The Bird Sisters Book Trailer

Author: Rebecca Rasmussen
Book: The Bird Sisters

Love is timeless. So too is heartbreak.

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6

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Judith This is such a reflective memory for me as this was the exact time I entered the world, 1943. Family has always meant so much to me and to my family. My grandmother was called Bigmama and I miss her so much everyday. She was such a caring individual and she taught me so much about this important trait of giving of ourselves to others.
I can't wait to read your book Rebecca. I have two daughters who look so much like the two in your video.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Judith Ayers

Rebecca Rasmussen Thank you so much, Judith. Your comment is very dear to me. I hope you enjoy the book and I loved hearing about your grandmother :) XOXOX Rebecca

Barbara This is just the type of book I can get lost in. I, too, was born in 1943 and hold my family very dear to my heart. I love to read about other families and how they adjust to the difficulties in their lives. Can't wait for the Bird Sisters to come out!

Barbara L. Stewart

message 4: by Mesha

Mesha Yes, I enjoyed the video and the description of your novel. Is it a novel or memoir?
I have placed it on my list of books that I will
be buying.

I am sorting thru boxes and boxes of my birth mother's
photos,postcards, writings and memories.
Her story is from 1937 thru 1960.
I've been searching for a writer's timeline, that I
could use to help me bring order to her story.
Did you use a time line and can you suggest where
I might find one?

Rebecca Rasmussen Thank you all so much for your lovely comments? Mesha, I don't use a timeline per se, more piecing my grandmother's journals together :)

message 6: by Linda

Linda This video is lovely. Beautiful photography and I'm going to HAVE to keep this bumped up on my to read list!

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