Isamlq's Reviews > Rot & Ruin

Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
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really liked it

Benny Imura has a couple of days till turning fifteen. Fifteen year olds in his post apocalyptic world are expected to contribute to society otherwise they find their rations cut in half (Everything I’ve said happens in the first couple of pages.) He also lives with his half brother, Tom Imura, whom he loathes. Why? You’ll just have to read on. Things get really exciting as he looks for a job only to find that the only viable option is to go into the “family business” with Tom who happens to be a zombie hunter (or so I thought.)

Who would have thought that a book about zombies would make me cry? And I did, I cried some. There are three things that I learned from reading this book: a. I will never look at a chilli dog the same way, b. Tom Imura has got to be one of the coolest big brothers ever and c. I love zombie books! This book has totally altered my perception of what zombies are. Yes, they are the mindless, soulless living undead… but they can be helpless too. Mind you, I’d still run like crazy if I were ever to encounter them, but the point is they can be helpless. That’s what Tom taught me. Have I mentioned that I love Tom?

OK. Zombie book, so definitely not heavy reading, but still it did have its moments. Moments of “I didn’t see that coming.” Moments that made me swallow a lump in my throat that came out of nowhere. And moments that were simply hilarious.

I loved his interaction with his friends: Chong, Morgie and Nix were just the right addition to the story, particularly with Chong and Nix. As to Benny? Initially, I really wanted to punch him but some maturity was showing towards the end . Then there’s Tom. I’d write an ode to his greatness except I would not know where to begin.

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Reading Progress

December 6, 2010 – Shelved
January 17, 2011 –
page 153
33.41% "it's a ctually pretty good!"
January 19, 2011 – Started Reading
January 20, 2011 –
page 320
January 20, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Carina (new)

Carina I dont like Zombie books like The Forest of Hands and Teeth. But your reviews make it sound sooo good, that I'm tempted.....
Why do you do this to me Isa???

message 2: by Isamlq (last edited Jan 24, 2011 07:14PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Isamlq Carina wrote: "I dont like Zombie books like The Forest of Hands and Teeth. But your reviews make it sound sooo good, that I'm tempted.....
Why do you do this to me Isa???"

Oh worry not, I HAD A HARD TIME with the Forest of.. too. Im currently on a zombie kick, and reading Mira Grant's Feed. I tell you it's really really good. Rot and Ruin is kids stuff compared to Feed... You should read both of them!

message 3: by Carina (new)

Carina Both of them??? *gulps* O.O

message 4: by Isamlq (last edited Jan 24, 2011 07:24PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Isamlq You should start with Feed! My hearts going kaboom-kaboom right now... the MCs are really relatable... and the writing is humorous/fantastic :)

message 5: by Carina (new)

Carina Is it really creepy and scary and grosse?

Isamlq Carina wrote: "Is it really creepy and scary and grosse?"

it isnt so creepy, a bit gross at times... but all in all its pretty well written. im trying to think of something to compare it to but i just love everything i've read so far :)

message 7: by Carina (new)

Carina Well I'll see if my library has them and I'll give em a try...I'll take your word that they're good. =)

Isamlq :) Feed is good; Feed is great; start with Feed :) Then read Rot&Ruin :)

message 9: by Carina (new)

Carina Hmmm something tells me you want me to read FEED

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