Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen's Reviews > The First Days

The First Days by Rhiannon Frater
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's review

really liked it I'm jumping back in to the Zombie books again - and what a way to start with this one! It delivered but didn't WOW - it has all the normal cliches of a zombie apocalypse but with an added bonus. Our heroine is introduced as a lesbian and is fighting her inner turmoil over her lost wife and the chance to have a new relationship with Travis.

I loved the characters but got really pissed off at some of the townspeople and their narrow mindness over the LGBT lifestyle. It's weird but I found myself connecting more with Jenni than me Katie just seemed a bit to serious.

Good book overall and can't wait to see what happens next!!
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Reading Progress

August 16, 2014 – Started Reading
August 16, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
August 16, 2014 – Shelved
August 18, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Exina (new)

Exina Great review, Carol!

message 2: by Beverly (new)

Beverly Great review hun!

Shannie's ⭐️Lookin' 4 My Next BBF⭐️ Wonderful review, Carol!! xo

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Shannie⭐️this Whore Loves BIG C##KS⭐️ wrote: "Wonderful review, Carol!! xo"

Bev **Read Like A Champion** wrote: "Great review hun!"

Exina wrote: "Great review, Carol!"

Thank you so much my beautiful buddies!! xo

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Lovely job zombie woman❤️

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ wrote: "Lovely job zombie woman❤️"

bwahahahaa....thanks fresh meat!! xo

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Great review, Carol x

Lisa *-* GiViNg It To YoU * LoCk StOcK & TwO SmOkiNg BaRrELs Wow, haven't read any zombie books yet, great review Carol xoxo

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