Kim's Reviews > The First Days

The First Days by Rhiannon Frater
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bookshelves: horror-ish, ebook, read-in-2011, omg-zombies, dystopian-fiction

I absolutely loved this book. Love, love love it.

In less than a day, the world dies, when it gets taken over by zombies. Yes, zombies. The idea alone made me laugh as well. Until I read this book. My smile faded pretty quickly.

This is the story of two different women, who come from different worlds, who somehow manage to from a bond that runs deeper than blood. Together, they are stronger, smarter, and better. I feel about as fiercely protective of Katie and Jenni as they do of each other, despite their many flaws (god, I love flaws).

I've been on the edge of my seat for this entire book, a constant roller coaster of emotions. I felt scared, anxious, nervous, relieved, happy, thrilled, angry, sad, everything. This book exhausted me emotionally and I can honestly say there isn't a single dull moment within these pages. Not one!

This is not for the fainthearted. Heads get blown of, intestines are used as accessories, rotting flesh, walking undead,... Full on zombie shit. The author does not gloss over it and it fits the story perfectly.

The characters felt very real. They react the way humans are supposed to, by making selfish decisions, as well as very brave ones. Relationships get built fast, but in a way that can only happen in exceptionally extreme situations.

What surprised me the most was a scene near the end of this book. The zombies crave the flesh of the living, and will stop at nothing to get it. They are mindless killing machines, who try to get to their goal, whatever the cost. And still, that idea is less horrible, less horrifying, and less disgusting than what a few surviving humans did. It made me sick to my stomach, and that's saying something, if you've been up to your elbows in intestines. I won't say more about it, because I want you to experience this yourself.

I recommend this book to everybody. Yes, it's gory, yes there are some pretty disgusting things going on here, but this is a really good story. Please, just read this.
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Reading Progress

February 17, 2011 – Shelved
February 18, 2011 – Started Reading
February 18, 2011 – Shelved as: horror-ish
February 18, 2011 – Shelved as: ebook
February 18, 2011 – Shelved as: read-in-2011
February 19, 2011 –
5.0% "It's quite graphic so far ^^"
February 21, 2011 –
20.0% "Yup, I ♥ this."
February 21, 2011 – Shelved as: omg-zombies
February 21, 2011 –
February 21, 2011 –
February 22, 2011 –
60.0% "*fidgets*"
February 22, 2011 –
February 22, 2011 – Shelved as: dystopian-fiction
February 22, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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Literary Ames Yay! Loved this zombiepocalypse. The new slightly revised version with new cover comes out in July.

So pretty!

I still haven't read #3, I'm too chicken. LOL!

message 2: by Sandra (new)

Sandra That is a gorgeous cover!

Kathryn Amy, you have got to finish this series! It's one of my favorites. And the new cover is great!

Literary Ames I read the very end, Kathryn, and cried (view spoiler) I will read it, I just need to be in the right frame of mind.

Kathryn I cried too. :(

message 6: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Oooooh, you guys got me all excited now ^^ I really hope I'll like it.

message 7: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Book, please don't let me down...

~Tina~ So, would this scare the crap out of me?

message 9: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Sadly, yes. It's graphic, and full of gore, but you get used to it. Fast. I can handle everything in a book, but I wouldn't watch it if they ever turned this into a movie.

message 10: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica Great review, Kim! I think I'll give this one a try!

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Awesome review. I loved it, loved it, loved it...too!

message 12: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Thanks babe, I really recommend this book.

Thank you Michelle, I agree, this was so so good!

Literary Ames Great review! So glad you liked it. I was worried despite your positive updates.

~Tina~ Whoa! Awesome review...I'm gonna pass, but I love this ^^ ;)

message 15: by Nic (new)

Nic Great review Kim. You have seriously got me thinking about giving this a try even though I don't like gore books :)

message 16: by Arlene (last edited Feb 22, 2011 06:03PM) (new)

Arlene Alrighty I normally don’t read zombie books, but I will definitely give this one a try. Did you need to put it in the freezer? Awesome review Kim! :)

message 17: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Yeah, I liked it a lot Ames, it was great.

Tina, I really don't think this is your kind of book, but it tells a great story.

Thanks Nic, the gore is just part of a zombie story, I guess. I hope you'll enjoy it.

ROFL, Arlene XD Me neither, I see zombies and I laugh (not anymore though). I read it on my Kindle, so I couldn't really try Joey's method XD

message 18: by oliviasbooks (new) - added it

oliviasbooks Do you think I would survive reading it?

message 19: by Kim (last edited Feb 23, 2011 08:07AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Hm, I think so, yes. I don't know about you but gore in books doesn't really bother me, and it's a zombie book. Can't really expect for zombies to smell of roses and baby powder...

You get used to it pretty quickly, because there are zombies coming at you left and right.

The part that grossed me out had nothing to do with zombies, but with humans. That was just... I feel sick just thinking about it.

Literary Ames Kim, are you talking about the gang? That was sick. Sick, sick, sick!

message 21: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Yes! I just couldn't believe it when I read it.

message 22: by Teccc (new) - added it

Teccc Great review Kim! Going to buy it now...

message 23: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Yay, enjoy Teccc!

message 24: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Kim did you read the 2nd and 3rd book of this series? your review made me want to read this series plus i love zombie stuff

message 25: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim I started reading the second book, but I lost interest. My reasons were personal, and not because I didn't like the book because what I read was as good as the first one. It's still on my to read list, so I'm going to give it another go as soon as I'm up to my normal reading speed :)

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Kim, I think you should try to pick this up again. The series is truly EPIC! We all miss you and your witty comments :)

message 27: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim I really enjoyed this book, and they are still on my TBR list :) Thanks, I miss you guys too :(

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