Maja (The Nocturnal Library)'s Reviews > Feed

Feed by Mira Grant
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it was amazing
bookshelves: zombies-zombies-everywhere, books-that-changed-me, made-me-cry, role-models, never-saw-it-coming, favorites, post-apocalyptic, all-the-right-choices, own-a-dtb, reviewed-in-2011
Read 2 times. Last read April 25, 2011 to April 28, 2011.

This book broke my heart. Twice. Today I have a headache and puffy bags under my eyes. But it was worth it.

Kellis-Amberlee is a fact of existence. You live, you die, and then you come back to life, get up, and shamble around trying to eat your former friends and loved ones. That's the way it is for everyone.

Two of my favorite books this year both have zombies in them. One is The Reapers Are the Angels. The other is Feed. (view spoiler) But they are really very different books, because The Reapers Are the Angels is completely character based. Temple is the only constant – you live and you die with her. Reading the first half of Feed felt very much like watching a documentary. This is a book about politics, about the clash of generations, about a world that is terrified. It’s about standing up for your beliefs, choosing your priorities and knowing who to trust. It’s about friendship, convictions and brotherly love.

It is the year 2039. and the world after the Rising is a very different place. Siblings Georgia and Shaun Mason and their friend Georgette "Buffy" Meissonier are journalists. The three of them run their own news blog. They are the first bloggers ever to be allowed full access to a presidential candidate and they intend to make the most of it. They have George to lead and be as objective as possible, they have Shaun using his people skills to open the doors for them, and, thanks to Buffy and her technology, they have eyes and ears everywhere – which can be both good and very dangerous. Their ratings are suddenly going up and their credibility is as strong as ever (which is all George really cares about). But politics is a dirty business and before they know it, they find themselves in a world of trouble.
If I would have to choose a single word to describe each of them, Georgia would be truth, Shaun would be adventure, and Buffy would be emotion. All three of them are weird in their own way, but they are also amazing persons.

It is with great joy that I report that the youth of America aren’t actually riddled with ennui and apathy; that the truth hasn’t been fully forsaken for the merely entertaining; that there’s a place in this world for reporting the facts as accurately and concisely as possible and allowing people to draw their own conclusions. I’ve never been more proud of finding a place where I can belong.

There is no romance in Feed. Georgia and Shaun don’t date. In fact, George doesn’t even touch people other than her brother. But there’s heart in every sentence and there are emotions too big for words. Seanan McGuire did extensive research for this book - it involved doctors, epidemiologists, technicians and people who were willing to try some of the stunts she described. That’s just one of the things that make this book amazing.

Feed has been nominated for the Hugo Award, and it's definitely a well deserved nomination. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Apparently, it already won the Goodreads Choice Award for Science Fiction in 2010. That too was well deserved.

The second book, Deadline, was released on May 31st 2011. The third book, Blackout is expected in May of 2012.

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Quotes Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Liked

Mira Grant
“Me, I say those are all great things to live for, if they're what happens to float your boat, but at the end of the day, there's got to be somebody you're doing it for. Just one person you're thinking of everytime you make a decision, everytime you tell the truth, or tell a lie, or anything.
I've got mine. Do you?”
Mira Grant, Feed

Mira Grant
“My mother once told me that no woman is naked when she comes equipped with a bad mood and a steady glare.”
Mira Grant, Feed

Mira Grant
“Alive or dead, the truth won't rest. Rise up while you can.”
Mira Grant, Feed

Reading Progress

March 21, 2011 – Shelved
April 25, 2011 – Started Reading
April 25, 2011 –
10.0% "Thank you, Michelle. I think I'm going to like this one."
April 27, 2011 –
20.0% "Shaun is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in the world! I love this book. Thanks again, Michelle."
April 28, 2011 –
April 28, 2011 –
75.0% "I just can't read and cry at the same time. I keep trying, though."
April 28, 2011 – Finished Reading
May 4, 2012 – Shelved (Audio CD Edition)
Started Reading (Audio CD Edition)
May 8, 2012 – Finished Reading (Audio CD Edition)

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Man, oh man, I have got to read this one!

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Book two, Deadline, is coming out on May 31. Do yourself a favor: do NOT read anything about it. The blurb has major spoilers on book 1.

message 3: by Lyndsey (new) - added it

Lyndsey I hate it when they do that! Why do they do that?!

