Bonnie's Reviews > Married with Zombies

Married with Zombies by Jesse Petersen
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bookshelves: zombies-like-brains, re-read

'...I never would have guessed that unlike therapy, unlike the self-help books that littered our apartment at the time, killing zombies would save my relationship.'

Sarah and Dave are having marital problems and have been attending marriage counseling once a week for the past 6 months. On the way to their weekly visit, their session ends up going far differently than the others: their marriage counselor attempts to eat them. After a momentary fight for their lives where their marriage counselor ends up with a stiletto to the head, they realize something is definitely amiss. From that point on, their lives were never quite the same; yet somehow it managed to change their relationship for the better. After the two make plans to leave their home in Seattle and head to Dave's sisters house, they realize that not only is the world going to shit, but it's happening quickly.

This was the book that started my zombie crazed love so I'm really quite partial to it, but I couldn't have started with a better one. It has the perfect mix of blood and guts, sarcastic humor, and demented brain seeking zombies. I loved Sarah and David; they were a perfectly realistic couple just doing what it takes to survive (from the zombies and each other). The chapter titles were a hilarious addition as they were a new 'suggestion' with each new chapter.

'Chapter 2 - Balance the workload in your relationship. No one person should be responsible for killing all the zombies.'

A super fast and enjoyable read that you simply won't be able to put down! If you're a fan of zombies, this is a must for you!
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Quotes Bonnie Liked

Jesse Petersen
“So you killed him with what now?"

"I tried that Dr. Phil book at first"..."And I finished it off with the toilet seat. Just so you know, you left it up again. That drives me crazy.”
Jesse Petersen, Married with Zombies

Reading Progress

November 4, 2010 – Started Reading
November 5, 2010 – Finished Reading
March 16, 2011 – Shelved
July 11, 2011 – Shelved as: zombies-like-brains
January 26, 2012 –
0.0% "This one is definitely worth a re-read. One of my favorite zombie books ever. :)"
January 26, 2012 –
page 10
3.68% "Chapter 2 - Balance the workload in your relationship. No one person should be responsible for killing all the zombies."
January 30, 2012 –
page 44
February 3, 2012 –
page 78
28.68% "Give each other compliments every day. Even when the undead attack, it's nice to feel pretty. Or badass."
November 23, 2013 – Shelved as: re-read

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message 1: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Really! *perks up*

Bonnie :) It's a good one.

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