Kai Spellmeier's Reviews > The Help

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
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Hey so, while this book and its film adaption have long been favourites of mine I've learnt many things about privilege, racism and white saviourism since I first read this as a teenager. There are quite a few things about how this story came to be that don't sit right with me, hence I've removed my rating and I won't be promoting this any longer. If you want to know more about the reasons for this, google is your friend. The answer won't be hard to find.
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Started Reading
September 14, 2013 – Finished Reading
April 2, 2015 – Shelved
June 22, 2015 – Shelved as: owned

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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Bill Muganda Yassss One of the best books ever written and the movie adaptation is solid :) amazing review Kai.

message 2: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Thanks guys :) I think it's the best movie adaption I've seen so far and that book has me speechless

message 3: by McAbby (new)

McAbby I need to watch this movie :D

message 4: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Yes and you better do it right now and then again right away

message 5: by Minni Mouse (new) - added it

Minni Mouse I've been stuck at the 37% mark for months...but you inspire me to continue, :)

message 6: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier You won't regret it :)

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review!

message 8: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Thank you :)

message 9: by Dara (new)

Dara I love this novel!

message 10: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Dari wrote: "I love this novel!"

There's much to love about it :)

Mizzio Batista Agree completely.... Rare case in which the movie is just as good as the book... and I cannot imagine anyone better then Minnie-Frekken-Jackson...

message 12: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Mizzio wrote: "Agree completely.... Rare case in which the movie is just as good as the book... and I cannot imagine anyone better then Minnie-Frekken-Jackson..."

Yes she is just perfect :D

message 13: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Some thoughtful comments instead of all these gif's would be good

message 14: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Christopher wrote: "Some thoughtful comments instead of all these gif's would be good"

Good thing this book has more than 80.000 other reviews. But thanks for the unsolicited advice, Christopher.

Elizabeth I always get super excited when I finish a book and see that you have written a review for it. Everything in my head you always explain so well with your reviews, dont stop with the gif's :)

message 16: by Sara (new)

Sara  Milosrdna Yeah, but it's just another white savior story....

message 17: by Kai (new) - added it

Kai Spellmeier Sarah wrote: "Yeah, but it's just another white savior story...."

sad but true

message 18: by Nicole (last edited Jul 14, 2020 01:05PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nicole I so agree with you, I read this long ago when I was still not much aware of these issues and their gravity. The story was so beautiful and I loved it but now I’m doubting everything about it...

Jeannie I've been thinking about re-reading this novel for a while now, myself. I've learned a lot about racism and white saviourism in the ten years or so since I first read it.

message 20: by Al (new) - rated it 1 star

Al I totally agree! There are so many stories we’ve been told that unfortunately haven’t come close to providing voices to those traditionally underrepresented, regardless of the original intentions of the author. When I first read this book I too held it in a high opinion but after reading books like The Hate U Give and On the Come Up, which actually address how racism is a systemic issue, not meant to be used for an individual hero arc, I don’t see it in the same way. There’s an interesting video on YouTube about the white savior trope which goes over The Help, The Blind Side, and other like books/movies that might be worth the time to check out!!

message 21: by eun (new)

eun Thank you for being aware and knowledgeable about the issues of this book. It's amazing to see reviews like yours :)

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