta read this first! (As well as a one shot issue due out in November)
Looking past the price what these now cost individually, and the fact we’re getting ANOTHER Ultimate relaunch, this was pretty good
It was a follow up of sorts to Hickmans Secret Wars. I feel like if you’ve read that, you could go straight into this, even though Secret Wars is a good few years old now and I’m sure stuff has happened in-between in the Marvel Universe
The Maker is back and up to his devilish evil ways. I have always liked him as a villain, I’ve always been into the idea of an evil Reed Richards
There’s also a future Kang, but it’s never really clear who this Kang is? It’s potentially (spoiler alert) Tony Stark, if I’ve read this correctly?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I remember when Hickman was the best writer in comics and I would pick up any book with his name on it. But I’m just not interested in any more incredibly dialogue-dense comics whose sole purpose is the writer trying to prove his own intelligence.
At just four issues with zero tie-ins, this didn’t have that epic scope I was expecting—and it felt like it happened out of continuity (which it sort of does, taking place mostly in an alternative universe). Does the world need a new multiverse? We’ll see where the “Ultimate” line goes…
Marvel's all too popular imprint of the early 2000s is back and now spearheaded by Jonathan Hickman, the same guy who revamped the X-Men a few years back. Here's hoping Hickman sticks around longer than he did with the X-Men.
This isn't a continuation of the old Ultimate Universe (Earth-1610), but rather a reboot that allows Marvel to recapture some of the magic of the previous imprint. Fresh ideas, new takes on characters, etc. But Hickman isn't ditching everything from the old Ultimate imprint as the foundation of this universe (Earth-6160) starts with the character of The Maker, a pivotal player in Hickman's original run of The Ultimates. The Maker sets out to build his own universe crafted to his liking, stripping from it critical elements that are recognizable to ours. There's no Spider-Man, no Fantastic Four, no Ultimates/Avengers in this new universe, and The Maker and his cronies silently maintain control over existence. But not everyone is satisfied by The Maker's surreptitious control over their destinies, and chief amongst them is Howard Stark, this universe's Iron Man.
Ultimate Invasion sets the stage for the inception of some new iterations of characters, all taking off from some critical moments depicted in this four issue miniseries. The ideas are pretty bold and intriguing, though I do think the story moves at a bit too rapid of a pace to feel the heft of these ideas. This isn't the same type of foundation setting book that House of X/Powers of X was, but it is solid nonetheless. Coupled with Bryan Hitch's great artwork, this is a pretty fun book that sets the stage for some hopefully great new stories.
I bought this in its single comic book issues, but I’ve chosen this TPB edition to be able of making a better overall review.
This TPB edition contains “Ultimate Invasion” #1-4 plus one-shot “Ultimate Universe” #1.” event.
Creative Team:
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Illustrator: Bryan Hitch
The original Ultimate Marvel Universe, back at the beginning of the millenium was one of the best events ever made by Marvel, and even in the whole comic book industry, becoming best-selling titles and even the model for the eventual Marvel Cinematic Universe, like the thing that Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury was before in the comic of The Ultimates.
But as all things, the original Ultimate Marvel Universe came to an end, dying that universe, erasing everything there…
…two characters were able to escape to the destruction of the original Ultimate Marvel Universe…
…one hero…
…one hero turned villain…
…Miles Morales…
…and Reed Richards, and it’s this last one who now known as The Maker, one of the most dangerous villains in the whole Marvel multiverse, was confined in a prison, but he ha done goal in mind…
…getting back the Ultimate Universe, but shaping it at his own desire!
The original Ultimate Marvel Universe was the Earth-1610 but it was no more, therefore, The Maker after making an ingenious escape from his prison (and even inviting Miles Morales to go with him, but that one refused), he travelled to the Earth-6160 to make crafty manipulations here and there, to avoid many heroes to born (like Peter Parker isn’t bitten by a radioactive spider)…
…but even the Maker wasn’t able to stop certain events like Bruce Banner becoming The Hulk, and he doesn’t know where is the frozen body of Captain America…
…however the Tony Stark from there (he wasn’t Iron Man but his dad), discover The Maker’s plans and tried to stop him, but only to be considered as a terrorist by the general population.