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I don't think it would be possible to write it without them. Still. I did it myself and I'll be eternally sorry. You have been warned. :)

I'm sitting here trying to write a decent review, but when a book impacts you this much, putting your feelings into words can be extremely difficult.

message 5: by Lyndsey (new) - added it

Lyndsey I know. I'm conciously and subconciously overreacting to everything tonight. Lol. :-P

Positive reviews are definitely harder than negative reviews. The words just don't come as easily.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) This book is now one of my top 5 books of all time. I never expected this from a book about zombies.

message 7: by Lyndsey (new) - added it

Lyndsey I've heard good things about it so far, but I just now put it on hold at my library. You sold me.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I really hope you'll like it. One of the main characters is named Buffy. Does that help?!? Lol.

message 9: by Lyndsey (new) - added it

Lyndsey That always helps. :-) As long as the character is kick-ass.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Well, she's an amazing technician and she writes great poetry. ;)

message 11: by Lyndsey (new) - added it

Lyndsey That'll work, too.

message 12: by jesse (new) - added it

jesse A zombie book? Errr ... Forest of Hands & Teeth was the 1st attempt on my side to read one. -- It left me forever scarred --

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I've read some bad reviews of Forest of Hands and Teeth, so I don't even have it on my tbr.

This really isn't about zombies. For the most part, they remain in the background.

message 14: by Tatiana (new) - added it

Tatiana I have never yet cried over a zombie book. You got me really interested...

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Oh, this one would make you cry your eyes out, I'm sure of it. I think Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire) is very brave.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks for letting us know not to read the blurb of book 2!

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker You are welcome Maja.

Wendy Darling I'm bumping this up in the queue because of this review--thank you!

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Tatiana wrote: "I have never yet cried over a zombie book. You got me really interested..."

Oh this one is such a tear jeaker near the end. I cried so much, people kept asking me if I was okay. I couldn't tell them I was reading a fricking zombie book! LOL

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Tatiana, I'm going to use your own words here: it's a fabulous cryfest. :)

Jackie Uhrmacher Don't you love it?? I nominated it for Best Horror Novel at Bitten by Books. I can't read the last part without tearing up. Mira did such an amazing job!

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I know, I adore it. I keep saying it's one of my all time favorites.

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Jackie wrote: "Don't you love it?? I nominated it for Best Horror Novel at Bitten by Books. I can't read the last part without tearing up. Mira did such an amazing job!"

ahhh god that ending...I swear I get teary eyed thinking about it.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) You too? Wendy here is currently reading it. I can't wait to hear her reaction.

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Maja wrote: "You too? Wendy here is currently reading it. I can't wait to hear her reaction."

It probably was one of the most heartbreaking endings to a book. I still can't believe I say that about a zombie

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I guess that's what makes it so special. Never in my wildest dreams did I see that coming.
(I'm trying not to write any spoilers in case Wendy comes back to read this, but it's hard.)

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Maja wrote: "I guess that's what makes it so special. Never in my wildest dreams did I see that coming.
(I'm trying not to write any spoilers in case Wendy comes back to read this, but it's hard.)"

I agree about not spoiling it. I NEVER would have expected the ending.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Oh, I literally had to put my e-reader away to try to calm myself. I got it all wet with tears - and believe me, it was loud, unrestrained crying.

message 29: by Jenn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jenn I've never been a big fan of zombie movies and/or books, but various reasons pushed me to both Reapers Are the Angels and Feed (which I'm about halfway done with right now). And the characters' voices, along with the fact that they're not 'zombie stories' hooked me.

I sort of feel like zombie books (the good ones) are replacing the function of post-apocalyptic, which is often used to set a current societal issue at a safe enough distance to examine it.

I'm a little worried right now, since everyone's talking about how the book made them cry...

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Jenn, I don't like zombie movies at all! Sure, they can be fun, but I really don't watch television if I can avoid it.

Feed is just getting interesting, isn't it? I'm sure you'll like it. Oh, and you're the only one of my friends who actually read The Reapers... Tell me, did it make you cry? I'm going to check if you wrote a review. :)

message 31: by Jenn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jenn It's actually Reapers that got me to read Feed. I've been ignoring it, despite the recommendations of my youth services librarian friends. I've got about 30 pages to go!

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Well then, you survived. That's always good. If you like it, you'll definitely like Deadline, too.

The Reapers is my second favorite book. :)

Wendy Darling I've just noticed the thoughtful comments you left here about my reaction! Aw. :)

I want everyone everyone everyone to read this series. (Tatiana, I am looking forward to your review.) I think Deadline is even better than Feed.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) I really can't say yet, having read just half of it. But I'm amazed and terrified. At this point, I can't even begin to speculate on how this trilogy's going to end. This has never happened to me before. I always had at least some idea.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Also, Wendy, The Reapers Are the Angels is an amazong book. More blood and gore, sure, but worth it. I wrote a review, I hope it explains thngs well.

Wendy Darling I have that very book on my bedside table from the library because of you. :)

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Oh, I so hope you'll like it. I actually listened to the audio.

Temple is a great character, I still think about her often.

Laura Maja, thank you for the final push to finally pick this up! I love George and Shaun! They make me giggle.
“You are possibly cooler than God.” :D

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) George and Shaun are always with me. I adore them both.
I'm glad you're enjoying it already, most people have trouble with the first half.

Laura I adore them so far. The way they talk and move with each other. A team. Shaun really makes me laugh—what comes out of his mouth. :)
Talking in unison always makes me smile too. Don’t know why—just does. :)

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