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Witch Hat Atelier is back in this culinary spinoff that lets readers try their hand at recreating a variety of sumptuous recipes. This time, the magic is in the kitchen as Qifrey and the gang whip up everything from sizzling stews to crackling croquettes. Ideal for both existing fans of the main series and newcomers looking for an easily "disgestible" introduction to the world of Witch Hat.

Night falls on the Witch Hat Atelier, and Coco and her fellow apprentices take to their beds. In the quiet of midnight, Qifrey and Olruggio are finally free to pursue their culinary experiments. The magic of the kitchen comes alive as they create puddings, stews, parfaits, and jellies, and when the sun rises, Coco and the gang are there to savor every bite!

Includes a variety of sweet and savory recipes with step-by-step instructions to help readers recreate their favorite dishes.

160 pages, Paperback

First published December 23, 2020

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Hiromi Satō

16 books8 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews
Profile Image for daisy.
613 reviews99 followers
July 3, 2021
CAWPILE rating: 7.5/10
STAR rating: ★★★★

Characters are just as charming and endearing as always, but there isn't much Main Plot Stuff™ happening in these - it's like a cutesie, domestic cooking spin-off. Very chill, very adorable; would recommend if you've read + enjoy the main series.

Qifrey is still my favourite lmao
Profile Image for Brittany.
309 reviews5 followers
April 13, 2024
Super cute cooking vignettes featuring the characters from the Witch Hat Atelier Manga series. Love getting to see Coco and friends in their free time just enjoying magical food!
Profile Image for Yunebooks.
325 reviews39 followers
November 23, 2021
Acudo a este manga cuando estoy estresada y necesito leer algo tranquilo y cuqui. Todo un acierto.

Este tomo está más centrado en todo el atelier, niñas incluidas, y los platos que se hacen me parecen muy originales. Igual que los artilugios magicos o los alimentos y flores que crea Kamome en Atelier. Se nota que ha trabajado en profundidad el mundo que ha desarrollado, porque enlaza hasta el más mínimo detalle.

A veces se nota que la dibujante no es ella, pero el dibujo sigue siendo precioso. A ver si me ánimo a hacer alguna receta.
Profile Image for Carlota (thehatingcouple).
361 reviews200 followers
May 7, 2022
5 estrellas
Adoro estos magas. El estilo del dibujo es precioso y las historias cortas son tan tiernas como divertidas.
Profile Image for KCelery.
16 reviews5 followers
April 10, 2024
I loved the first volume more, but this volume is still super cute and I love that these books double as cook books. Qifrey and Olly are characters that I just adore. Perfect companion to the Witch Hat Atelier series.
Profile Image for RaspberryRoses.
86 reviews
April 5, 2024
Qifrey and Olruggio in witch hat atelier kitchen: domestic gay couple raising 4 children <3

Qifrey and Olruggio in witch hat atelier:
needless to say i loved it. continues to build on the amazing world and setting of witch hat.
Profile Image for Cindy Richard.
381 reviews9 followers
February 29, 2024
This volume of Qifrey's and Olruggio's kitchen chronicles was even better than the first one! I loved that this volume was full of imaginary ingredients (which the author provides the real ingredients for in case you want to cook any of them) and that they used their magic to conduct a lot of the cooking. The different chapters also tie together nicely with callbacks to elements of the story that you have already encountered. They involved the girls in their cooking adventures this time by having them suggest ingredients, travel to the market to pick out ingredients, and provide their opinions on the food.

My favorite recipe explored in this book was for the Mystical Marktea (which are bookmarks with herbs/ingredients baked into them and they become tea when water is poured over them; with the special sigils they put on the saucer, smoke sculptures of the ingredients float over the tea like a mirage letting you know exactly what you are drinking); there are many other fun recipes such as this throughout the book. This would definitely be classified as cozy fantasy (my favorite type of read) because they focus on friendship/relationships, good food, and supporting each other as they continue their training as witches. I will definitely be continuing with this kitchen series as well as the original Witch Hat series.
Profile Image for Andrea .
254 reviews73 followers
November 9, 2021
Me ha gustado mucho, estos tomos son super cucos. Este en concreto se centra más en las historias detrás de la comida que las recetas en sí (en el anterior se me hicieron un pelín pesadas), pero este ha sido muy ligerito. Como pega, me han faltado escenas entre orugio y Quifrey, pero me contento con la escena final y verlos hacer de papás hehe. Las niñas son adorables, Riche tiene unas salidas buenísimas, Agete parece que cada vez se preocupa más por Coco, y Coco tiene una conexión con Quifrey muy bonita. ¡Ya les echo de menos!
Profile Image for Enairolf.
1,852 reviews19 followers
April 22, 2022
Cet univers a été un vrai coup de coeur pour moi et je ne pouvais décidément pas passer à côté du spin off. Alors certes, il n’apporte pas de nouveauté à cette histoire, on ne découvre pas de nouvelles choses mais c’est un spin off très plaisant à lire. C’est un peu répétitif malgré tout mais ça ne me dérange pas le moins du monde. J’avais beaucoup apprécié le premier tome et je suis aussi ravie de ce second tome. C’est un vrai plaisir de se plonger dedans et de découvrir toutes ces merveilleuses recettes.

