Morgan F's Reviews > Rot & Ruin

Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
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I am. I so am. BRING IT

I'm just kidding. When there is a zombie apocalypse (no, not if), I'm about 98% sure I would not survive. I would be like those chicks in horror movies who get killed off in the opening credits. But there is the 2% I do survive initially, and then after that, I have a plan.

I am skilled in no way shape or form. I hate the wilderness and physical activity. I am not a quick thinker and I panic under pressure. So basically, I am screwed unless I find Tom Imura. Tom Imura was one of the main reasons I enjoyed this book. He is basically a calm, sexy zombie-slaying Samurai. My plan is to marry him. I know, I know. How Mary-Suish of me. Well STFU, in retrospect this is for the good of America. This way we can have lots of half-Japanese zombie-killing offspring, and God knows the world needs more of those.

Benny, the MC, is not as good as Tom. He is like a non-sexy, less-Asian bratty version of him. In the beginning of the novel, he was close to insufferable and I wanted to stab him with a katana (This book taught me Japanese!). Think of him as Harry Potter a la Book 5. But he did show growth and development and yada yada yada and by the end of the book he actually resembled a likable human being. But still not as awesome as Tom.

I liked this book, but it was nothing close to fantastic for me. Despite the heavy themes, I was never emotionally invested in it. I disliked the writing, and even though the characters are developed, I never felt an attachment to them. This is entirely personal, however, and thats why I won't make too big of a stink about it.

It was a good zombie book. Not all about the braaaaaiiiiinzzzz. Zombies are people too. Albeit, dead ones.

But still.


It's best to be prepared.
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Reading Progress

October 30, 2010 – Shelved
October 30, 2010 – Shelved as: young-adult
October 30, 2010 – Shelved as: pulse-it
October 30, 2010 – Shelved as: zombies
October 30, 2010 – Shelved as: dystopian-apocalyptic
October 30, 2010 – Shelved as: fantasy
October 30, 2010 – Shelved as: 2010
November 1, 2010 – Started Reading
November 5, 2010 –
page 31
6.77% "Someone is a cranky pants."
November 8, 2010 –
page 74
16.16% "Benny still is kind of a brat."
November 9, 2010 –
page 108
23.58% "On to Part Two. Brings oooonn the zoms!"
November 10, 2010 – Shelved as: good-sized
November 12, 2010 –
page 151
32.97% "Who wants to be called "Morgie"? It sounds like "orgie" and that just opens up a whole array of taunts."
November 13, 2010 – Shelved as: goodreads-author
November 13, 2010 –
page 205
November 14, 2010 –
page 249
November 15, 2010 –
page 295
November 16, 2010 –
page 372
November 17, 2010 –
page 432
94.32% "No! I don't want to go to bed!"
November 18, 2010 – Shelved as: its-a-boy
November 18, 2010 – Shelved as: read-2010
November 18, 2010 – Finished Reading
February 8, 2011 – Shelved as: e-book

Comments Showing 1-49 of 49 (49 new)

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message 1: by Arlene (new)

Arlene Are you liking this book? You've been reading it for a while.

Morgan F Yes, I like it. I don't know why its taking me so long!

Kat Kennedy Glad you liked this book!

Morgan F It certainly was different. I wasn't too big a fan of Benny though.

message 5: by Jessica (last edited Nov 20, 2010 01:32PM) (new) - added it

Jessica LOL, great review Morgan :)

Seems like there will be a bookers double wedding at the corner soon. You and Tom, me and Ash. We're going to have a blast!

Morgan F Yeah! Twice the wedding cake!

message 7: by Nic (new)

Nic LOL. Loved your review. I really need to read this :)

Triple wedding - Me and Shane :)

message 8: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica Yay! Can we have an Elvis at our wedding?

message 9: by Nic (new)

Nic What is a wedding without Elvis!

Morgan F Young hot Elvis or old farty Elvis?

message 11: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica Tsk, do you really have to ask? :) The young hot one of course!

~Tina~ Haha! Great review, I'm glad you ended up liking it. Tom was my fav XD

Morgan F Jessica wrote: "Tsk, do you really have to ask? :) The young hot one of course!"