And that’s only the prologue! And certainly I didn't spoil all the stuff, plenty more to read!
Because the new Ultimate Marvel Universe is just beginning!
Essential reading if you want to engage into the new Ultimate titles like Ultimate Spider-Man (I am reading this one!), Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Black Panther, so far, but I am sure that they’ll be more.
Оригінальний Алтімейт всесвіт можна назвати досить специфічним еджи продуктом свого часу в якому були як непогані комікси так і лайно найелітнішого сорту з інцестом, канібалізмом та величезною кількістю персонажів які були жахливими людьми. Однак збрешу якщо скажу, що не зрадів коли Марвел анонсували цю ��імітку, як ніяк ностальгія є сильною штукою. Плюс нам уже раніше показували що всесвіт все ще існує і Алтімейт Ґоблін навіть ненадовго зумів потрапити в основний всесвіт. Однак виявилося, що Гікман нам підсунув якийсь лівий всесвіт з номером 6160 (до номеру основи додали 0 оце я розумію геніальний креатив) який тепер також називається Алтімейт. Тож виходить, що у нас одночасно існує два всесвіти з однаковою назвою… впевнений це не буде нікого плутати. Гаразд, біс з цією назвою, давайте глянемо чи вийшов у лімітки хороший сюжет.
Зав'язкою серії є те, що Творець втікає з будівлі в якій був ув'язненим і після невеликої конфронтації з Ілюмінатами телепортується в новий всесвіт щоб переробити його під свою візію… так стоп. Якого біса? Останній раз коли ми бачили Річардса це було у Веномі Кейтса в якому він таки зумів потрапити додому в якому зникли Алтімейтс і панував хаос. Як він знову опинився в 616-тому всесвіті і чому більше не хоче повертатися в рідний 1610-тий? Відповіді на це запитання звісно не буде. Далі сюжет переключається на Говарда Старка який дізнається про те, що Творець перекроїв цей всесвіт під себе, як взагалі влаштована місцева еліта та те, що на Ріда нападають герої з майбутнього.
Місцевий сюжет мене відверто кажучи сильно розчарував. Ідея з тим, що Творець не дає деяким героям з'явитися, а інших змушує працювати на себе так-то непогана, але реалізована і написана максимально нудно та нецікаво. Ба більше того, у Аарона з його "Heroes Reborn" вийшло реалізувати цей сюжет набагато краще. Щодо місцевого твіста з Канґом то він вийшов очевидним і до нього можна з легкістю додуматися. Щодо малюнку то він тут ніякий, Гітч видав досить типову для себе роботу.
В результаті "Ultimate Invasion" відчувається як халтурка, яка написана нашвидкоруч після якої зникає якесь бажання слідкувати за цим новим "Алтімейт" всесвітом. І судячи з усього це справді була пошвидкому написана серія, оскільки, за чутками, початково її повинен був писати Кейтс і там, скоріш за все, ми би і отримали і продовження лінії Творця з онґоїнґу Венома і повернення 1610 всесвіту, але з Кейтсом стався нещасний випадок і тепер ми тільки можемо здогадуватися що ж могло би бути.
