Emily May's Reviews > Feed

Feed by Mira Grant
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: dystopia-utopia, young-adult, 2011, horror

Looks like I'm going to have to add this book to the list I call 'Popular books I can't appreciate' along with novels like The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Magic Bites. To all those goodreads members who loved this book - I tried, I swear I did. I finished a book that failed to grab my interest one bit right up to the last page, I have never forced myself to read 571 pages of a book that felt like wading through sludge. Perhaps I am not intelligent enough for this story, but whatever the reason, I've come away with nothing but relief that it is now over.

I won't give it 1 star, it is not a bad novel. The characters were varied and developed, the writing was sophisticated... but the story was just boring. Drab. Dull. I have mixed feelings about zombie novels; zombies themselves don't interest or scare me so there has to be something more to the story - this wasn't a problem. In fact, the book wasn't largely dedicated to flesh-eating and zombie moans, it was dedicated to something which I am very interested in and should have been what sold the book to me: politics.

I am a self-confessed politics nerd, I have been for a long time - probably ever since I was eleven reading Orwell's 1984 and discovering for the first time how politics could be used to create one hell of a fictional story. I was delighted when I read that the novel was more political than anything else. Ah, well, it wasn't what I expected. In fact, this novel is one very long, drawn-out presidential campaign that made me want to tear my hair out with boredom. I am very surprised that I finished the book at all.

I think I was waiting for a great pivotal change to occur about half way through - I've read several reviews saying that the pace picks up in the second half. I would say it does... marginally. I think other members obviously found a greater difference between the first and second halves that I didn't pick up on. It's difficult to say a novel is 'slow' to get going when I never really thought it did. Get going, that is.

I found Feed to be a novel that was too long, too dull and too concerned with technical mumbo-jumbo. I'm not a genius but I'm no idiot either and I can't believe that I could be the only one thinking "what on earth?" at all the medical lingo and weird descriptions of things that I'd never heard of. I like books that can be educational as well as fictional but if I don't know what the author's talking about I can't take anything away from the experience.

By about page 300 of this book, I would look at it on my desk and want to groan at the thought of picking it up again. I cannot imagine there would ever be any desire in me to pick up Deadline.
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Reading Progress

May 28, 2011 – Shelved
August 10, 2011 – Started Reading
August 11, 2011 –
page 118
19.7% "slowly, slowly getting better..."
August 11, 2011 –
page 213
35.56% "someone save me from this snail pace... please get better soon..."
August 12, 2011 –
page 374
62.44% "Going to take a break and read something easier."
August 12, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)

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Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Oh, I'm very excited about this. :D

Emily May I just read your review and found out I have your two favourite zombie novels to read - yay! I have high hopes for them both :)

message 3: by Tatiana (new) - added it

Tatiana I can literally feel your pain reading this review:)

Glad I didn't finish it. I myself tried very, very hard to like it, reading ebook and listening to audio book. The boredom was just too overwhelming...

Emily May You are a smarter person than I:)

I need to make a mental note to myself - "Abandoned by Tatiana = don't read"

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I love that you both at least tried. That's all anyone can ask, and I always think that it's good to have friends with different tastes. Life would be quite boring otherwise.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

I always find it a little depressing when I come across 'Popular books I can't appreciate' . But this one was for me as well, I still have about 150 pages left, and I just cant do it :( Your review makes me feel better though Emily, i thank you

message 7: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Hobbes I've heard mixed things about this book...I might give it a try anyways, but good review.

Emily May Thank you all. And Vincent, I would recommend that you do, too many people disagree with me :)

message 9: by kwesi 章英狮 (last edited Aug 12, 2011 03:58PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

kwesi 章英狮 Uhm, I had a friend who enjoy sharing her copy of this book. She's a big fan and she is one of my closest friends here. I might read this book later this year, just to experience zombie land again.

message 10: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Hobbes Emily...check out The Gathering Dead.

Kayleigh {K-Books} So sad you didn't like it. I loved this book. It took me a while to get into but after the first half I loved it. I'm starting book 2 now

Emily May I know, Kay, I really wanted to :( Anyway, I'm glad you liked it and I hope Deadline is what you hoped for :)

Daniel Joda Don't feel bad, that book sucked. It was boring, repetitive and had almost no zombies for being a book about zombies...

Emily May yeah, that's how I felt Daniel. I'm hoping The Reapers Are the Angels will be a better zombie novel.

message 15: by Jason (new) - rated it 1 star

Jason Snell Cheer up! It's an awful book. You got it right.

Danielle You're review is exactly what I think about this book. This book is so boring.

message 17: by Jacqui (new)

Jacqui ugg ! I'm on pg. 251 Such a chore . Endless descriptions of who's walking here and there and who is in front . And Sunglasses on and off . And layouts of rooms !! Help !!

Emily May Argh, I know! The fans of this book obviously have a LOT of patience.

Ibrahim Arafath Yes i agree about The Feed. Very slow and boring. You have to read World War Z by Max Brooks. The movie is coming out this summer, doesn't resemble one paragraph from the book. Sad. I had it with me for 2 years before I've read it. I think it's one of the finest piece of fiction I've ever read. Read it 5 times now. So good. Give it a go.

Emily May Thanks for the rec, I'll check it out!

Sherri You didn't like LotR? Wow, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that before. Including people who hate to read...I'm rather stunned.

Emily May I'm surprised. While a lot of people like it, I know many who didn't like the density of it or the slowness of certain sections. Though, I can't think of a single popular book/series that doesn't have some dislike.

Carrie It's very slow for me too. Magic Bites was hard to get through, but the rest of the series has been excellent.

Emily May I keep seeing my GR friends talking about the later Kate Daniels books and I feel left out for not being swept up in the magic... maybe I might sample a bit of book two and see if I can get back into it?

Whitney I couldn't make it through the whole book. Bad characters and boring writing.

Emily May I agree completely, Whitney.

message 27: by Fred (new) - rated it 1 star

Fred Klein Your dislike for this book has nothing to do with your intelligence. As we Americans say, this book "sucked".

message 28: by Fred (last edited Sep 05, 2018 01:47PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Fred Klein Sherri wrote: "You didn't like LotR? Wow, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that before. Including people who hate to read...I'm rather stunned."

I loved "Lord of the Rings" ... in junior high school! I read it as an adult, and I have no idea what appealed to my younger self about it. Lots of walking, song lyrics, made-up history. My adult self does not understand my younger self at all.

message 29: by Marcy (new)

Marcy Ha! This is due back to the library and I'm thinking about giving up on it all together. Right now, it's serving to put me to sleep at night. I start snoozing almost immediately!

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