Tout comme le premier tome, on suit la petite vie tranquille de l’atelier. Kieffrey ou encore Olugio préparent de bonnes recettes pour les filles ou encore du thé pour se réconforter après tout ces jours de pluie. Ils ne cessent d’essayer de renouveler les recettes pour proposer des mets variés aux apprenties. Ils font des expériences qui vont les amener à la découverte du poisson-ficèle ou même de la courge de fonte..

Ce que j’aime le plus avec ce spin off c’est le côté très paisible qui se dégage. C’est vraiment apaisant à lire et j’aime tellement découvrir toutes ces merveilleuses recettes que prépare Kieffrey! Franchement plus d’une fois j’ai eu envie de traverser les pages pour moi aussi pouvoir manger ce qu’il prépare. Ça l’air tellement bon tout ça. J’ai été hyper intriguée par le thé au signet, j’ai trouvé ça tellement dingue cette façon de le préparer, c’est vraiment fascinant. Bon il ne faut pas s’attendre à beaucoup d’action dans ce manga, si vous voulez de l’action sincèrement ce n’est pas ici que vous en trouverez. Chaque chapitre correspond plus ou moins à une recette et ce que j’aime aussi c’est le fait que l’on nous donne cette recette à chaque fin de chapitre. Bon même si on ne peut pas les reproduire, c’est tout de même très sympa.

Ce second tome est clairement dans la lignée du premier. On est sur un tranche de vie typique. Il ne se passe pas forcément beaucoup d’action mais c’est une histoire très plaisante à suivre. On découvre un tas de recettes, une tas de façons différentes pour préparer les mêmes ingrédients. Et puis cette ambiance paisible au sein de l’atelier est un vrai bonheur à lire. Il me tarde vraiment de découvrir toutes les nouvelles recettes qui nous attendent pour la suite!
Profile Image for Alicia.
6,866 reviews137 followers
April 1, 2024
Food is love and Qifrey and Olruggio know how to show love to their witches in training by feeding them and teaching them about food. This one was my favorite both because I had just spent a few days in the kitchen cooking and baking for Easter but also because it begins to witchy magical tea and then filled with fish-- magical fish-- but fish nonetheless.

It's delightful both in how the short stories roll together and enhance the love of being in the kitchen and food whether they're experiencing a market full of foods or cooking together in the warmth of their own kitchen. Sweet side stories of the Atelier universe.
Profile Image for Ivy the Nerd.
816 reviews6 followers
February 23, 2024
While this spinoff series lacks the depth and intrigue of the main story, it's still wonderful to read. It's cute and cozy, and simply just fun.

Though this volume is much the same as the first, I actually think I preferred it, simply because there were two whole chapters about making tea, and I love tea.

This was pretty much just a cute and quick read. Not super deep or interesting, but definitely fun.
March 27, 2024
TW: Food.

TLDR: A tasty little snack.

History: I ordered Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 2 from the LGBTQAA+ bookstore, they didn't see the Kitchen in the title and ordered this instead. I accepted the Kitchen.

Even though this was a book order error it still was a tasty treat. The art work is wonderful, although I still have problems reading faces. As a cook I appreciated the attention to detail how the food is prepared. I also liked the view of daily life in the atelier is. It was nice meeting Olruggio, I'm looking forward to learning more about him in the main manga. I also liked seeing a softer side to Agate, who was rather harsh in the first volume of the manga.

Once I get through all the volumes of the main series I will probably loop back to this spin-off. And I will be more careful when I order volumes two and three next month.

Profile Image for sunkissedmiranda.
253 reviews16 followers
March 23, 2024
4/5 stars

Really loved the first two chapters - the incorporation of domestic lore into Witch Hat Atelier in a spin-off manga that highlights the mundane parts of the main cast's lives is such a fun treat to munch on, preferably with some tea and snacks of your own! The middle chapters weren't as enticing as the first volume, but the last chapter about take-out and food stalls more than made up for it! I will continue to read these volumes as they're translated into English.
Profile Image for QueerNightOwl.
31 reviews
June 14, 2023
Very creative and cute. I love how a lot of the magical recipes can also be made irl, which subtly ties in with the whole social dynamic and commentry between witches vs non-witches. Also the brush buddy is SO cute, reminds me of a kitten. A really down to earth read filled with wholesome-ness.
Profile Image for Katie.
37 reviews
March 29, 2024
The further adventures of two dads cooking for each other, their daughters, and Brushbuddy. I’m sure the whole series will be pretty much the same, so if you liked the first volume you’ll like this one as well. Just cute moments centered around cooking.
Profile Image for Mila.
423 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2022
J'aime énormément cette petite série de l'univers, c'est plein de douceur et de magie, je suis fan <3

(+ une jolie alchimie Olugio/Kieffrey qui est si belle à voir
Profile Image for Estela ☪⋆.
114 reviews
July 20, 2022
no me voy a cansar de decir que es muy cute

las recetas tienen muy buena pinta

y Qifrey y Orugio son como un matrimonio de lo más cute del mundo
Profile Image for inouch.
419 reviews
October 27, 2022
so cute, i'm so hungry now, tonight i will prepare something v delicious to honor the cuteness of this read
Profile Image for Ade Fraser.
418 reviews
April 25, 2023
Me encanta lo wholesome que es este manga y lo casados que están Qifrey y Orugio. Y como cuidan y se preocupan por las niñas ❤️
Profile Image for Faye (Bookishfaye).
441 reviews21 followers
March 10, 2024
I need to be held by Qifrey and told I’m gonna be okay, tucked into bed with a bedtime story and given some soup
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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