I was really impressed by this four issue miniseries, Jonathan Hickman writes as it could have been Mark Millar. He did write several of the relaunched Ultimate Comcs titles back in 2010 to 2012. And he wrote Secret Wars ending the 1610 Ultimate Universe. However he never wrote the Ultimate Universe like this, with a flavor, the tone, style and depravity of Mark Millar. Sure Bryan Hitch helps bringing this sort of full circle, but Jonathan Hickman just nails it in this miniseries. For Bryan Hitch this must be like coming back home, going back to the tone and style of the Ultimates series way back in 2002. The Reed Richards of 1610, now going by The Maker, has invaded 6160 and has changed it to his liking. He has changed history and has perversed it into, what he wanted happening to 1610 and 616, in various 616 stories since Secret Wars. In #1 he tries to get Miles Morales to go with him, telling him they have a shared history, and are brothers. Miles decline and the 616 lead by the 616 Reed Richards try to stop The Maker, but fails capturing him. on 6160 Howard Stark and another Reed Richards wearing a Doctor Doom mask escape captivity and go against The Maker. In #3 and 4 Kang invades, and is revealed to be none other than Tony Stark in this story/universe. Tony in this age is wearing a similar suit, but in diffent color scheme than, and wants to be called Iron-Lad. The Ultimate Universe one-shot didn't quite live up this four issue miniseries, but be sure to pick up this one.
This was such a fascinating read and seriously Hickman take a bow.
Its fascinating in how its built and its this complex narrative with Maker travelling to the past maybe and recreating that ultimate world and the role of Howard stark and something with the city and a new Dr Doom maybe and whatever the Immortus engine is and then different ruling factions around the world consisting of some fan favorites reimagined in fun ways, like my fav is Hulk whose like a zen figure here and I love the dialogue Hickman writes for him.
And there is some ambiguity there as to what happened and a lot.. but I guess its the mystery that has me excited for the upcoming Ultimate universe books and what they turn out to be, like its gonna be a totally complete new thing they do this time around with how it ends and I love Howard's role here and Tony's too and
Its one of the reasons why I love Hickman as a writer, he finds new stories with old characters and in such a clever way and actually does the what-if universe exploration so well. And Hitch's art here was wonderful, the spreads especially omg so good. Its a marvel (:P) to look at and I highly recommend this book!
I grew up on the Ultimate universe. I was pumped to see that they're bringing it back. This 4 episode mini-series kicks off the process with a story about The Maker escaping custody and finding his way to a new reality.
I thought this was just really entertaining. It was weirdly nostalgic for a book that doesn't actually feature that many ties to the actual Ultimate universe beyond the Maker being here. A lot of it comes down to a perfect visual feel. They couldn't have done this kickoff without Hitch. That they got him to do it and gave him time to do every page was absolutely necessary. It worked extremely well to throw me back into the Ultimate vibe.
It did very much feel like an Ultimate-style story. I enjoyed reading it a lot. Hickman laid a lot of seeds to grow the universe from the ground up again. I'm excited to see where it goes and if my nostalgia will live on in books that don't feature Bryan Hitch.
If you aren't familiar with the previous Ultimate universe, you don't need the background for context but I really doubt your experience will be quite as enjoyable as mine was here. It's not going to be 5-stars for most.
I was a massive fan of the ultimate universe when it was first released in my first foray into comics and when I got back into comics years later it was one of the things I was keen to catch up on so finding out the line was finished was bittersweet. Great that I could read a finished story but sad it was over.
When I heard about a new rebooted ultimate universe series I quickly picked up the trade and worked my way through it.
While I really enjoyed the story and I always find the character of the maker interesting, the story was pretty high concept (typical for Hickman and one of the reasons I bounced off his X-Men run) and seemed the exact opposite of what appealed to me about the original ultimate universe. This story doesn’t require extensive knowledge of what has happen to multiverse since the end of the ultimate universe but it really does build on those layers and can get pretty confusing pretty quickly. Still I’m glad to see a now ultimate line and I’m interested in seeing what the Spider-Man series ends up being like.
A solid set up to the new Ultimate Universe which in my opinion has already been overshadowed by all of the books it's setting up.
Jonathan Hickman is a tremendous writer and Brian Hitch is equally a fantastic artist and both bring their A-games to this book. However a lot of this felt more like required world building rather than an engaging story in its own right. The premise of the maker recreating the ultimate universe out of a random unsuspecting dimension is interesting and the world created out of that scheme is one I've enjoyed exploring in Spider-Man, Black Panther and X-men, but this lacked the heart I've grown accustomed to in both Hickman's best work, and the original Ultimate universe.