Just making sure. A bad Elvis could ruin everything,

I would also like an elephant. A baby one. It can be the ring bearer.

message 14: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica Excellent idea, my friend. I'd like some mokeys, too. I want them to wear little vests and ties and hand out drinks to our guests. Oh, and we have to fit in a Llama somewhere. Hmm, the spitting might be a problem, though...

Morgan F Don't worry. I'll handle the llama.

I would also like some ninjas. Just for security purposes.

message 16: by Kim (new)

Kim I'm just kidding. When there is a zombie apocalypse (no, not if), I'm about 98% sure I would not survive. I would be like those chicks in horror movies who get killed off in the opening credits. But there is the 2% I do survive initially, and then after that, I have a plan.

I really hope I'm not one of those girls, but sometimes it's a wonder I even make it through the day in one piece... So my I don't I have high hopes.

I'd love a pet ninja. It can throw stars at the people I don't like.


The word ninja is in there....somewhere.

message 18: by Kim (new)


message 19: by Alexa (new) - added it

Alexa That pic is hilarious. XD

message 21: by Kim (last edited Nov 26, 2010 01:10PM) (new)

Morgan F description

You forgot the lasers.

message 23: by Kim (new)

Kim That was just because I was trying to distract you.

Morgan F [image error]

message 25: by Alexa (new) - added it

Alexa Awww that little idiot kitty! X3

message 26: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica LMAO XD

message 27: by Kim (new)

Kim I can deflect your attacks easily with my... FORCE FIELD

[image error]

message 28: by Nic (new)

Nic ROFL. Although what is my kitten doing shotting lasers? I always wondered what he did when I wasn't home :D

message 29: by Jessica (new) - added it


That poor cat under the cover thingie...

message 30: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica Oh and btw

That's all I wanted to say...

Morgan F description


message 32: by Kim (new)


message 33: by Nic (new)

Nic LMAO. This is not helping my hangover!

message 35: by Morgan (last edited Nov 26, 2010 01:45PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Morgan F Nic with a hangover....What have you been up to, missy?

message 36: by Kim (last edited Nov 26, 2010 01:48PM) (new)


message 37: by Nic (new)

Nic Morgan wrote: "Nic with a hangover....What have you been up to, missy?"

Well apart from stealing back Thomas Mackee from your closet I went to the pub with a friend who just found out her on and off again boyfriend has been a dirty bag (seeing other women). It was not pretty.

message 39: by Morgan (last edited Nov 26, 2010 02:00PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Morgan F He a douche bag.

And I have no idea what you are talking about. Tommy is safe and sound curled up next to a pterodactyl.

message 40: by Kim (new)

Kim Ouch, I'm sorry Nic.

Thank you for distracting our Morgan. *grins*

Morgan F Its not hard to distract me. Just wave something shiny in my face. Or start singing a song a like. Or point out an interesting cloud. Or poke me. Or bring up Twilight. Or bring up HP. OOOOo I wanna go see HP7 again so bad!!! Why must movie tickets be so expensive!

.....I forgot my point.

message 42: by Nic (new)

Nic Morgan did you love HP7? My friend said it made her cry.

~sneaks in and steals Thomas Mackee back why Morgan is distracted~

Morgan F Yes, I did. It was surprisingly good. They didn't screw it up too bad.

Wait! What?! Tom come back here! I loooooveee you!

message 44: by Kim (new)

Kim I haven't seen HP7 yet =/ I never really like the movies.

message 45: by Arlene (new)

Arlene Awesome review Morgan!!!

And after all that went on in this thread my one and only question is.... Nic???? You had a hangover??? Nah... That doesn't fit my impression of you. LOLOL

Felicia A Sullivan Morgan wrote: "Young hot Elvis or old farty Elvis?"

Elvis was never hot...he was just shiny.

GREAT review. I have not been able to get to this one yet because of editing comittments, but I can't wait.

message 47: by Affably (new)

Affably Awesome review but let me tell you this Morgan in case of a zombie attack the only thing you would need to do is lock your apartment cuz zombies are fucking stupid.

message 48: by Affably (new)

Affably Oh and also get yourself into a car and gather supplies every once in a while.

message 49: by cece (new)

cece I enjoyed your review and how you write :)

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