One scene I did really really like was the small interaction between Miles Morales and the Maker before he left 616. It had a lot of pathos and I really hope Miles, or perhaps some other survivors of the original Ultimate universe come into play in the future.
Before we start, some multiverse #'s - Maker's OG universe (original Ultimate Universe): 1610 - Marvel's prime universe (where most comics take place): 616 - New 'Ultimate Universe' that we see here: 6160
(could it all be...connected? *gasp* *shock*)
Short summary of this is this: Reed Richards of the original Ultimates Universe, now a villain renamed, 'The Maker' learned that his home universe was gone from existence and could never be returned to. He hatches a new plan to leave the Marvel prime universe and play God somewhere where the heroes haven't been made yet.
...and INTRODUCING a universe where somebody who knew the where's and when's of several superhero origins stuck 'gum' in the gears of the universe and tampered with the natural order of things and skewed them more to his liking. Can a Cabal (or a roid'ed out Illuminati) control the world? Will anybody stand and question ANY of it? ====
Welcome to Marvel Ultimate Universe 2.0
featuring... +No Spider-Man +A Thor that was imprisoned for killing Odin +No sign of Captain America being stuck in ice ------ Interesting premise and we'll see just how much The Maker messed with the layout of things. It's weird enough seeing Tony Stark's dad as Iron Man. There's even an Illuminati backed monk Hulk?
I'm sure we'll see some reworked 'origins' in this new Ultimates line. Marvel has put the full brunt of their marketing department on it.
I will keep this simple. Now that the volume is out and we can see what this entire mini-series is, I ask the simple question: Why? This is never really answered. It just feels like Marvel throwing a hail mary hoping to get more cash out of the Ultimate Universe considering how poorly their main universe is doing.
Book itself is 'ok'. Not inspiring, and I feel a lot will finish this book with the statement 'Ok, that was a thing.'
While this review is light on details, the feel to me is the most important for this book. You get nothing big from it. Just a middle of a road forgettable book and some wasted art (Hitch is good but not used to his full potential). Truly, I can't describe exactly what happened, so if the goal was to lead into and get hyped for future Ultimates stories by Hickman, this mini-series missed the mark.
Hickman is making a new Ultimate Universe. Brian Hitch returns to remind you of the first Ultimate Universe (good and bad). The Maker is back in the spotlight. Howard Stark. The world broken up into secret dynasties ram by an Illuminati. A Reed Richards. A Doom. Kang. Hickman is playing all his hits. The only thing missing is a round table with a chart, but I’m sure one is coming. And I can’t wait.
The Maker gets free and creates a new universe where he has meddled and prevented most of Earth's heroes from becoming heroes. It's done well and I'm curious to see what Hickman has in store for the Ultimate Universe. I'm not sure why Miles Morales is listed in the description. He's barely in this, at least for now.
Hickman's very interesting ideas and plot needed two extra issues to breathe in my opinion. It just felt too short and it deserved to be a six-issue series. The Maker continues to be a pretty compelling villain and doubt this is the last he will be seen on page.
Still though, I am impressed with what he was able to do in just four issues
A universe rebuilt from the ground up, factfiles and bio pages, dense dialogue, and an incredibly intriguing set-up for the rest of the rebooted Ultimate Uni, ably pencilled by Bryan Hitch.
For better or worse, Hickman gonna Hickman, and I'm here for it as always.
Every time, Hickman is like, I am going to write a marvel story about white, smart men with long term world building connected to my other stories and sprinkle in some homoerotic tension and Easter eggs and you will enjoy it, and I fall for it every time. The man is a menace.
Been enjoying the new Ultimate Spider-Man and wanted to see how this new world came together. Makes for a fun and compelling new universe for these characters to play in. Leaves enough story open for possibilities down the line.
Un nuevo universo Ultimate nace, y no se si alguien lo pidió. Nuevas versiones de personajes Marvel en un universo regulado. No sé como engancha esto con GODS.